A list of papers written or co-written by John Heidemann is below, sorted by subject. This page includes only primary papers and omits some technical reports and papers that have been superseded. To see everything, go to the comprehensive, chronological list of papers (in reverse order of publication). For a less terse description of what I’ve done, check out my research.
The subjects (with links in this page):
- Internet Protocols
- Denial-of-service and network security
- Spectral analysis of network traffic
- Topology and address space modeling
- Network simulation
- Service and Traffic Detection and Classification
- Traffic modeling
- Network observation, privacy, and data sharing
- Internet routing and Reliability
- Analysis of the Domain-Name System
- World-Wide Web
- Networking education
- Networks and Big Data
- Sensor Networks, Embedded Networking and Location-Aware Computing
- General sensor nets and embedded nets
- Data sharing in sensornets
- Data fusion in sensornets
- Policy and privacy issues in sensor networks
- Understanding wireless propagation
- Localization and location-aware computing
- Data dissemination, routing, and transport protocols in sensor networks
- MAC and topology-control protocols for sensor networks
- High latency and underwater sensor networks
- Energy Conservation and Management
- Applications of Sensornets and SCADA Systems
- Operating Systems
- Other
Denial-of-service and network security
- [Rizvi23b] A S M Rizvi, Jelena Mirkovic, John Heidemann, Wes Hardaker and Robert Story. Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses (Extended). Ad Hoc Networks Journal. 151, (Dec. 2023). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Rizvi23a] A S M Rizvi, Jelena Mirkovic, John Heidemann adn Wes Hardaker and Robert Story. Defending Root DNS Servers Against DDoS Using Layered Defenses. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems and Netowrks (COMSNETS) (Bengaluru, India, Jan. 2023), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Rizvi22a] A S M Rizvi, Leandro Bertholdo, João Ceron and John Heidemann. Anycast Agility: Network Playbooks to Fight DDoS. Proceedings of the 31st USENIX Security Symposium (Aug. 2022), 4201–4218. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Rizvi22b] A S M Rizvi and John Heidemann. Chhoyhopper: A Moving Target Defense with IPv6. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADWeb) (San Diego, California, USA, Apr. 2022), to appear. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura22a] Giovane C. M. Moura, John Heidemann, Wes Hardaker, Pithayuth Charnsethikul, Jeroen Bulten, João M. Ceron and Cristian Hesselman. Old but Gold: Prospecting TCP to Engineer and Live Monitor DNS Anycast. Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (virtual, Mar. 2022), to appear. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Rizvi21a] ASM Rizvi and John Heidemann. Chhoyhopper: A Moving Target Defense with IPv6. Poster abstract and poster at Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura21b] Giovane C. M. Moura, Sebastian Castro, John Heidemann and Wes Hardaker. TsuNAME: exploiting misconfiguration and vulnerability to DDoS DNS. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Virtual, Nov. 2021), 398–418. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Wei20c] Lan Wei and John Heidemann. Whac-A-Mole: Six Years of DNS Spoofing. Technical Report arXiv:2011.12978v1. USC/ISI. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura20a] Giovane C. M. Moura, John Heidemann, Wes Hardaker, Jeroen Bulten, Joao Ceron and Christian Hesselman. Old but Gold: Prospecting TCP to Engineer DNS Anycast (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-739b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura21a] Giovane C. M. Moura, Sebastian Castro, John Heidemann and Wes Hardaker. TsuNAME vulnerability and DDoS against DNS. Technical Report ISI-TR-740. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura19b] Giovane C. M. Moura, John Heidemann, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and Wes Hardaker. Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Oct. 2019), to appear. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura19a] Giovane C. M. Moura, John Heidemann, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and Wes Hardaker. Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-734b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura18b] Giovane C. M. Moura, John Heidemann, Moritz Müller, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and Marco Davids. When the Dike Breaks: Dissecting DNS Defenses During DDoS. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Oct. 2018). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura18a] Giovane C. M. Moura, John Heidemann, Moritz Müller, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and Marco Davids. When the Dike Breaks: Dissecting DNS Defenses During DDoS (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-725b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Wei18a] Lan Wei and John Heidemann. Does Anycast Hang up on You (UDP and TCP)? IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 15, 2 (Feb. 2018), 707–717. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Vries17b] Wouter B. de Vries, Ricardo de O. Schmidt, Wes Hardaker, John Heidemann, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer and Aiko Pras. Verfploeter: Broad and Load-Aware Anycast Mapping. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (London, UK, 2017). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Wei17b] Lan Wei and John Heidemann. Does Anycast Hang up on You? IEEE International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 2017), 9. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Wei20a] Lan Wei, Marcel Flores, Harkeerat Bedi and John Heidemann. Bidirectional Anycast/Unicast Probing (BAUP): Optimizing CDN Anycast. Proceedings of the IEEE Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Conference (Berlin, Germany, Jun. 2020). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Vries17a] Wouter B. de Vries, Ricardo de O. Schmidt, Wes Hardaker, John Heidemann, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer and Aiko Pras. Verfploeter: Broad and Load-Aware Anycast Mapping. Technical Report ISI-TR-719. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Schmidt17a] Ricardo de O. Schmidt, John Heidemann and Jan Harm Kuipers. Anycast Latency: How Many Sites Are Enough? Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (Sydney, Australia, Mar. 2017), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Wei17a] Lan Wei and John Heidemann. Does Anycast Hang up on You? (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-716. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann16d] John Heidemann. Distributed Denial-of-Service: What Datasets Can Help? Invited talk at ACM Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura16b] Giovane C. M. Moura, Ricardo de O. Schmidt, John Heidemann, Wouter B. de Vries, Moritz Müller, Lan Wei and Christian Hesselman. Anycast vs. DDoS: Evaluating the November 2015 Root DNS Event. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Nov. 2016). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann16b] John Heidemann, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and Jan Harm Kuipers. Anycast Latency: How Many Sites are Enough? Presentation at DNS-OARC Meeting. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann16c] John Heidemann, Giovane C. M. Moura, Ricardo de O. Schmidt, and Wouter B. de Vries, Moritz Muller, Lan Wei and Christian Hesselman. Anycast vs. DDoS: Evaluating Nov. 30. Presentation at DNS-OARC Meeting. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura16a] Giovane C. M. Moura, Ricardo de O. Schmidt, John Heidemann, Wouter B. de Vries, Moritz Müller, Lan Wei and Christian Hesselman. Anycast vs. DDoS: Evaluating the November 2015 Root DNS Event (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2016-709b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Schmidt16a] Ricardo de O. Schmidt, John Heidemann and Jan Harm Kuipers. Anycast Latency: How Many Sites Are Enough? Technical Report ISI-TR-2016-708. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Thatte10a] Gautam Thatte, Urbashi Mitra and John Heidemann. Parametric Methods for Anomaly Detection in Aggregate Traffic. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. 19, 2 (Aug. 2010), 512–525. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Wilcox10a] Chris Wilcox, Christos Papadopoulos and John Heidemann. Correlating Spam Activity with IP Address Characteristics. Proceedings of the IEEE Global Internet Symposium (San Diego, California, USA, Mar. 2010), 1–6. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hussain06a] Alefiya Hussain, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Identification of Repeated Denial of Service Attacks. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2006), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hussain04b] Alefiya Hussain, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Distinguishing between Single and Multi-source Attacks using Signal Processing. Computer Networks. 46, 4 (Nov. 2004), 479–503. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chen04a] Xuan Chen and John Heidemann. Detecting Early Worm Propagation through Packet Matching. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-585. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chen04b] Xuan Chen and John Heidemann. Detecting Early Worm Propagation through Packet Matching. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-585. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hussain03b] Alefiya Hussain, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. A Framework for Classifying Denial of Service Attacks. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (Karlsruhe, Germany, Aug. 2003), 99–110. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hussain03c] Alefiya Hussain, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Identification of Repeated DoS Attacks using Network Traffic Forensics. Technical Report ISI-TR-2003-577b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Lan03a] Kun-Chan Lan, Alefiya Hussain and Debojyoti Dutta. Effect of Malicious Traffic on the Network. Proceedings of the PAM Workshop (Apr. 2003). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hussain03a] Alefiya Hussain, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. A Framework for Classifying Denial of Service Attacks-extended. Technical Report ISI-TR-2003-569b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura24a] Giovane C. M. Moura, Marco Davids, Caspar Schutijser, Christian Hesselman, John Heidemann and Georgios Smaragdakis. Deep Dive into NTP Pool’s Popularity and Mapping. ACM Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems. 8, 1 (Mar. 2024), 30. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Spectral analysis of network traffic
- [Bartlett11a] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Low-Rate, Flow-Level Periodicity Detection. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Global Internet Symposium (Shanghai, China, Apr. 2011), 804–809. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett11b] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Low-Rate, Flow-Level Periodicity Detection. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Global Internet Symposium (Shanghai, China, Apr. 2011), 804–809. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett09a] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Using Low-Rate Flow Periodicities for Anomaly Detection: Extended. Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-661. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett09b] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Using Low-Rate Flow Periodicities for Anomaly Detection: Extended. Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-661. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [He09a] Xinming He, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann, Urbashi Mitra and Usman Riaz. Remote Detection of Bottleneck Links Using Spectral and Statistical Methods. Computer Networks. 53, 3 (Feb. 2009), 279–298. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [He09b] Xinming He, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann, Urbashi Mitra and Usman Riaz. Remote Detection of Bottleneck Links Using Spectral and Statistical Methods. Computer Networks. 53, 3 (Feb. 2009), 279–298. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Thatte08a] Gautam Thatte, Urbashi Mitra and John Heidemann. Detection of Low-Rate Attacks in Computer Networks. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Global Internet Symposium (Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Apr. 2008), 1–6. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Mitra06a] Urbashi Mitra, Antonio Ortega, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Detecting and Identifying Malware: A New Signal Processing Goal. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 23, 5 (Sep. 2006), 107–111. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [He05a] Xinming He, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann, Urbashi Mitra, Usman Riaz and Alefiya Hussain. Spectral Analysis of Bottleneck Traffic. Technical Report USC-CSD-TR-05-854. University of Southern California Computer Science Department. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [He05b] Xinming He, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann, Urbashi Mitra, Usman Riaz and Alefiya Hussain. Spectral Analysis of Bottleneck Traffic. Technical Report USC-CSD-TR-05-854. University of Southern California Computer Science Department. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Sinha05a] Rishi Sinha, Christos Papadopoulos and John Heidemann. Fingerprinting Internet Paths using Packet Pair Dispersion. Technical Report 06-876. University of Southern California Computer Science Department. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [He04a] Xinming He, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann and Alefiya Hussain. Spectral Characteristics of Saturated Links. Technical Report USC-CSD-TR-827. University of Southern California Computer Science Department. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [He04b] Xinming He, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann and Alefiya Hussain. Spectral Characteristics of Saturated Links. Technical Report USC-CSD-TR-827. University of Southern California Computer Science Department. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Topology and address space modeling
