
congratulations to Basileal Imana for his PhD

I would like to congratulate Dr. Basileal Imana for defending his PhD at the University of Southern California in August 2023 and completing his doctoral dissertation “Methods for Auditing Social Media Algorithms in the Public Interest”.

Basileal Imana at his PhD hooding with his thesis advisors.
Basi at his PhD hooding in May 2023 with his thesis advisors.

From the abstract:

Social-media platforms are entering a new era of increasing scrutiny by public interest groups and regulators. One reason for the increased scrutiny is platform-induced bias in how they deliver ads for life opportunities. Certain ad domains are legally protected against discrimination, and even when not, some domains have societal interest in equitable ad delivery. Platforms use relevance-estimator algorithms to optimize the delivery of ads. Such algorithms are proprietary and therefore opaque to outside evaluation, and early evidence suggests these algorithms may be biased or discriminatory. In response to such risks, the U.S. and the E.U. have proposed policies to allow researchers to audit platforms while protecting users’ privacy and platforms’ proprietary information. Currently, no technical solution exists for implementing such audits with rigorous privacy protections and without putting significant constraints on researchers. In this work, our thesis is that relevance-estimator algorithms bias the delivery of opportunity ads, but new auditing methods can detect that bias while preserving privacy.

We support our thesis statement through three studies. In the first study, we propose a black-box method for measuring gender bias in the delivery of job ads with a novel control for differences in job qualification, as well as other confounding factors that influence ad delivery. Controlling for qualification is necessary since qualification is a legally acceptable factor to target ads with, and we must separate it from bias introduced by platforms’ algorithms. We apply our method to Meta and LinkedIn, and demonstrate that Meta’s relevance estimators result in discriminatory delivery of job ads by gender. In our second study, we design a black-box methodology that is the first to propose a means to draw out potential racial bias in the delivery of education ads. Our method employs a pair of ads that are seemingly identical education opportunities but one is of inferior quality tied with a historical societal disparity that ad delivery algorithms may propagate. We apply our method to Meta and demonstrate their relevance estimators racially bias the delivery of education ads. In addition, we observe that the lack of access to demographic attributes is a growing challenge for auditing bias in ad delivery. Motivated by this challenge, we make progress towards enabling use of inferred race in black-box audits by analyzing how inference error can lead to incorrect measurement of skew in ad delivery. Going beyond the domain-specific and black-box methods we used in our first two studies, our final study proposes a novel platform-supported framework to allow researchers to audit relevance estimators that is generalizable to studying various categories of ads, demographic attributes and target platforms. The framework allows auditors to get privileged query-access to platforms’ relevance estimators to audit for bias in the algorithms while preserving the privacy interests of users and platforms. Overall, our first two studies show relevance-estimator algorithms bias the delivery of job and education ads, and thus motivate making these algorithms the target of platform-supported auditing in our third study. Our work demonstrates a platform-supported means to audit these algorithms is the key to increasing public oversight over ad platforms while rigorously protecting privacy.

Basi’s PhD work was co-advised by Aleksandra Korolova and John Heidemann, and supported by grants from the Rose Foundation and the NSF (CNS-1755992, CNS-1916153, CNS-1943584, CNS-1956435, and CNS-1925737.) Please see his individual publications for what data is available from his research.

Papers Publications

New conference paper: Having your Privacy Cake and Eating it Too: Platform-supported Auditing of Social Media Algorithms for Public Interest

Our new paper “Having your Privacy Cake and Eating it Too: Platform-supported Auditing of Social Media Algorithms for Public Interest” will appear at The 26th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW 2023).

From the abstract:

Overview of our proposed platform-supported framework for auditing relevance estimators while protecting the privacy of audit participants and the business interests of platforms.

Concerns of potential harmful outcomes have prompted proposal of legislation in both the U.S. and the E.U. to mandate a new form of auditing where vetted external researchers get privileged access to social media platforms. Unfortunately, to date there have been no concrete technical proposals to provide such auditing, because auditing at scale risks disclosure of users’ private data and platforms’ proprietary algorithms. We propose a new method for platform-supported auditing that can meet the goals of the proposed legislation. The first contribution of our work is to enumerate the challenges and the limitations of existing auditing methods to implement these policies at scale. Second, we suggest that limited, privileged access to relevance estimators is the key to enabling generalizable platform-supported auditing of social media platforms by external researchers. Third, we show platform-supported auditing need not risk user privacy nor disclosure of platforms’ business interests by proposing an auditing framework that protects against these risks. For a particular fairness metric, we show that ensuring privacy imposes only a small constant factor increase (6.34x as an upper bound, and 4x for typical parameters) in the number of samples required for accurate auditing. Our technical contributions, combined with ongoing legal and policy efforts, can enable public oversight into how social media platforms affect individuals and society by moving past the privacy-vs-transparency hurdle.

