
brief Internet outage in Bangladesh

This morning, from about 2024-08-05t04:50Z (10:50am local time) to t07:40Z, Bangladesh had another very large Internet outage. Fortunately, unlike the outage that began on 2024-07-18, this one cleared up after about three hours. I presume this outage corresponds to the resignation of the prime minster.

We hope for calm for the people of Bangladesh.


major Internet outage in Bangladesh

Since around 2024-07-18t15:00Z (July 18,21:00 local time), Bangladesh has had a major,country-wide Internet outage. As of t17:30Z some regions see 97% unreachability. This country-wide outage seems to be in response to civil unrest and protests.

Here’s the view from Trinocular outage detection as of 17:30Z:

We wish the best for the people of Bangladesh during this unrest.

Update July 19 morning: A day after Bangladesh’s Internet connectivity first went down, it remains nearly completely stopped. Here is our view of Bangladeshi connectivity at 2024-07-19t14:40Z (20:40 local time there):

Update July 19 afternoon: USC/ISI posted an article about the Bangladeshi Internet outage and our work as ISI news, and an new NYT article about the protests.

The AP reports “A statement from the country’s Telecommunication Regulatory Commission said they were unable to ensure service after their data center was attacked Thursday by demonstrators, who set fire to some equipment. The Associated Press was not able to independently verify this.” However, the near-complete outage observed by Trinocular (as seen in the figures above) seems inconsistent with problems at a single datacenter.

Update July 19, 22:28Z: ISOC Pulse has a post about this outage, and reports that “In a press event on 18 July, Bangladesh minister for posts, telecommunications, and information technology, Zunaid Ahmed Palak confirmed that the government had ordered the shutdown. “

Update July 20: The country-wide outage continues.

Update July 21, 17:00Z: Although recent news reports suggest some government response to protests, the near-complete country-wide Internet outage continues.

Update July 22, 23:00Z: Another day with no externally visible change–all of Bangladesh remains inaccessible from outside.

Update July 23, 18:00Z: Beginning around 13:00Z (which 19:00 in Bangladesh), we see the first signs of Bangaldeshi networks coming back on-line! The figure below is as of 16:26Z and shows about half of the national networks reachable from outside the country.

To add about the root cause, the Deccan Herald published an article from Reuters quoting Zunaid Ahmed Palak, junior information technology minister, as saying to reporters: “Mobile internet has been temporarily suspended due to various rumors and the unstable situation created…. on social media” on July 18. Today, Reuters quoted Palak as saying that “broadband internet would be restored by Tuesday night but [he] did not comment on mobile internet”. This statement is consistent with the country-wide outage we observed, and the prior statement suggests the outage was a request of the government.

Update July 24, 13:00Z (19:00 in Bangladesh): It looks like nearly all Bangladeshi networks are now back online.

Update July 25: The July 25 episode of The Briefing, an Australian news podcast, discussed the Bangladeshi outage and its impact, interviewing us about what we saw.


Hurricane Beryl, as seen through Internet Outages

Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Texas around 2024-07-08 at 3:17am local time (CDT) (8:17 UTC). We see a fair number of Internet outages in the Huston area, presumably as people lost power due to flooding.

Compared to our view of Hurricane Harvey in 2017 in our blog and web, Beryl looks much less severe–we see fewer areas where most Internet acccess is out (as shown by red circles).

Our most recent data, about 10 hours after landfall (1:33pm local time, or 2024-07-08t18:33Z):

Just before landfall, at 3:17am local time (2024-07-08t08:17Z):

We wish the best for Texas, and for the residents of the Caribbean who experienced Beryl last week.

For current status, please see our near-real-time outage site. Data about this outage will be released at the end of the quarter.


large Internet outage in the country Georgia

Starting on April 21, 2024, we observed a large Internet outage in the country Georgia. More than half the IP blocks in large parts of the country have become unreachable from the U.S., with the problem persisting for several days so far.

The timing of this outage is consistent with a recent resurgence of protests over the Georgian “Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence”.


large Internet outage in West Africa

On March 14, 2024, we observed a large outage in several West African countries. In Ivory Coast and Liberia, the outage was quite severe, affecting 93% of the active network blocks:

Serious Internet outages in Ivory Coast, beginning 2024-03-1409:00Z.

Fortunately some locations were able to partially recover from the problems, presumably by routing through different paths:

Lagos, Nigeria showed outages starting at 2024-03-14t08:00Z, with a partial recovery around t15:00Z.

The root cause for these outages is likely a problems in multiple undersea telecommunication cables, as has been reported in the Washington Post and the Guardian, among other places.


Large Internet Outage Around El Paso, Texas

On November 4th, 2023, we observed a large, 4-hour Internet outage around El Paso, Texas:

Trinocular’s outage report for west Texas on 2023-11-04.

News reports indicate that Spectrum had a cable cut.

Trinocular showed an outage from 8:40am to 1:05pm (mountain time zone), with an smaller initial outage starting at 7am (2023-11-04t15:40 to t20:00 UTC, possibly starting at 14:00 UTC). This outage was quite severe, affecting more than 40% of the local networks that we monitor.

Cable cuts are hard to deal with, and we’re happy that they were able to restore service relatively quickly!


Hurricane Ian Seen through Internet Outages in Florida

We’ve been watching Hurricane Ian move across the Gulf of Mexico as it approached Florida. It looks like it made landfall about 3pm EDT (19:00Z).