- [Saluja22a] Tarang Saluja, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. Differences in Monitoring the DNS Root Over IPv4 and IPv6. Proceedings of the National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security (Portland, OR, USA, Dec. 2022), 194–203. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Stutz21a] Erica Stutz, Yuri Pradkin, Xiao Song and John Heidemann. Visualizing Internet Measurements of Covid-19 Work-from-Home. Proceedings of the National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security (REU 2021 Symposium) (Virtual Workshop, Dec. 2021), 5633–5638. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann21c] John Heidemann, Giovane C. M. Moura and Wes Hardaker. Do You Really Like Me? Anycast Latency and Root DNS Popularity. Presentation at DINR, Workshop on DNS and Internet Naming Research Directions. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann21b] John Heidemann, Jelena Mirkovic, Wes Hardaker and Michalis Kallitsis. Collecting, Labeling, and Using Networking Data: the Intersection of AI and Networking. NSF Workshop on AI for Networking (Virtual Event, Oct. 2021). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Koch21a] Thomas Koch, Ke Li, Calvin Ardi, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Matt Calder and John Heidemann. Anycast in Context: A Tale of Two Systems. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (Virtual, Aug. 2021). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Claffy21a] kc claffy, David Clark, Fabián E. Bustamante, John Heidemann, Mattijs Jonker, Aaron Schulman and Ellen Zegura. Workshop on Overcoming Measurement Barriers to Internet Research (WOMBIR 2021) Final Report. ACM Computer Communication Review. 51, 3 (Jul. 2021). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann21a] John Heidemann. Observing the Global IPv4 Internet: What IP Addresses Show. Invited talk at the SKC Science and Technology Webinar Series. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Song21a] Xiao Song and John Heidemann. Measuring the Internet during Covid-19 to Evaluate Work-from-Home. Technical Report arXiv:2102.07433v4 [cs.NI]. USC/ISI. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Song20a] Xiao Song and John Heidemann. Measuring the Internet during Covid-19 to Evaluate Work-from-Home (poster). Poster at the NSF PREPARE-VO Workshop. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guo20c] Hang Guo and John Heidemann. Detecting IoT Devices in the Internet. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. 28, 5 (Oct. 2020). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guo20b] Hang Guo and John Heidemann. IoTSTEED: Bot-side Defense to IoT-based DDoS Attacks (Extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-738. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guo20d] Hang Guo and John Heidemann. IoTSTEED: Bot-side Defense to IoT-based DDoS Attacks (Extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-738. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann20a] John Heidemann. A First Look at Measuring the Internet during Novel Coronavirus to Evaluate Quarantine (MINCEQ). Invited talk at Digital Technologies for COVID-19 Webinar Series hosted by USC Viterbi School of Engineering. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Gharaibeh20b] Manaf Gharaibeh, Christos Papadopoulos, John Heidemann and Craig Partridge. Delay-based Identification of Internet Block Movement. Technical Report CS-20-101. Colorado State University Computer Science Department . [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guo19a] Hang Guo, Xun Fan, Anh Cao, Geoff Outhred and John Heidemann. Peek Inside the Closed World: Evaluating Autoencoder-Based Detection of DDoS to Cloud. Technical Report arXiv:1912.05590v2 [cs.NI]. arXiv. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guo19b] Hang Guo, Xun Fan, Anh Cao, Geoff Outhred and John Heidemann. Peek Inside the Closed World: Evaluating Autoencoder-Based Detection of DDoS to Cloud. Technical Report arXiv:1912.05590v2 [cs.NI]. arXiv. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann19a] John Heidemann, Wes Hardaker, Jelena Mirkovic, ASM Rizvi and Robert Story. DDoS Defense in Depth for DNS (DDIDD). Invited talk at the Trusted CI Webinar. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guo18b] Hang Guo and John Heidemann. IP-Based IoT Device Detection. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on IoT Security and Privacy (Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2018), 36–42. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Guo18c] Hang Guo and John Heidemann. Detecting IoT Devices in the Internet (Extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-726B. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guo18a] Hang Guo and John Heidemann. Detecting ICMP Rate Limiting in the Internet. Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2018), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Mirkovic17a] Jelena Mirkovic, Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann, Hao Shi and Xiyue Deng. Do You See Me Now? Sparsity in Passive Observations of Address Liveness. IEEE International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analaysis (Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 2017), 1–9. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guo17a] Hang Guo and John Heidemann. Detecting ICMP Rate Limiting in the Internet (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-717. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Mirkovic16a] Jelena Mirkovic, Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann, Hao Shi and Xiyue Deng. Do You See Me Now? Sparsity in Passive Observations of Address Liveness (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2016-710. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Gharaibeh16a] Manaf Gharaibeh, Han Zhang, Christos Papadopoulos and John Heidemann. Assessing Co-Locality of IP Blocks. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Global Internet Symposium (San Francisco, CA, USA, Apr. 2016). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Gharaibeh16b] Manaf Gharaibeh, Han Zhang, Christos Papadopoulos and John Heidemann. Assessing Co-Locality of IP Blocks. Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Mar. 2016). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan14d] Lin Quan, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. Visualizing Sparse Internet Events: Network Outages and Route Changes. Computing. 96, 1 (Jan. 2014), 39–51. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann13a] John Heidemann and Walter Willinger. Internet Visualization. Computing. 96, 1 (2013), 1–2. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan12b] Lin Quan, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. Visualizing Sparse Internet Events: Network Outages and Route Changes. Proceedings of the First ACM Workshop on Internet Visualization (Boston, Mass., USA, Nov. 2012). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai12b] Xue Cai, John Heidemann, Balachander Krishnamurthy and Walter Willinger. An Organization-Level View of the Internet and its Implications (Extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-679. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai12c] Xue Cai, John Heidemann, Balachander Krishnamurthy and Walter Willinger. An Organization-Level View of the Internet and its Implications (Extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-679. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hu12a] Zi Hu, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. Towards Geolocation of Millions of IP Addresses. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Boston, MA, USA, 2012), 123–130. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai10c] Xue Cai, John Heidemann, Balachander Krishnamurthy and Walter Willinger. Towards an AS-to-Organization Map. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2010), 199–205. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Fan10a] Xun Fan and John Heidemann. Selecting Representative IP Addresses for Internet Topology Studies. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2010), 411–423. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai10f] Xue Cai, John Heidemann, Balachander Krishnamurthy and Walter Willinger. Towards an AS-to-Organization Map. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2010), 199–205. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Fan10c] Xun Fan and John Heidemann. Selecting Representative IP Addresses for Internet Topology Studies. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2010), 411–423. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai10a] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Understanding Block-level Address Usage in the Visible Internet. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (New Delhi, India, Aug. 2010), 99–110. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai10d] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Understanding Block-level Address Usage in the Visible Internet. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (New Delhi, India, Aug. 2010), 99–110. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai10b] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Understanding Block-level Address Usage in the Visible Internet (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-665. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai10e] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Understanding Block-level Address Usage in the Visible Internet (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-665. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann10a] John Heidemann. Mapping the Internet to Assist Cyber-Defense. Invited talk at Spring Electronic Crimes Task Force Meeting. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai09b] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Understanding Address Usage in the Visible Internet. Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-656. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai09c] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Understanding Address Usage in the Visible Internet. Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-656. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann08c] John Heidemann, Yuri Pradkin, Ramesh Govindan, Christos Papadopoulos, Genevieve Bartlett and Joseph Bannister. Census and Survey of the Visible Internet. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Vouliagmeni, Greece, Oct. 2008), 169–182. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai08a] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Active Probing to Classify Internet Address Blocks (poster abstract). Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (Seattle, Washington, USA, Aug. 2008), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai08b] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Active Probing to Classify Internet Address Blocks (poster abstract). Technical Report ISI-TR-2008-653. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai08c] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Active Probing to Classify Internet Address Blocks (poster abstract). Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (Seattle, Washington, USA, Aug. 2008), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai08d] Xue Cai and John Heidemann. Active Probing to Classify Internet Address Blocks (poster abstract). Technical Report ISI-TR-2008-653. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann08a] John Heidemann, Yuri Pradkin, Ramesh Govindan, Christos Papadopoulos, Genevieve Bartlett and Joseph Bannister. Census and Survey of the Visible Internet (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2008-649b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann07f] John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. Mapping the Internet Address Space (Poster). (Aug. 2007). [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Heidemann07c] John Heidemann, Yuri Pradkin, Ramesh Govindan, Christos Papadopoulos and Joseph Bannister. Exploring Visible Internet Hosts through Census and Survey. Technical Report ISI-TR-2007-640. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