A 2-minute video overview of the work can be found here.

This paper is a joint work of Basileal Imana from USC, Aleksandra Korolova from Princeton University, and John Heidemann from USC/ISI.

Technical Report

new technical report: Having your Privacy Cake and Eating it Too: Platform-supported Auditing of Social Media Algorithms for Public Interest

We have released a new technical report: “Having your Privacy Cake and Eating it Too: Platform-supported Auditing of Social Media Algorithms for Public Interest”, available at

From the abstract:

Legislations have been proposed in both the U.S. and the E.U. that mandate auditing of social media algorithms by external researchers. But auditing at scale risks disclosure of users’ private data and platforms’ proprietary algorithms, and thus far there has been no concrete technical proposal that can provide such auditing. Our goal is to propose a new method for platform-supported auditing that can meet the goals of the proposed legislations. The first contribution of our work is to enumerate these challenges and the limitations of existing auditing methods to implement these policies at scale. Second, we suggest that limited, privileged access to relevance estimators is the key to enabling generalizable platform-supported auditing of social media platforms by external researchers. Third, we show platform-supported auditing need not risk user privacy nor disclosure of platforms’ business interests by proposing an auditing framework that protects against these risks. For a particular fairness metric, we show that ensuring privacy imposes only a small constant factor increase (6.34× as an upper bound, and 4× for typical parameters) in the number of samples required for accurate auditing. Our technical contributions, combined with ongoing legal and policy efforts, can enable public oversight into how social media platforms affect individuals and society by moving past the privacy-vs-transparency hurdle.

High-level overview of our proposed platform-supported framework for auditing relevance estimators while protecting the privacy of audit participants and the business interests of platforms.

This technical report is a joint work of Basileal Imana from USC, Aleksandra Korolova from Princeton University, and John Heidemann from USC/ISI.

Data Papers Publications

New paper “Auditing for Discrimination in Algorithms Delivering Job Ads” at TheWebConf 2021

We published a new paper “Auditing for Discrimination in Algorithms Delivering Job Ads” by Basileal Imana (University of Southern California), Aleksandra Korolova (University of Southern California) and John Heidemann (University of Southern California/ISI) at TheWebConf 2021 (WWW ’21).

From the abstract:

Skew in the delivery of real-world ads on Facebook (FB) but not LinkedIn (LI).
Comparison of ad delivery using “Reach” (R) and “Conversion” (C) campaign objectives on Facebook. There is skew for both cases but less skew for “Reach”.

Ad platforms such as Facebook, Google and LinkedIn promise value for advertisers through their targeted advertising. However, multiple studies have shown that ad delivery on such platforms can be skewed by gender or race due to hidden algorithmic optimization by the platforms, even when not requested by the advertisers. Building on prior work measuring skew in ad delivery, we develop a new methodology for black-box auditing of algorithms for discrimination in the delivery of job advertisements. Our first contribution is to identify the distinction between skew in ad delivery due to protected categories such as gender or race, from skew due to differences in qualification among people in the targeted audience. This distinction is important in U.S. law, where ads may be targeted based on qualifications, but not on protected categories. Second, we develop an auditing methodology that distinguishes between skew explainable by differences in qualifications from other factors, such as the ad platform’s optimization for engagement or training its algorithms on biased data. Our method controls for job qualification by comparing ad delivery of two concurrent ads for similar jobs, but for a pair of companies with different de facto gender distributions of employees. We describe the careful statistical tests that establish evidence of non-qualification skew in the results. Third, we apply our proposed methodology to two prominent targeted advertising platforms for job ads: Facebook and LinkedIn. We confirm skew by gender in ad delivery on Facebook, and show that it cannot be justified by differences in qualifications. We fail to find skew in ad delivery on LinkedIn. Finally, we suggest improvements to ad platform practices that could make external auditing of their algorithms in the public interest more feasible and accurate.

This paper was awarded runner-up for best student paper at The Web Conference 2021.

The data from this paper is upon request, please see our dataset page.

This work was reported in the popular press: The InterceptMIT Technology ReviewWall Street JournalThe RegisterVentureBeatReutersThe VergeEngadgetAssociated Press.