ANT Datasets

The following datasets are provided by USC/ISI ANT project. They are available through the LANDER project's participiation in the PREDICT program, or on request through the e-mail address listed below.
NameStart DateEnd DateSizeDescriptionDetailed Information
AmLightContinuousNetflowAnonymized 2024-01-04 2025-12-31 UNKN This dataset consists of a continuous Netflow capture at AmLight. Sampling rate is 4K, flows are captured at two border routers. The flows are fully anonymized with Cryptopan, a prefix-preserving anonymization tool. The dataset consists of sets of two daily files, one from each router, and each file size ranges from 50-500MB compressed. Upon approval researchers will receive a time-limited (14 days) web link to download the dataset. README
Anycast_Enumeration_from_PlanetLab_to_TLDns-20120402 2012-04-02 2012-04-02 41.00M This PlanetLab to TLDns probes dataset was generated on 2012-04-02. It contains DNS queries for CHAOS TXT "hostname.bind" and traceroute from a few hundreds of PlanetLab nodes to all top-level domain name servers. README
Anycast_Enumeration_from_rDNS_to_AS112-20120504 2012-05-04 2012-05-06 4.00M This rDNS to AS112 probes dataset was generated on 2012-05-04. It contains DNS queries for IN TXT "" from a large list of open recursive name servers to AS112 name servers. README
B-Root_Load-20170412 2017-04-12 2017-04-12 45.00M This dataset reports queries and good and bad replies in hour-long periods per prefix (/24 or /48) for each B-Root site. README
B-Root_Load-20170515 2017-05-15 2017-05-15 44.00M This dataset reports queries and good and bad replies in hour-long periods per prefix (/24 or /48) for each B-Root site. README
B_Root_Anomaly-20151130 2015-11-30 2015-12-01 514.44G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20151130 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20160625 2016-06-25 2016-06-25 490.62G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20160625 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20170221 2017-02-21 2017-02-21 336.37G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20170221 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20170306 2017-03-06 2017-03-06 677.13G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20170306 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20170425 2017-04-25 2017-04-25 294.20G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20170425 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20190907 2019-09-07 2019-09-07 350.65G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20190907 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20200213 2020-02-13 2020-02-13 471.37G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20200213 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20200214 2020-02-14 2020-02-14 476.02G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20200214 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20200217 2020-02-17 2020-02-17 494.97G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20200217 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20201024 2020-10-24 2020-10-24 579.70G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20201024 . README
B_Root_Anomaly-20210528 2021-05-28 2021-05-28 466.53G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20210528 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20151130 2015-11-30 2015-11-30 276.15G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20151130 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20160625 2016-06-25 2016-06-25 242.09G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20160625 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20170221 2017-02-21 2017-02-21 148.83G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20170221 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20170306 2017-03-06 2017-03-06 297.92G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20170306 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20170425 2017-04-25 2017-04-25 124.25G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20170425 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20190907 2019-09-07 2019-09-07 138.93G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20190907 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20200213 2020-02-13 2020-02-13 196.28G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20200213 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20200214 2020-02-14 2020-02-14 197.67G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20200214 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20200217 2020-02-17 2020-02-17 194.81G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20200217 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20201024 2020-10-24 2020-10-24 178.02G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20201024 . README
B_Root_Anomaly_message_question-20210528 2021-05-28 2021-05-28 186.14G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:B_Root_Anomaly-20210528 . README
B_Root_week-20210108 2021-01-08 2021-01-15 2.77T This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. All B-Root traffic is saved in pcap format. README
B_Root_week-20210115 2021-01-15 2021-01-19 1.54T This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. All B-Root traffic is saved in pcap format. README
B_Root_week_message_question-20190109 2019-01-09 2019-01-17 1.16T This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. README
B_Root_week_message_question-20210108 2021-01-08 2021-01-15 1.20T This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. README
B_Root_week_message_question-20210115 2021-01-15 2021-01-19 682.51G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. README
Bottleneck_traces-20041202 2004-12-02 2004-12-02 18.55G This trace set contains 24 trace pairs gathered on Dec. 2nd, 2004. A pair of traces was gathered every hour for 24 hours. Each trace pair has two traces in Endace DAG format. The first one is a 5-minute long trace with no Iperf bottleneck flow inside (named by ***_background_dag). The second one was gathered shortly after the first one, and contains a 5-minute long trace with an Iperf TCP flow going through a known 100Mbps bottleneck (named by ***_bottleneck_dag). The Iperf TCP flow is from to (Both of these addresses are anonymized.). Both traces contain all packet headers traversing the monitored link in one direction in the corresponding time period. README
CloudAvailability-20130311 2013-03-11 2013-09-01 880.00M Measure the availability of cloud services with different probing method (ICMP vs. HTTP) README
DARPA_2009_DDoS_attack-20091105 2009-11-05 2009-11-05 1.01G Traffic contains a SYN flood DDoS attack on one target (IP address and background traffic. The DDoS traffic comes from about 100 different IPs. Some IPs contribute significantly to the attack (e.g., IPs:,, and, while the contribution of some other sources is stealthier. README
DARPA_2009_malware-DDoS_attack-20091104 2009-11-04 2009-11-04 347.00M The dataset contains background traffic and a malware DDoS attack traffic that utilizes a number of compromised local hosts (within network). These hosts were used to launch a malware DDoS attack on a non local target. The victim with the IP address was targeted on the TCP destination port 499. README