Network simulation
- [Hussain13a] Alefiya Hussain, Yuri Pradkin and John Heidemann. Replay of Malicious Traffic in Network Testbeds. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST) (Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, Nov. 2013), (to appear). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hussain04a] Alefiya Hussain, Aman Kapoor and John Heidemann. The Effect of Detail on Ethernet Simulation. Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (Kufstein, Austria, May 2004), 97–104. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Dutta02d] Debojyoti Dutta, Ashish Goel and John Heidemann. Faster Network Design with Scenario Pre-filtering. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (Fort Worth, Texas, USA, Oct. 2002), 237–246. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Dutta02h] Debojyoti Dutta, Ashish Goel and John Heidemann. Faster Network Design with Scenario Pre-filtering. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (Fort Worth, Texas, USA, Oct. 2002), 237–246. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann01f] John Heidemann, Kevin Mills and Sri Kumar. Expanding Confidence in Network Simulation. IEEE Network Magazine. 15, 5 (Sep. 2001), 58–63. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Huang01b] Polly Huang and John Heidemann. Minimizing Routing State for Light-Weight Network Simulation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Aug. 2001), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann01a] John Heidemann, Nirupama Bulusu, Jeremy Elson, Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Kun-chan Lan, Ya Xu, Wei Ye, Deborah Estrin and Ramesh Govindan. Effects of Detail in Wireless Network Simulation. Proceedings of the SCS Multiconference on Distributed Simulation (Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Jan. 2001), 3–11. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Huang01a] Polly Huang and John Heidemann. Capturing TCP Burstiness in Light-weight Simulations. Proceedings of the SCS Conference on Communication Networks and Distributed Systems Modeling and Simulation (Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Jan. 2001), 90–96. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Estrin00b] Deborah Estrin, Mark Handley, John Heidemann, Steven McCanne, Ya Xu and Haobo Yu. Network Visualization with the Nam, VINT Network Animator. IEEE Computer. 33, 11 (Nov. 2000), 63–68. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Estrin00d] Deborah Estrin, Mark Handley, John Heidemann, Steven McCanne, Ya Xu and Haobo Yu. Network Visualization with the Nam, VINT Network Animator. IEEE Computer. 33, 11 (Nov. 2000), 63–68. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Huang00a] Polly Huang and John Heidemann. Capturing TCP Burstiness in Light-weight Simulations. Technical Report 92. Institut für Technische Informatik, ETH Zürich. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Breslau00a] Lee Breslau, Deborah Estrin, Kevin Fall, Sally Floyd, John Heidemann, Ahmed Helmy, Polly Huang, Steven McCanne, Kannan Varadhan, Ya Xu and Haobo Yu. Advances in Network Simulation. IEEE Computer. 33, 5 (May 2000), 59–67. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Breslau00b] Lee Breslau, Deborah Estrin, Kevin Fall, Sally Floyd, John Heidemann, Ahmed Helmy, Polly Huang, Steven McCanne, Kannan Varadhan, Ya Xu and Haobo Yu. Advances in Network Simulation. IEEE Computer. 33, 5 (May 2000), 59–67. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Huang98a] Polly Huang, Deborah Estrin and John Heidemann. Enabling Large-scale simulations: selective abstraction approach to the study of multicast protocols. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 1998), 241–248. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Service and Traffic Detection and Classification
- [Mueller17b] Moritz Müller, Giovane C. M. Moura, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and John Heidemann. Recursives in the Wild: Engineering Authoritative DNS Servers. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (London, UK, 2017), 489–495. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Fan15a] Xun Fan, Ethan Katz-Bassett and John Heidemann. Assessing Affinity Between Users and CDN Sites. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analaysis (Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2015). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Fan15b] Xun Fan, Ethan Katz-Bassett and John Heidemann. Assessing Affinity Between Users and CDN Sites. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analaysis (Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2015). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Calder13a] Matt Calder, Xun Fan, Zi Hu, Ethan Katz-Bassett, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Mapping the Expansion of Google’s Serving Infrastructure. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2013), 313–326. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Calder13c] Matt Calder, Xun Fan, Zi Hu, Ethan Katz-Bassett, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Mapping the Expansion of Google’s Serving Infrastructure. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2013), 313–326. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann13f] John Heidemann. Evaluating Anycast in the Domain Name System. Presentation at DNS-OARC Meeting. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Fan13a] Xun Fan, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Evaluating Anycast in the Domain Name System. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (Turin, Italy, Apr. 2013), 1681–1689. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Fan13b] Xun Fan, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Evaluating Anycast in the Domain Name System. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (Turin, Italy, Apr. 2013), 1681–1689. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett07d] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Understanding Passive and Active Service Discovery. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (San Diego, California, USA, Oct. 2007), 57–70. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett07h] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Understanding Passive and Active Service Discovery. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (San Diego, California, USA, Oct. 2007), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett07c] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann, Christos Papadopoulos and James Pepin. Estimating P2P Traffic Volume at USC. Technical Report ISI-TR-2007-645. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett07g] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann, Christos Papadopoulos and James Pepin. Estimating P2P Traffic Volume at USC. Technical Report ISI-TR-2007-645. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett07a] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Inherent Behaviors for On-line Detection of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Global Internet Symposium (Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2007). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett07b] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Understanding Passive and Active Service Discovery (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2007-642. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett07e] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Inherent Behaviors for On-line Detection of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Global Internet Symposium (Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2007). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett07f] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Understanding Passive and Active Service Discovery (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2007-642. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett06a] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Inherent Behaviors for On-line Detection of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2006-627. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bartlett06b] Genevieve Bartlett, John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Inherent Behaviors for On-line Detection of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2006-627. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Traffic modeling
- [Sinha07a] Rishi Sinha, Christos Papadopoulos and John Heidemann. Internet Packet Size Distributions: Some Observations. Technical Report ISI-TR-2007-643. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Lan06a] Kun-chan Lan and John Heidemann. A Measurement Study of Correlation of Internet Flow Characteristics. Computer Networks. 50, 1 (Jan. 2006), 46–62. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Lan05a] Kun-chan Lan and John Heidemann. On the feasibility of utilizing correlations between user populations for traffic inference. Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks (Sydney, Australia, Nov. 2005), 132–139. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Lan03b] Kun-chan Lan and John Heidemann. A Tool for RApid Model Parameterization and its Applications. Proceedings of the Workshop on Models, Methods and Tools for Reproducible Network Research (MoMeTools) (Karlsruhe, Germany, Aug. 2003), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Kamath02a] Purushotham Kamath, Kun-chan Lan, John Heidemann, Joe Bannister and Joe Touch. Generation of High Bandwidth Network Traffic Traces. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (Fort Worth, Texas, USA, Oct. 2002), 401–410. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Lan02c] Kun-Chan Lan and John Heidemann. Rapid model parameteration from traffic measurement. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulations. 12, 3 (Jul. 2002), 201–229. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Lan01a] Kun-chan Lan and John Heidemann. Structural Modeling of RealAudio Traffic. Technical Report ISI-TR-544. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Mena00a] Art Mena and John Heidemann. An Empirical Study of Real Audio Traffic. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (Tel-Aviv, Israel, Mar. 2000), 101–110. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Network observation, privacy, and data sharing
