Medium Access for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
(Extended Abstract for Work-in-Progress Poster)
Affan A
USC/Information Sciences Institute
Affan A. Syed, Wei Ye and John Heidemann. Medium Access for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (Extended Abstract for Work-in-Progress Poster). USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] [alt PDF]
(This paper has no abstract, but it summarizes the Lohi MAC protocol for acoustic underwater networks.)Bibtex Citation
@techreport{Syed06c, author = {Syed, Affan A. and Ye, Wei and Heidemann, John}, title = {Medium Access for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (Extended Abstract for Work-in-Progress Poster)}, year = {2006}, sortdate = {2006-10-01}, project = {ilense, nocredit, snuse}, jsubject = {sensornet_high_latency}, month = oct, jlocation = {johnh: pafile}, keywords = {lohi, underwater MAC}, institution = {USC/Information Sciences Institute}, url = {}, pdfurl = {}, supporting = {The simulator used in this paper is available at \url{}.}, myorganization = {USC/Information Sciences Institute}, copyrightholder = {authors} }