Our Trinocular Internet outage detection showed the first residential Internet outages starting around 2:20pm EDT (18:22Z) and they go up from there. Our most recent data (as of this post at 7:45pm EDT, or 23:45Z) shows outages from about 75 minutes ago at 6:15pm EDT (22:13Z) with network outages over 50% in most of the western peninsula.

Trinocular outages in Florida at 6:13pm EDT (22:13Z). Circle area is proportional to the number of networks that are out in each 0.5×0.5 degree geographic grid cell, the color is the percentage of networks that are out.

We hope folks stay inside and safe!


Large Canadian Internet Outage

News reports (for example, at the Verge and Slashdot) mention a large outage in Rogers, a major Canadian telecommunications provider.

We see lots of evidence for this in our Internet outage detection system.

It’s big! Maybe 30% of Toronto and southern Ontario networks, plus a lot of outages in New Brunswick.


Internet outages in Ontario, Canada. The largest circle represents about 6500 /24 network blocks down near Toronto, about 30% of the /24 blocks in that area. See details on our outage website.

New Brunswick:

Internet outages in New Brunswick, Canada. The largest circle here represents 196 /24 network blocks down near Moncton, more than 45% of the /24 blocks there. The red circles are areas where most or all network blocks are currently out. See details on our outage website.

An update: Newfoundland also sees a lot of outages. Quebec looks in pretty good shape, though.

And it’s lasting a long time. It looks like it started at 5am Eastern time (2022-07-08t09:00Z), it it has lasted 9.5 hours so far!

We wish Rogers personnel and our Canadian neighbors the best.

Update at 2022-07-09t06:15Z (2:15am Eastern time): Toronto is doing much better, with “only” 10% of blocks unreachable (22808 of 21.5k in the 43.8N,79.3W 0.5 grid cell). New Brunswick and Newfoundland still look the same, with outages in about 50% of blocks.

Update at 2022-07-09t21:10Z (5:10pm Eastern time): It looks like many Rogers networks recovered at 2022-07-09t05:15Z (1:15am Eastern time). This includes all of New Brunswick and Newfoundland and most of Ontario. Trinocular has about a one-hour delay while it computes results, so I did not see this result when I checked in the prior update–I needed to wait 15 minutes more.

Papers Publications

new symposium paper “Visualizing Internet Measurements of Covid-19 Work-from-Home” at IEEE Symposium on REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security

We published a new paper “Visualizing Internet Measurements of Covid-19 Work-from-Home” by Erica Stutz (Swarthmore College), Yuri Pradkin, Xiao Song, and John Heidemann (USC/ISI) at the Symposium for REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security, co-located with IEEE BigData 2021.

A screenshot from our Covid-WFH website showing an event in Malaysia on 2020-04-02.
A change in Internet use seen in Malaysia on 2020-04-02, present in our Covid-WFH data but discovered through our website.

From the abstract:

The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the world as businesses and schools shifted to work-from-home (WFH), and comprehensive maps have helped visualize how those policies changed over time and in different places. We recently developed algorithms that infer the onset of WFH based on changes in observed Internet usage. Measurements of WFH are important to evaluate how effectively policies are implemented and followed, or to confirm policies in countries with less transparent journalism.This paper describes a web-based visualization system for measurements of Covid-19-induced WFH. We build on a web-based world map, showing a geographic grid of observations about WFH. We extend typical map interaction (zoom and pan, plus animation over time) with two new forms of pop-up information that allow users to drill-down to investigate our underlying data.We use sparklines to show changes over the first 6 months of 2020 for a given location, supporting identification and navigation to hot spots. Alternatively, users can report particular networks (Internet Service Providers) that show WFH on a given day.We show that these tools help us relate our observations to news reports of Covid-19-induced changes and, in some cases, lockdowns due to other causes. Our visualization is publicly available at, as is our underlying data.

Datasets from this work will be available from our website and can be seen now at We thank NSF grants 2028279 and CNS-2007106 for supporting this work.

Announcements Projects

new project “Measuring the Internet during Novel Coronavirus to Evaluate Quarantine” (MINCEQ)

We are happy to announce a new project “Measuring the Internet during Novel Coronavirus to Evaluate Quarantine” (MINCEQ).

Measuring the Internet during Novel Coronavirus to Evaluate Quarantine (RAPID-MINCEQ) is a project to measure changes in Internet use during the COVID-19 outbreak of 2020. As the world grapples with COVID-19, work-from-home and study-from-home are widely employed. Implementation of these policies varies across the U.S. and globally due to local circumstances. A common consequence is a huge shift in Internet use, with schools and workplaces emptying and home Internet use increasing. The goal of this project is to observe this shift, globally, through changes in Internet address usage, allowing observation of early reactions to COVID and, one hopes, a future shift back.

This project plans to develop two complementary methods of assessing Internet use by measuring address activity and how it changes relative to historical trends. The project will directly measure Internet address use globally based on continuous, ongoing measurements of more than 4 million IPv4 networks. The project will also directly measure Internet address use in network traffic at a regional Internet exchange point where multiple Internet providers interconnect. The first approach provides a global picture, while the second provides a more detailed but regional picture; together they will help evaluate measurement accuracy.

The project website is at The PI is John Heidemann. This work is supported by NSF as a RAPID award in response to COVID-19, award NSF-2028279.