- [Imana23a] Basileal Imana, Aleksandra Korolova and John Heidemann. Having your Privacy Cake and Eating it Too: Platform-supported Auditing of Social Media Algorithms for Public Interest. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Oct. 2023), to appear. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Imana22a] Basileal Imana, Aleksandra Korolova and John Heidemann. Having your Privacy Cake and Eating it Too: Platform-supported Auditing of Social Media Algorithms for Public Interest. Technical Report arXiv:2207.08773v2 [cs.CY]. arXiv. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Imana22a_220718] Basileal Imana, Aleksandra Korolova and John Heidemann. Having your Privacy Cake and Eating it Too: Platform-supported Auditing of Social Media Algorithms for Public Interest. Technical Report arXiv:2207.08773v1 [cs.CY]. arXiv. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Moura22b] G. Moura, W. Hardaker, J. Heidemann and M. Davids. Considerations for Large Authoritative DNS Server Operators. Technical Report 9199. Internet Request For Comments. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Imana21c] Basileal Imana, Aleksandra Korolova and John Heidemann. Institutional Privacy Risks in Sharing DNS Data. Proceedings of the Applied Networking Research Workshop (Virtual, Jul. 2021). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Imana21a] Basileal Imana, Aleksandra Korolova and John Heidemann. Auditing for Discrimination in Algorithms Delivering Job Ads. Proceedings of the International Conference on World Wide Web (Ljubljana, Slovenia, Apr. 2021). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Imana21b] Basileal Imana, Aleksandra Korolova and John Heidemann. Auditing for Discrimination in Algorithms Delivering Job Ads. Technical Report arXiv:2102.07433v2 [cs.NI]. arXiv. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ardi18a] Calvin Ardi and John Heidemann. Leveraging Controlled Information Sharing for Botnet Activity Detection. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 2018), 14–20. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hu16a] Z. Hu, L. Zhu, J. Heidemann, A. Mankin, D. Wessels and P. Hoffman. Specification for DNS over Transport Layer Security (TLS) . Technical Report 7858. Internet Request For Comments. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Fisk15a] Gina Fisk, Calvin Ardi, Neale Pickett, John Heidemann, Mike Fisk and Christos Papadopoulos. Privacy Principles for Sharing Cyber Security Data. Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Privacy Engineering (San Jose, California, USA, May 2015), 193–197. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Fisk15b] Gina Fisk, Calvin Ardi, Neale Pickett, John Heidemann, Mike Fisk and Christos Papadopoulos. Privacy Principles for Sharing Cyber Security Data. Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Privacy Engineering (San Jose, California, USA, May 2015), 193–197. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann14b] John Heidemann. Sharing Network Data: Bright Gray Days Ahead. Keynote talk at Passive and Active Measurements Conference. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan10a] Lin Quan and John Heidemann. On the Characteristics and Reasons of Long-lived Internet Flows. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 2010), 444–450. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan10b] Lin Quan and John Heidemann. On the Characteristics and Reasons of Long-lived Internet Flows (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2010-667. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann09a] John Heidemann and Christos Papadopoulos. Uses and Challenges for Network Datasets. Proceedings of the IEEE Cybersecurity Applications and Technologies Conference for Homeland Security (CATCH) (Washington, DC, USA, Mar. 2009), 73–82. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann09b] John Heidemann. USC/LANDER Passive and Active Data Collection. Lightning talk at CAIDA AIMS Workshop. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hussain05b] Alefiya Hussain, Genevieve Bartlett, Yuri Pryadkin, John Heidemann, Christos Papadopoulos and Joseph Bannister. Experiences with a Continuous Network Tracing Infrastructure. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM MineNet Workshop (Philadelphia, PA, USA, Aug. 2005), 185–190. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Internet routing and Reliability
- [Enayet24a] Asma Enayet and John Heidemann. Durbin: Internet Outage Detection with Adaptive Passive Analysis. Technical Report arxiv:2411.17958. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Baltra23a] Guillermo Baltra and John Heidemann. What Is The Internet? Partial Connectivity of the Internet Core. Technical Report arXiv:2107.11439v3. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Enayet22a] Asma Enayet and John Heidemann. Internet Outage Detection using Passive Analysis (poster abstract). Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Nice, France, Oct. 2022), 772–773. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Enayet22b] Asma Enayet and John Heidemann. Internet Outage Detection using Passive Analysis (poster abstract and poster). Technical Report arxiv:2209.13767v3. ACM. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Baltra21a] Guillermo Baltra and John Heidemann. What Is The Internet? (Considering Partial Connectivity). Technical Report arXiv:2107.11439v2. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Rizvi20a] ASM Rizvi, Joao Ceron, Leandro Bertholdo and John Heidemann. Anycast Agility: Adaptive Routing to Manage DDoS. Technical Report arxiv:2006.14058v1. arXiv. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bogutz19a] Ryan Bogutz, Yuri Pradkin and John Heidemann. Identifying Important Internet Outages. Sixth National Symposium for NSF REU Research in Data Science, Systems, and Security (Dec. 2019). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Rizvi19a] ASM Rizvi, John Heidemann and Jelena Mirkovic. Dynamically Selecting Defenses to DDoS for DNS (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-736. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bogutz19b] Ryan Bogutz, Yuri Pradkin and John Heidemann. Identifying Important Internet Outages (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-735. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Dainotti18a] Alberto Dainotti, John Heidemann, Alistair King, Ramakrishna Padmanabhan and Yuri Pradkin. Common Outage Data Format, version 1.0. Technical Report ISI-TR-729. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann18g] John Heidemann, Yuri Pradkin and Guillermo Baltra. The Policy Potential of Measuring Internet Outages. Proceedings of the TPRC, the Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (Washington, DC, USA, Sep. 2018). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Baltra19a] Guillermo Baltra and John Heidemann. Improving the Optics of Active Outage Detection (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-733. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann18e] John Heidemann. Internet Outages: Reliablity and Security. Invited talk at University of Oregon Cybersecurity Day. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann18d] John Heidemann. Outage Clustering: From Leaves to Trees. Talk at CAIDA Active Internet Measurement Workshop (AIMS). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann18c] John Heidemann. Internet Reliability, from Addresses to Outages. Talk at MIT CSAIL. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann18b] John Heidemann, Yuri Pradkin and Aqib Nisar. Back Out: End-to-end Inference of Common Points-of-Failure in the Internet (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-724. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Mueller17a] Moritz Müller, Giovane C. M. Moura, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and John Heidemann. Recursives in the Wild: Engineering Authoritative DNS Servers. Technical Report ISI-TR-720. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Alwabel15a] Abdulla Alwabel, John Healy, John Heidemann, Brian Luu, Yuri Pradkin and Rasoul Safavian. Evaluating Externally Visible Outages. Technical Report ISI-TR-701. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann14f] John Heidemann. Towards Understanding Internet Reliability. Presentation at DHS Cyber Security Division R&D Showcase and Technical Workshop. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan14c] Lin Quan, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. When the Internet Sleeps: Correlating Diurnal Networks With External Factors. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Vancouver, BC, Canada, Nov. 2014), 87–100. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann14e] John Heidemann. Internet Populations (Good and Bad): Measurement, Estimation, and Correlation. Presentation at ICERM Workshop on Cybersecurity. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan14b] Lin Quan, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. When the Internet Sleeps: Correlating Diurnal Networks With External Factors (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2014-691b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Hu14b] Zi Hu, Liang Zhu, Calvin Ardi, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John Heidemann and Minlan Yu. The Need for End-to-End Evaluation of Cloud Availability. Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (Marina del Rey, California, USA, Mar. 2014), 119–130. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann14a] John Heidemann. Broadening Network Performance: The Edge and Outages. Presentation at the Second perfSONAR NSF Workshop. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai13c] Xue Cai, John Heidemann and Walter Willinger. A Holistic Framework for Bridging Regional Threats to User QoE. Technical Report ISI-TR-2013-687. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Cai13d] Xue Cai, John Heidemann and Walter Willinger. A Holistic Framework for Bridging Regional Threats to User QoE. Technical Report ISI-TR-2013-687. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan13c] Lin Quan, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. Trinocular: Understanding Internet Reliability Through Adaptive Probing. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (Hong Kong, China, Aug. 2013), 255–266. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan13a] Lin Quan, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. Poster Abstract: Towards Active Measurements of Edge Network Outages. Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (Hong Kong, China, Mar. 2013), 276–279. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann13e] John Heidemann. Long-term Data Collection and Analysis of Outages at the Edge. Talk given at CAIDA Workshop on Active Internet Measurement Systems. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann13c] John Heidemann. Third-Party Measurement of Network Outages in Hurricane Sandy. Proceedings of the FCC Workshop on Network Resiliency (Brooklyn, New York, USA, Feb. 2013). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann13d] John Heidemann. Active Probing of Edge Networks: Hurricane Sandy and Beyond. Talk given at FCC Workshop on Network Resiliency. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann13b] John Heidemann. Active Probing of Edge Networks: Outages During Hurricane Sandy. Talk given at NANOG57 as part of panel hosted by James Cowie. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann12d] John Heidemann, Lin Quan and Yuri Pradkin. A Preliminary Analysis of Network Outages During Hurricane Sandy. Technical Report ISI-TR-2008-685b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan12a] Lin Quan, John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin. Detecting Internet Outages with Precise Active Probing (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2012-678b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Quan11a] Lin Quan and John Heidemann. Detecting Internet Outages with Active Probing (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2011-672. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang04b] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Locating BGP Missing Routes Using Multiple Perspectives. ACM SIGCOMM Workshop Network Troubleshooting (Portland, Oregon, USA, Sep. 2004), 301–306. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang04d] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Locating BGP Missing Routes Using Multiple Perspectives. ACM SIGCOMM Workshop Network Troubleshooting (Portland, Oregon, USA, Sep. 2004), 301–306. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang04a] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Locating BGP Missing Routes Using Multiple Perspectives. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-588. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang04c] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Locating BGP Missing Routes Using Multiple Perspectives. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-588. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang03a] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. The Temporal and Topological Characteristics of BGP Path Changes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Network Protocols (Atlanta, Georga, USA, Nov. 2003), 190–199. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang03b] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. The Temporal and Topological Characteristics of BGP Path Changes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Network Protocols (Atlanta, Georga, USA, Nov. 2003), 190–199. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang02a] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. An Empirical Study of Router Response to Large BGP Routing Table Load. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop (Marseille, France, Nov. 2002), 203–208. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang02b] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. An Empirical Study of Router Response to Large BGP Routing Table Load. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop (Marseille, France, Nov. 2002), 203–208. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang01a] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. An Empirical Study of Router Response to Large BGP Routing Table Load. Technical Report ISI-TR-2001-552. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chang01b] Di-Fa Chang, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. An Empirical Study of Router Response to Large BGP Routing Table Load. Technical Report ISI-TR-2001-552. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Analysis of the Domain-Name System
