SURE-SE: Sensors for Unplanned Roadway
Events—Simulation and Evaluation: Final Report
John Heidemann, Fabio Silva, Xi Wang, Genevieve Giuliano and Mengzhao Hu
USC/Information Sciences Institute
John Heidemann, Fabio Silva, Xi Wang, Genevieve Giuliano and Mengzhao Hu. SURE-SE: Sensors for Unplanned Roadway Events—Simulation and Evaluation: Final Report. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [alt PDF]
The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the feasibility of using sensor networks in traffic monitoring applications, specifically a rapidly deployable network of traffic sensors (NOTS) for short-term monitoring and data collection. A sensor network is an array of sensors attached to small computer nodes that have communications capabilities via wireless network. Our application problem is heavy duty truck data: vehicle classification and reidentification, particularly under slow or varying speed conditions. An experimental sensor, the IST Blade sensor, is essentially a portable inductive loop sensor that provides high resolution data. We used the Blade sensor for our initial experiments. We conducted a field experiment on the USC campus in order to collect data for development of classification algorithms. Our results are encouraging; classification accuracy is comparable to that of other recent research efforts. Once we have developed acceptable classification algorithms, two directions are apparent for future research: use of multiple sensors with the goal of improving classification results, and the use of vehicle signatures to allow re-identification of vehicles across multiple sensors.Bibtex Citation
@techreport{Heidemann05d, author = {Heidemann, John and Silva, Fabio and Wang, Xi and Giuliano, Genevieve and Hu, Mengzhao}, title = {SURE-SE: Sensors for Unplanned Roadway Events---Simulation and Evaluation: Final Report}, institution = {USC/Information Sciences Institute}, year = {2005}, sortdate = {2005-07-01}, project = {ilense, surese}, jsubject = {sensornet_fusion}, type = {METRANS Project 05-08 final report}, month = may, note = {finalized July 2007; typographic corrections April 2008}, jlocation = {johnh: pafile}, keywords = {sure-se final report, sensors, vehicle classification}, url = {}, pdfurl = {}, myorganization = {USC/Information Sciences Institute} }