- [Fukuda18a] Kensuke Fukuda and John Heidemann. Who Knocks at the IPv6 Door? Detecting IPv6 Scanning. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (2018, Oct. 2018). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Zhu18b] Liang Zhu and John Heidemann. LDplayer: DNS Experimentation at Scale. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Oct. 2018), to appear. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Zhu17d] Liang Zhu and John Heidemann. LDplayer: DNS Experimentation at Scale. Technical Report 722. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Fukuda17a] Kensuke Fukuda, John Heidemann and Abdul Qadeer. Detecting Malicious Activity with DNS Backscatter Over Time. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. 25, 5 (Aug. 2017), 3203–3218. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Zhu17b] Liang Zhu and John Heidemann. LDplayer: DNS Experimentation at Scale (poster abstract). Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (Aug. 2017), 60–62. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Zhu17c] Liang Zhu and John Heidemann. LDplayer: DNS Experimentation at Scale (poster abstract). Technical Report 721. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Zhu17a] Liang Zhu and John Heidemann. Infrastructure for Experimental Replay and Mutation of DNS Queries. Talk at CAIDA Active Internet Measurement Workshop (AIMS). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann17b] John Heidemann. Collecting and Visualizing Outages Over the Long Haul. Talk at CAIDA Active Internet Measurement Workshop (AIMS). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann17a] John Heidemann. DNS Privacy, Service Management, and Research: Friends or Foes. Talk at ISOC NDSS Workshop on DNS Privacy . [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Qadeer16a] Abdul Qadeer, John Heidemann and Kensuke Fukuda. Improving Long-term Accuracy of DNS Backscatter for Monitoring of Internet-Wide Malicious Activity (poster). Technical Report ISI-TR-2016-707. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Zhu16a] Liang Zhu, Johanna Amann and John Heidemann. Measuring the Latency and Pervasiveness of TLS Certificate Revocation. Passive and Active Measurements Conference (Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Mar. 2016). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Zhu16b] Liang Zhu, Zi Hu, John Heidemann, Duane Wessels, Allison Mankin and Nikita Somaiya. T-DNS: Connection-Oriented DNS to Improve Privacy and Security (abstract with poster). Technical Report ISI-TR-2016-706. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann16a] John Heidemann. New Opportunities for Research and Experiments in Internet Naming And Identification. Talk at CAIDA Active Internet Measurement Workshop (AIMS). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Fukuda15a] Kensuke Fukuda and John Heidemann. Detecting Malicious Activity with DNS Backscatter. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2015), 197–210. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Fukuda15b] Kensuke Fukuda and John Heidemann. Detecting Malicious Activity with DNS Backscatter (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2015-704. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Fukuda15c] Kensuke Fukuda and John Heidemann. Detecting Malicious Activity with DNS Backscatter. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2015), 197–210. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Fukuda15d] Kensuke Fukuda and John Heidemann. Detecting Malicious Activity with DNS Backscatter (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2015-704. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Zhu15b] Liang Zhu, Zi Hu, John Heidemann, Duane Wessels, Allison Mankin and Nikita Somaiya. Connection-Oriented DNS to Improve Privacy and Security. Proceedings of the 36thIEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (San Jose, Californa, USA, May 2015), 171–186. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] [Dataset] Details
- [Zhu15a] Liang Zhu, Duane Wessels, Allison Mankin and John Heidemann. Measuring DANE TLSA Deployment. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analaysis (Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2015), 219–232. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Zhu15c] Liang Zhu, Zi Hu, John Heidemann, Duane Wessels, Allison Mankin and Nikita Somaiya. Connection-Oriented DNS to Improve Privacy and Security (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2015-695. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Zhu14c] Liang Zhu, Duane Wessels, Allison Mankin and John Heidemann. Measuring DANE TLSA Deployment. Presentation at DNS-OARC Fall Workshop. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann14c] John Heidemann. T-DNS: Connection-Oriented DNS to Improve Privacy and Security. Presentation at the Spring DNS-OARC Meeting. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann12c] John Heidemann. Broadening DNS Research: beyond just DNS anonymization (work in progress). Talk at ISC/CAIDA Data Collaboration Workshop. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
World-Wide Web
- [Ardi16a] Calvin Ardi and John Heidemann. AuntieTuna: Personalized Content-Based Phishing Detection. Proceedings of the NDSS Workshop on Usable Security (San Diego, California, USA, Feb. 2016), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ardi15a] Calvin Ardi and John Heidemann. Poster: Lightweight Content-based Phishing Detection. Technical Report ISI-TR-2015-698. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ardi14a] Calvin Ardi and John Heidemann. Web-scale Content Reuse Detection (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2014-692. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chen05a] Xuan Chen and John Heidemann. Flash Crowd Mitigation via Adaptive Admission Control Based on Application-Level Observation. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. 5, 3 (Aug. 2005), 532–562. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chen05b] Xuan Chen and John Heidemann. Flash Crowd Mitigation via Adaptive Admission Control Based on Application-Level Observation. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. 5, 3 (Aug. 2005), 532–562. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chen03b] Xuan Chen and John Heidemann. Experimental Evaluation of an Adaptive Flash Crowd Protection System. Technical Report IIS-TR-2003-573. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chen03d] Xuan Chen and John Heidemann. Experimental Evaluation of an Adaptive Flash Crowd Protection System. Technical Report IIS-TR-2003-573. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Chen03a] Xuan Chen and John Heidemann. Preferential Treatment for Short Flows to Reduce Web Latency. Computer Networks. 41, 6 (Apr. 2003), 779–794. [Abstract] Details
- [Chen03c] Xuan Chen and John Heidemann. Preferential Treatment for Short Flows to Reduce Web Latency. Computer Networks. 41, 6 (Apr. 2003), 779–794. [Abstract] Details
- [Eggert00a] Lars Eggert, John Heidemann and Joe Touch. Effects of Ensemble-TCP. ACM Computer Communication Review. 30, 1 (Jan. 2000), 15–29. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Eggert00b] Lars Eggert, John Heidemann and Joe Touch. Effects of Ensemble-TCP. ACM Computer Communication Review. 30, 1 (Jan. 2000), 15–29. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Eggert99a] Lars Eggert and John Heidemann. Application-level Differentiated Services for Web Servers. World-Wide Web Journal. 2, 3 (Aug. 1999), 133–142. [DOI] [Abstract] Details
- [Eggert99c] Lars Eggert and John Heidemann. Application-level Differentiated Services for Web Servers. World-Wide Web Journal. 2, 3 (Aug. 1999), 133–142. [DOI] [Abstract] Details
- [Eggert99b] Lars Eggert and John Heidemann. Application-level Differentiated Services for Web Servers. Technical Report 99-695. University of Southern California. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Eggert99d] Lars Eggert and John Heidemann. Application-level Differentiated Services for Web Servers. Technical Report 99-695. University of Southern California. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann98f] John Heidemann and Wenhui Zhao. Multi-way Rendezvous in the Web. Technical Report 98-687. University of Southern California Computer Science Department. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann98g] John Heidemann and Vikram Visweswaraiah. Automatic Selection of Nearby Web Servers. Technical Report 98-688. University of Southern California Computer Science Department. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Touch98d] Joe Touch, John Heidemann and Katia Obraczka. Analysis of HTTP Performance. Technical Report 98-463. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Visweswaraiah97b] Vikram Visweswaraiah and John Heidemann. Improving Restart of Idle TCP Connections. Technical Report 97-661. University of Southern California Computer Science Department. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann97b] John Heidemann, Katia Obraczka and Joe Touch. Modelling the Performance of HTTP Over Several Transport Protocols. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. 5, 5 (Oct. 1997), 616–630. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann97a] John Heidemann. Performance Interactions Between P-HTTP and TCP Implementations. ACM Computer Communication Review. 27, 2 (Apr. 1997), 65–73. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann96a] John Heidemann, Katia Obraczka and Joe Touch. Modelling the Performance of HTTP Over Several Transport Protocols. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann96b] John Heidemann. Performance Interactions Between P-HTTP and TCP Implementations. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Touch96b] Joe Touch, John Heidemann and Katia Obraczka. Analysis of HTTP Performance. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Networking education
- [Papadopoulos02a] Christos Papadopoulos and John Heidemann. Using Ns in the Classroom and Lab. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Computer Networking: Curriculum Designs and Educational Challenges (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Aug. 2002), 45–46. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Networks and Big Data
- [Qadeer21b] Abdul Qadeer and John Heidemann. Efficient Processing of Streaming Data using Multiple Abstractions. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (Virtual, Sep. 2021), 157–167. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Qadeer20a] Abdul Qadeer and John Heidemann. Plumb: Efficient Stream Processing of Multi-User Pipelines. Software—Practice and Experience. 51, 2 (2020), 385–408. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Qadeer19b] Abdul Qadeer and John Heidemann. Plumb: Efficient Processing of Multi-User Pipelines (Poster). USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Qadeer18b] Abdul Qadeer and John Heidemann. Plumb: Efficient Processing of Multi-User Pipelines (Poster Abstract). Proceedings of the Symposium on Cloud Computing (Carlsbad, CA, USA, Oct. 2018), 519. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Qadeer18a] Abdul Qadeer and John Heidemann. Plumb: Efficient Processing of Multi-Users Pipelines (Extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-727. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
General sensor nets and embedded nets
- [Paradiso08a] Joseph A. Paradiso, John Heidemann and Thomas G. Zimmerman. Hacking is Pervasive. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine. 7, 3 (Jul. 2008), 13–15. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann07d] John Heidemann. Data-Centric Networking as an “Information Layer.” Lightning Talk at NSF FIND PI meeting. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann07b] John Heidemann. Sensornets and the Next Big Thing. Keynote talk at the European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye06c] Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Enabling Interoperability and Extensibility of Future SCADA Systems. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Beyond SCADA: Networked Embedded Control for Cyber Physical Systems (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Nov. 2006). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann06d] John Heidemann. Sensornet Research Opportunities in GENI and FIND. Invited talk at IEEE MASS. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ganesan05a] Deepak Ganesan, Ben Greenstein, Deborah Estrin, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Multiresolution storage and search in sensor networks. ACM Transactions on Storage. 1, 3 (Aug. 2005), 277–315. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ganesan05b] Deepak Ganesan, Ben Greenstein, Deborah Estrin, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Multiresolution storage and search in sensor networks. ACM Transactions on Storage. 1, 3 (Aug. 2005), 277–315. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann05c] John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Handbook of Networked and Embedded Control Systems. Springer-Verlag. 721–738. [Abstract] Details
- [Wang04c] Xi Wang, Fabio Silva and John Heidemann. Infrastructureless Location Aware Configuration for Sensor Networks. Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (English Lake District, United Kingdom, Dec. 2004), 174–183. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann04a] John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. An Overview of Embedded Sensor Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-594. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann04c] John Heidemann and Wei Ye. Energy Conservation in Sensor Networks at the Link and Network Layers. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-599. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Wang04d] Xi Wang, Fabio Silva and John Heidemann. Demo Abstract: Follow-Me Application—Active Visitor Guidance System. Proceedings of the Second ACM SenSys Conference (Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Nov. 2004). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Rajgarhia04a] Abhishek Rajgarhia, Fred Stann and John Heidemann. Privacy-Sensitive Monitoring With a Mix of IR Sensors and Cameras. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sensor and Actor Network Protocols and Applications (Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Aug. 2004), 21–29. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Conner04a] W. Steven Conner, John Heidemann, Lakshman Krishnamurthy, Xi Wang and Mark Yarvis. Workplace Applications of Sensor Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-591. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Conner04b] W. Steven Conner, John Heidemann, Lakshman Krishnamurthy, Xi Wang and Mark Yarvis. Workplace Applications of Sensor Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-591. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Rajgarhia03a] Abhishek Rajgarhia, Fred Stann and John Heidemann. Privacy-Sensitive Monitoring With a Mix of IR Sensors and Cameras (Sensys demo). Technical Report ISI-TR-2003-582. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Krishnamachari03a] Bhaskar Krishnamachari and John Heidemann. Application-specific Modeling of Information Routing in Sensor Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-576. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Rahimi03a] Mohammad Rahimi, Hardik Shah, Gaurav Sukhatme, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. Studying the Feasibility of Energy Harvesting in a Mobile Sensor Network. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Taipai, Taiwan, May 2003), 19–24. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ganesan02c] Deepak Ganesan, Deborah Estrin and John Heidemann. DIMENSIONS: Why do we need a new Data Handling architecture for Sensor Networks? Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (Princeton, NJ, USA, Oct. 2002), 143–148. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ganesan03a] Deepak Ganesan, Ben Greenstein, Denis Perelyubskiy, Deborah Estrin and John Heidemann. An Evaluation of Multi-resolution Storage for Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the First ACM SenSys Conference (Los Angeles, California, USA, Nov. 2003), 89–102. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ganesan02d] Deepak Ganesan, Deborah Estrin and John Heidemann. DIMENSIONS: Why do we need a new Data Handling architecture for Sensor Networks? Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (Princeton, NJ, USA, Oct. 2002), 143–148. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ganesan03b] Deepak Ganesan, Ben Greenstein, Denis Perelyubskiy, Deborah Estrin and John Heidemann. An Evaluation of Multi-resolution Storage for Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the First ACM SenSys Conference (Los Angeles, California, USA, Nov. 2003), 89–102. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye01a] Wei Ye, Richard T. Vaughyan, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, John Heidemann, Deborah Estrin and Maja J. Matarić. Evaluating Control Strategies for Wireless-Networked Robots Using an Integrated Robot and Network Simulation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Seoul, Korea, May 2001), 2941–2947. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Estrin00a] Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Embedding the Internet: Introduction. Communications of the ACM. 43, 5 (May 2000), 39–41. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Estrin00c] Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Embedding the Internet: Introduction. Communications of the ACM. 43, 5 (May 2000), 39–41. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Estrin99e] Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan, John Heidemann and Satish Kumar. Next Century Challenges: Scalable Coordination in Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Seattle, Washington, USA, Aug. 1999), 263–270. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Estrin99f] Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan, John Heidemann and Satish Kumar. Next Century Challenges: Scalable Coordination in Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Seattle, Washington, USA, Aug. 1999), 263–270. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann98d] John Heidemann, Ramesh Govindan and Deborah Estrin. Configuration Challenges for Smart Spaces. Proceedings of the DARPA/NIST Smart Spaces Workshop (Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, Jul. 1998). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann93b] John S. Heidemann and Gerald J. Popek. File System Development with Stackable Layers. Technical Report CSD-930019. University of California, Los Angeles. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Data sharing in sensornets
- [Park11a] Unkyu Park and John Heidemann. Data Muling with Mobile Phones for Sensornets. Proceedings of the 9th ACM SenSys Conference (Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 2011), 162–175. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Park09a] Unkyu Park and John Heidemann. Low-latency Synchronization of Loosely-coupled Sensornet Republishing. Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-660b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Park08b] Unkyu Park and John Heidemann. Provenance in Sensornet Republishing. Proceedings of the 2nd International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Jun. 2008), 208–292. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Reddy07a] Sasank Reddy, Gong Chen, Brian Fulkerson, Sung Jin Kim, Unkyu Park, Nathan Yau, Junghoo Cho, Mark Hansen and John Heidemann. Sensor-Internet Share and Search—Enabling Collaboration of Citizen Scientists. Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Data Sharing and Interoperability on the World-wide Sensor Web (Cambridge, Mass., USA, Apr. 2007), 11–16. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Data fusion in sensornets
- [Zhang13b] Chengjie Zhang and John Heidemann. Reducing False Alarms with Multi-modal Sensing for Pipeline Blockage (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-2013-686b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Zhang11c] Chengjie Zhang and John Heidemann. Evaluating Signature Matching in a Multi-Sensor Vehicle Classification System (extended) . Technical Report ISI-TR-2011-675. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Zhang11b] Chengjie Zhang, Affan Syed, Young H. Cho and John Heidemann. Steam-Powered Sensing: Extended Design and Evaluation. Technical Report ISI-TR-2011-670. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Yoon11a] SunHee Yoon, Wei Ye, John Heidemann, Brian Littlefield and Cyrus Shahabi. SWATS: Wireless Sensor Networks for Steamflood and Waterflood Pipeline Monitoring. IEEE Network Magazine. 25, 1 (Jan. 2011), 50–56. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Park06a] Unkyu Park, Fabio Silva, Mengzhao Hou, John Heidemann, Genevive Guiliano, Xi Wang and Nikhil Prashar. Single- and Multi-Sensor Techniques to Improve Accuracy of Urban Vehicle Classification. Technical Report ISI-TR-2006-614. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann05d] John Heidemann, Fabio Silva, Xi Wang, Genevieve Giuliano and Mengzhao Hu. SURE-SE: Sensors for Unplanned Roadway Events—Simulation and Evaluation: Final Report. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Policy and privacy issues in sensor networks
Understanding wireless propagation
- [Son07b] Dongjin Son, John Heidemann and Bhaskar Krishnamachari. Towards Concurrent Communication in Wireless Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-2007-648. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Son07a] Dongjin Son, Bhaskar Krishnamachari and John Heidemann. Evaluating the Importance of Concurrent Packet Communication in Wireless Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-639. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Murtaza07a] Muhammad Zaki Murtaza, John Heidemann and Fred Stann. Studying the Spatial Correlation of Loss Patterns Among Communicating Wireless Sensor Nodes. Technical Report ISI-TR-2007-626. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Son06a] Dongjin Son, Bhaskar Krishnamachari and John Heidemann. Experimental Analysis of Concurrent Packet Transmissions in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SenSys Conference (Boulder, Colorado, USA, Nov. 2006), 237–249. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Son05a] Dongjin Son, Bhaskar Krishnamachari and John Heidemann. Experimental Analysis of Concurrent Packet Transmissions in Low-Power Wireless Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-2005-609. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Localization and location-aware computing
- [Bulusu04a] Nirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann, Deborah Estrin and Tommy Tran. Self-configuring localization systems: Design and Experimental Evaluation. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 3, 1 (Feb. 2004), 24–60. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu04b] Nirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann, Deborah Estrin and Tommy Tran. Self-configuring localization systems: Design and Experimental Evaluation. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 3, 1 (Feb. 2004), 24–60. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu02a] Nirupama Bulusu, Vladimir Bychkovskiy, Deborah Estrin and John Heidemann. Scalable, Ad Hoc Deployable, RF-Based Localization. Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Oct. 2002). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu02b] Nirupama Bulusu, Vladimir Bychkovskiy, Deborah Estrin and John Heidemann. Scalable, Ad Hoc Deployable, RF-Based Localization. Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Oct. 2002). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu02c] Nirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann, Deborah Estrin and Tommy Tran. Self-Configuring Localization Systems: Design and Experimental Evaluation. Technical Report 8. University of California, Los Angeles, Center for Embedded Networked Computing. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu02d] Nirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann, Deborah Estrin and Tommy Tran. Self-Configuring Localization Systems: Design and Experimental Evaluation. Technical Report 8. University of California, Los Angeles, Center for Embedded Networked Computing. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann01e] John Heidemann and Nirupama Bulusu. Using Geospatial Information in Sensor Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-546. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann01d] John Heidemann and Nirupama Bulusu. Using Geospatial Information in Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the Workshop on Intersections between Geospatial Information and Information Technology (Arlington, VA, USA, Oct. 2001). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu01d] Nirupama Bulusu, Deborah Estrin and John Heidemann. Tradeoffs in Location Support Systems: The Case for Quality-Expressive Location Models for Applications. Proceedings of the Ubicomp Workshop on Location Modeling (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Sep. 2001), 7–12. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu01f] Nirupama Bulusu, Deborah Estrin and John Heidemann. Tradeoffs in Location Support Systems: The Case for Quality-Expressive Location Models for Applications. Proceedings of the Ubicomp Workshop on Location Modeling (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Sep. 2001), 7–12. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu01c] Nirupama Bulusu, Deborah Estrin, Lewis Girod and John Heidemann. Scalable Coordination for Wireless Sensor Networks: Self-Configuring Localization Systems. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Communication Theory and Application (St. Martin’s College, Ambleside, Cumbria, UK, Jul. 2001), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu01e] Nirupama Bulusu, Deborah Estrin, Lewis Girod and John Heidemann. Scalable Coordination for Wireless Sensor Networks: Self-Configuring Localization Systems. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Communication Theory and Application (St. Martin’s College, Ambleside, Cumbria, UK, Jul. 2001), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu01a] Nirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. Adaptive Beacon Placement. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (Phoenix, AZ, Apr. 2001), 489–498. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu01b] Nirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. Adaptive Beacon Placement. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (Phoenix, AZ, Apr. 2001), 489–498. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu00a] Nirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. GPS-less Low Cost Outdoor Localization For Very Small Devices. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine. 7, 5 (Oct. 2000), 28–34. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Bulusu00c] Nirupama Bulusu, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. GPS-less Low Cost Outdoor Localization For Very Small Devices. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine. 7, 5 (Oct. 2000), 28–34. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann00b] John Heidemann and Dhaval Shah. Location-Aware Scheduling With Minimal Infrastructure. USENIX Conference Proceedings (San Diego, CA, Jun. 2000), 131–138. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann00d] John Heidemann and Dhaval Shah. Location-Aware Scheduling With Minimal Infrastructure. USENIX Conference Proceedings (San Diego, CA, Jun. 2000), 131–138. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Data dissemination, routing, and transport protocols in sensor networks
- [Stann06b] Fred Stann, John Heidemann, Rajesh Shroff and Muhammad Zaki Murtaza. RBP: Robust Broadcast Propagation in Wireless Networks. Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SenSys Conference (Boulder, Colorado, USA, Nov. 2006), 85–98. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Stathopoulos06b] Thanos Stathopoulos, Lewis Girod, John Heidemann, Deborah Estrin and Karen Weeks. Centralized Routing for Resource-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks (SYS 5). Poster presented at CENS 2006 Research Review. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Stathopoulos05a] Thanos Stathopoulos, Lewis Girod, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. Mote Herding for Tiered Wireless Sensor Networks. Technical Report 58. University of California, Los Angeles, Center for Embedded Networked Computing. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Silva05a] Fabio Silva, John Heidemann, Ramesh Govindan and Deborah Estrin. Frontiers in Distributed Sensor Networks. CRC Press, Inc. 573–596. [Abstract] Details
- [Coffin01a] Dan Coffin, Dan Van Hook, Ramesh Govindan, John Heidemann and Fabio Silva. Network Routing Application Programmer’s Interface (API) and Walk Through 8.0. Technical Report 01-741. USC/ISI. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Coffin01b] Dan Coffin, Dan Van Hook, Ramesh Govindan, John Heidemann and Fabio Silva. Network Routing Application Programmer’s Interface (API) and Walk Through 8.0. Technical Report 01-741. USC/ISI. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Gnawali05a] Omprakash Gnawali, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Implementing a Sensor Database System using a Generic Data Dissemination Mechanism. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 28, 1 (Mar. 2005), 70–75. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Gnawali05b] Omprakash Gnawali, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Implementing a Sensor Database System using a Generic Data Dissemination Mechanism. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin. 28, 1 (Mar. 2005), 70–75. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Stann05a] Fred Stann and John Heidemann. BARD: Bayesian-Assisted Resource Discovery In Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (Miami, Florida, USA, Mar. 2005), 866–877. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Stathopoulos04a] Thanos Stathopoulos, Rahul Kapur, Deborah Estrin, John Heidemann and Lixia Zhang. Application-Based Collision Avoidance in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks (Tampa, Flordia, USA, Nov. 2004), 506–514. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Krishnamachari04a] Bhaskar Krishnamachari and John Heidemann. Application-specific Modelling of Information Routing in Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE International on Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Apr. 2004), 717–722. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Silva04a] Fabio Silva, John Heidemann, Ramesh Govindan and Deborah Estrin. Directed Diffusion. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-586. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Stathopoulos03b] Thanos Stathopoulos, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. A Remote Code Update Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks. Technical Report CENS-TR-30. University of California, Los Angeles, Center for Embedded Networked Computing. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann03b] John Heidemann, Fabio Silva and Deborah Estrin. Matching Data Dissemination Algorithms to Application Requirements. Proceedings of the First ACM SenSys Conference (Los Angeles, California, USA, Nov. 2003), 218–229. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Stann03a] Fred Stann and John Heidemann. RMST: Reliable Data Transport in Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Sensor Net Protocols and Applications (Anchorage, Alaska, USA, Apr. 2003), 102–112. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Intanagonwiwat03a] Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Ramesh Govindan, Deborah Estrin, John Heidemann and Fabio Silva. Directed Diffusion for Wireless Sensor Networking. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. 11, 1 (Feb. 2003), 2–16. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Silva02a] Fabio Silva, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Network Routing Application Programmer’s Interface (API) and Walk Through 9.0.1. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Intanagonwiwat02a] Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Impact of Network Density on Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (Vienna, Austria, Jul. 2002), 457–458. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann02a] John Heidemann, Fabio Silva, Yan Yu, Deborah Estrin and Padmaparma Haldar. Diffusion Filters as a Flexible Architecture for Event Notification in Wireless Sensor Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-556. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Intanagonwiwat01b] Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Deborah Estrin, Ramesh Govindan and John Heidemann. Impact of Network Density on Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. Technical Report 01-750. University of Southern California Computer Science Department. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann01c] John Heidemann, Fabio Silva, Chalermek Intanagonwiwat, Ramesh Govindan, Deborah Estrin and Deepak Ganesan. Building Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks with Low-Level Naming. Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (Chateau Lake Louise, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 2001), 146–159. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
MAC and topology-control protocols for sensor networks
- [Goodney10a] Andrew Goodney, Young Cho, John Heidemann and John Wroclawski. An Underwater Communication and Sensing Testbed in Marina del Rey (Poster Abstract). Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet) (Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, Sep. 2010), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Goodney10b] Andrew Goodney, Young Cho, John Heidemann and John Wroclawski. An Underwater Communication and Sensing Testbed in Marina del Rey (Poster Abstract). Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet) (Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, Sep. 2010), to appear. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Li08a] Yuan Li, Wei Ye, John Heidemann and Rohit Kulkarni. Design and Evaluation of Network Reconfiguration Protocols for Mostly-Off Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc Networks Journal. 6, 8 (Nov. 2008), 1301–1315. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Li04b] Yuan Li, Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Energy and Latency Control in Low Duty Cycle MAC Protocols. Technical Report ISI-TR-2004-595. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Stathopoulos07a] Thanos Stathopoulos, Martin Lukac, Dustin McIntire, John Heidemann, Deborah Estrin and William J. Kaiser. End-to-end Routing for Dual-Radio Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2007), 2252–2260. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [McHenry07a] Tyler McHenry and John Heidemann. MAC Stability in Sensor Networks at High Network Densities. Technical Report ISI-TR-2007-628. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye06a] Wei Ye, Fabio Silva and John Heidemann. Ultra-Low Duty Cycle MAC with Scheduled Channel Polling. Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SenSys Conference (Boulder, Colorado, USA, Nov. 2006), 321–333. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Li06a] Yuan Li, Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Energy Efficient Network Reconfiguration for Mostly-Off Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the Third IEEE Conference on Sensor and Adhoc Communication and Networks (Reston, Virginia, USA, Sep. 2006), 527–535. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ahn05a] Jong-Suk Ahn, Seung-Wook Hong and John Heidemann. An Adaptive FEC Code Control Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Communications and Networks. 7, 4 (Dec. 2005), 489–499. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye05a] Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Ultra-Low Duty Cycle MAC with Scheduled Channel Polling. Technical Report ISI-TR-2005-604b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Gnawali04a] Omprakash Gnawali, Mark Yarvis, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Interaction of Retransmission, Blacklisting, and Routing Metrics for Reliability in Sensor Network Routing. Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on Sensor and Adhoc Communication and Networks (Santa Clara, California, USA, Oct. 2004), 34–43. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Gnawali04b] Omprakash Gnawali, Mark Yarvis, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan. Interaction of Retransmission, Blacklisting, and Routing Metrics for Reliability in Sensor Network Routing. Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on Sensor and Adhoc Communication and Networks (Santa Clara, California, USA, Oct. 2004), 34–43. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Son04a] Dongjin Son, Bhaskar Krishnamachari and John Heidemann. Experimental study of the effects of Transmission Power Control and Blacklisting in Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on Sensor and Adhoc Communication and Networks (Santa Clara, California, USA, Oct. 2004), 289–298. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye04b] Wei Ye, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. Medium Access Control with Coordinated, Adaptive Sleeping for Wireless Sensor Networks. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. 12, 3 (Jun. 2004), 493–506. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye04a] Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Wireless Sensor Networks. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 73–92. [Abstract] Details
- [Li03d] Yuan Li, Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Demonstration of Schedule and Latency Control in S-MAC. Technical Report ISI-TR-581. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye03c] Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Medium Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-2003-580. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Li05a] Yuan Li, Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Energy and Latency Control in Low Duty Cycle MAC Protocols. Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (New Orleans, LA, USA, Mar. 2005). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Xu03a] Ya Xu, Solomon Bien, Yutaka Mori, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. Topology Control Protocols to Conserve Energy in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Technical Report 6. University of California, Los Angeles, Center for Embedded Networked Computing. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye02a] Wei Ye, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. An Energy-Efficient MAC protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (New York, NY, USA, Jun. 2002), 1567–1576. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye01b] Wei Ye, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. An Energy-Efficient MAC protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-2001-543. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ye02b] Wei Ye, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. A Flexible and Reliable Radio Communication Stack on Motes. Technical Report ISI-TR-2002-565. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Xu01a] Ya Xu, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. Geography-informed Energy Conservation for Ad Hoc Routing. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Rome, Italy, Jul. 2001), 70–84. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Xu00a] Ya Xu, John Heidemann and Deborah Estrin. Adaptive Energy-Conserving Routing for Multihop Ad Hoc Networks. Technical Report 527. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
High latency and underwater sensor networks
- [Syed13a] Affan A. Syed, John Heidemann and Wei Ye. Tones for Real: Managing Multipath in Underwater Acoustic Wakeup. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. 9, 3 (Aug. 2013), 27:1–27:24. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann12a] John Heidemann, Milica Stojanovic and Michele Zorzi. Underwater Sensor Networks: Applications, Advances, and Challenges. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society–A. 370, 1958 (Jan. 2012), 158–175. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann11a] John Heidemann, Milica Stojanovic and Michele Zorzi. Underwater Sensor Networks: Applications, Advances, and Challenges. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society–A. (2011), preprint; appears as \urldoi:10.1098/rsta.2011.0214. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ahn10a] Joon Ahn, Affan Syed, Bhaskar Krishnamachari and John Heidemann. Design and Analysis of a Propagation Delay Tolerant ALOHA Protocol for Underwater Networks. Ad Hoc Networks Journal. 9, 5 (Jul. 2010), 752–766. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Ahn10b] Joon Ahn, Affan Syed, Bhaskar Krishnamachari and John Heidemann. Design and Analysis of a Propagation Delay Tolerant ALOHA Protocol for Underwater Networks. Technical Report ISI-TR-2010-668. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Syed10a] Affan A. Syed and John Heidemann. Contention Analysis of MAC Protocols that Count. Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet) (Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, Sep. 2010), 2:1–2:8. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Syed09b] Affan A. Syed and John Heidemann. Tones for Real: Managing Multipath in Underwater Acoustic Wakeup. Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-659. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann08d] John Heidemann, Urbashi Mitra, James Preisig, Milica Stojanovic and Michele Zorzi. Guest Editorial: Underwater Wireless Communication Networks. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communication. 26, 9 (Dec. 2008), 1617–1619. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Syed08b] Affan A. Syed, Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Comparison and Evaluation of the T-Lohi MAC for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communication. 26, 12 (Dec. 2008), 1731–1743. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Khan08a] Muhammad Omar Khan, Affan A. Syed, John Heidemann, Wei Ye and Jack Wills. Demo Abstract: Bringing Sensor Networks Underwater with Low-Power Acoustic Communications. Proceedings of the Sixth ACM SenSys Conference (Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, Nov. 2008), 379–380. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Syed08c] Affan A. Syed, Muhammad Omar Khan, John Heidemann, Jack Wills and Wei Ye. Demo Abstract: A Sensornet-inspired Underwater Acoustic Modem for Wake-up and Data. ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet) (San Francisco, CA, USA, Sep. 2008). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Syed08a] Affan A. Syed, Wei Ye and John Heidemann. T-Lohi: A New Class of MAC Protocols for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Apr. 2008). [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Syed07b] Affan Syed, Wei Ye, Bhaskar Krishnamachari and John Heidemann. Understanding Spatio-Temporal Uncertainty in Medium Access with ALOHA Protocols. Proceedings of the Second ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet) (Montréal, Quebec, Canada, Sep. 2007), 41–48. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann07a] John Heidemann, Wei Ye and Jack Wills. Underwater Networking Research at USC/ISI. Proceedings of the Undersea Distributed Networked Systems Conference (Newport, Rhode Island, USA, Feb. 2007). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Syed06c] Affan A. Syed, Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Medium Access for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (Extended Abstract for Work-in-Progress Poster). USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Wills06a] Jack Wills, Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Low-Power Acoustic Modem for Dense Underwater Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the First ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet) (Marina del Rey, California, USA, Sep. 2006), 79–85. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann06a] John Heidemann, Wei Ye, Jack Wills, Affan Syed and Yuan Li. Research Challenges and Applications for Underwater Sensor Networking. Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Apr. 2006), 228–235. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Syed06a] Affan Syed and John Heidemann. Time Synchronization for High Latency Acoustic Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2006), 1–12. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Syed05b] Affan Syed and John Heidemann. Time Synchronization for High Latency Acoustic Networks—Extended Technical Report. Technical Report ISI-TR-2005-602b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Energy Conservation and Management
- [Syed10b] Affan A. Syed, Young Cho and John Heidemann. Demo Abstract: Energy Transference for Sensornets. Proceedings of the 8th ACM SenSys Conference (Zurich, Switzerland, Nov. 2010), 397–398. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Applications of Sensornets and SCADA Systems
- [Zhang11a] Chengjie Zhang, Affan Syed, Young H. Cho and John Heidemann. Steam-Powered Sensing. Proceedings of the 9th ACM SenSys Conference (Seattle, Washington, USA, Nov. 2011), 204–217. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann06e] John Heidemann and Wei Ye. Towards Full-disclosure: Broadening Access to SCADA Data to Improve Safety, Reliability, and Security. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Beyond SCADA: Networked Embedded Control for Cyber Physical Systems (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Nov. 2006). [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Farkas06a] Keith I. Farkas, John Heidemann and Liviu Iftode. Intelligent Transportation and Pervasive Computing. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine. 5, 4 (Oct. 2006), 18–19. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Farkas06b] Keith I. Farkas, John Heidemann and Liviu Iftode. Intelligent Transportation and Pervasive Computing. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine. 5, 4 (Oct. 2006), 18–19. [DOI] [PDF] [Abstract] Details
File-system Stacking
- [Heidemann95c] John Heidemann and Gerald Popek. Performance of Cache Coherence in Stackable Filing. Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles. ACM. 110–127. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann95a] John Shelby Heidemann. Stackable Design of File Systems. University of California, Los Angeles Department of Computer Science . [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann95e] John Shelby Heidemann. Stackable Design of File Systems. Technical Report CSD-950032. University of California, Los Angeles. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann93a] John S. Heidemann and Gerald J. Popek. File-System Development with Stackable Layers. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. 12, 1 (1994). Details
- [Heidemann94a] John S. Heidemann and Gerald J. Popek. File-System Development with Stackable Layers. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. 12, 1 (Jan. 1994), 58–89. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann91a] John S. Heidemann. Stackable Layers: an Architecture for File System Development. University of California, Los Angeles Department of Computer Science . [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann91c] John S. Heidemann. Stackable Layers: an Architecture for File System Development. Technical Report CSD-910056. University of California, Los Angeles. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann91b] John S. Heidemann and Gerald J. Popek. A Layered Approach to File System Development. Technical Report CSD-910007. University of California, Los Angeles. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann90a] John S. Heidemann and Gerald J. Popek. An Extensible, Stackable Method of File System Development. Technical Report CSD-900044. University of California, Los Angeles. Details
Optimistic Replication
- [Page98a] T. W. Page, R. G. Guy, J. S. Heidemann, D. Ratner, P. Reiher, A. Goel, G. H. Kuenning and G. J. Popek. Perspectives on Optimistically Replicated Peer-to-Peer Filing. Software—Practice and Experience. 28, 2 (Feb. 1998), 155–180. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann95d] John Heidemann, Ashvin Goel and Gerald Popek. Defining and Measuring Conflicts in Optimistic Replication. Technical Report UCLA-CSD-950033. University of California, Los Angeles. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Heidemann92a] John S. Heidemann, Thomas W. Page Jr., Richard G. Guy and Gerald J. Popek. Primarily Disconnected Operation: Experiences with Ficus. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Management of Replicated Data (Nov. 1992), 2–5. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Reiher94a] Peter Reiher, John S. Heidemann, David Ratner, Gregory Skinner and Gerald J. Popek. Resolving File Conflicts in the Ficus File System. USENIX Conference Proceedings (Boston, MA, Jun. 1994), 183–195. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Page91b] Thomas W. Page Jr., Richard G. Guy, Gerald J. Popek, John S. Heidemann, Wai Mak and Dieter Rothmeier. Management of Replicated Volume Location Data in the Ficus Replicated File System. USENIX Conference Proceedings (Jun. 1991), 17–29. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Page91a] Thomas W. Page Jr., Richard G. Guy, Gerald J. Popek and John S. Heidemann. Architecture of the Ficus Scalable Replicated File System. Technical Report CSD-910005. University of California, Los Angeles. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Popek90a] Gerald J. Popek, Richard G. Guy, Thomas W. Page Jr. and John S. Heidemann. Replication in Ficus Distributed File Systems. Proceedings of the Workshop on Management of Replicated Data (Nov. 1990), 20–25. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guy90d] Richard G. Guy, Thomas W. Page Jr., John S. Heidemann and Gerald J. Popek. Name Transparency in Very Large Scale Distributed File Systems. Second IEEE Workshop on Experimental Distributed Systems (Huntsville, AL, Oct. 1990), 20–25. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guy90e] Richard G. Guy, Thomas W. Page Jr., John S. Heidemann and Gerald J. Popek. Name Transparency in Very Large Scale Distributed File Systems. Second IEEE Workshop on Experimental Distributed Systems (Huntsville, AL, Oct. 1990), 20–25. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guy90b] Richard G. Guy, John S. Heidemann, Wai Mak, Thomas W. Page Jr., Gerald J. Popek and Dieter Rothmeier. Implementation of the Ficus Replicated File System. USENIX Conference Proceedings (Anaheim, CA, Jun. 1990), 63–71. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Guy90c] Richard G. Guy, John S. Heidemann, Wai Mak, Thomas W. Page Jr., Gerald J. Popek and Dieter Rothmeier. Implementation of the Ficus Replicated File System. USENIX Conference Proceedings (Anaheim, CA, Jun. 1990), 63–71. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
Other Subjects
- [Heidemann01b] John Heidemann. Getting the Light Out. Photo Electronic Imaging. 44, 1 (Jan. 2001), 30–32. [PDF] [Abstract] Details
- [Miller86a] L. D. Miller, M. Unverferth, D. Williss and J. Heidemann. A Microcomputer Based Geographic Information System to Provide Input to Site Specific Decision Processes. Proceedings of the Geographic Information Systems for Environmental Protection (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Jan. 1986), 123–162. [PDF] [Abstract] Details