DARPA_Scalable_Network_Monitoring-20091103 2009-11-03 2009-11-12 1.32T The 2009 DARPA dataset is a synthesized dataset created to simulate real Internet traffic and network attacks. Its duration is 10 days, between November 3 - 12, 2009. The dataset is about 6.4 TB, divided into thousands of pcap files of 954M each. The traffic contains synthetic HTTP, SMTP, and DNS background data. The attacks are large scale network attacks including DNS worms, http worms, and DDoS attacks. The worms and DDoS attacks have been parameterized to exhibit various propagation characteristics. README
DITL_B_Root-20130528 2013-05-28 2013-05-30 262.56G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root for about 48 hours from May 28 to May 30, 2013. The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20140428 2014-04-28 2014-04-30 158.12G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root for about 36 hours from April 28 to April 30, 2014. The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). These days do NOT match official DITL days/times. README
DITL_B_Root-20150413 2015-04-13 2015-04-15 456.95G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20150413 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20160405 2016-04-05 2016-04-07 384.08G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20160405 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20161001 2016-10-01 2016-10-04 535.75G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20161001 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20170411 2017-04-11 2017-04-13 453.92G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20170411 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20170919 2017-09-19 2017-09-22 740.31G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20170919 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20180410 2018-04-10 2018-04-12 498.66G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20180410 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20181010 2018-10-10 2018-10-14 802.78G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20181010 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20190321 2019-03-21 2019-03-24 1.04T This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20190321 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20190408 2019-04-08 2019-04-10 767.27G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20190408 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20200505 2020-05-05 2020-05-07 1.24T This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20200505 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20210413 2021-04-13 2021-04-15 916.98G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20210413 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20220412 2022-04-12 2022-04-14 811.29G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root_message_question-20220412 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20230411 2023-04-11 2023-04-13 971.19G This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset DITL_B_Root_message_question-20230411 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root-20240409 2024-04-09 2024-04-111 1.58T This is the collection of full payload packets data with host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. For a datasets containing parsed DNS data, please see a companion dataset DITL_B_Root_message_question-20240409 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20130528 2013-05-28 2013-05-30 83.71G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20130528 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20140428 2014-04-28 2014-04-30 49.18G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20140428 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20150413 2015-04-13 2015-04-15 140.30G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20150413 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20160405 2016-04-05 2016-04-07 196.33G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20160405 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20161001 2016-10-01 2016-10-04 288.08G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20161001 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20170411 2017-04-11 2017-04-13 199.04G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20170411 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20170919 2017-09-19 2017-09-22 314.29G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20170919 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20180410 2018-04-10 2018-04-12 209.97G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20180410 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20181010 2018-10-10 2018-10-14 170.51G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20181010 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20190321 2019-03-21 2019-03-24 440.37G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20190321 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20190408 2019-04-08 2019-04-10 320.12G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20190408 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20200505 2020-05-05 2020-05-07 527.07G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset DITL_B_Root-20200505 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20210413 2021-04-13 2021-04-15 396.32G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20210413 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20220412 2022-04-12 2022-04-14 352.92G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset LANDER:DITL_B_Root-20220412 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20230411 2023-04-11 2023-04-13 384.78G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset DITL_B_Root-20230411 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_B_Root_message_question-20240409 2024-04-09 2024-04-11 541.32G This is a collection of DNS requests host-only anonymized IP collected at B root. DNS payload is parsed and saved in a text form. For a datasets containing raw PCAP data, please see a companion dataset DITL_B_Root-20240409 . The data was collected as part of Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DITL_I2-20080317 2008-03-17 2008-03-21 357.08G This is the collection of anonymized IP header data collected by an academic ISP for about 48 hours on March 18 and 19, 2008. The data was collected as part of CAIDA's Day in the Life of the Internet effort (DITL). README
DNS_Backscatter_M_Root_anon-20140216 2014-02-16 2014-11-16 39.00M This dataset contains analysis of DNS backscatter from M-Root from DITL 2014 and Sampled data for 9 months. README
DNS_Recursive_Study-20170323 2017-03-23 2017-03-27 568.00M This data set contains captures of DNS queries towards a test domain with 7 different setups of authoritative servers. It contains DNS queries captured at the authoritatives (in PCAP format) as well as the measurement data (in JSON format) of the RIPE Atlas Probes. README
Diurnal_Changes_a39-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-03-31 27.00M The datasets were created by analyzing ip_accumulation datasets [1] to detect changes in diurnal behavior for all change-sensitive IPv4 /24 blocks. README
Diurnal_Changes_a40-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-07-01 36.00M The datasets were created by analyzing ip_accumulation datasets [1] to detect changes in diurnal behavior for all change-sensitive IPv4 /24 blocks. README
DoS_80-20110715 2011-07-15 2011-07-15 32.31G This dataset contains one attack, or possibly backscatter from a DoS attack. All packets of the attack are TCP SYN/ACKs, many identical. The attack lasts about 17 minutes. The attack includes background traffic with about an hour and a half prior and following the attack, including 8 known false positives. README
DoS_80_timeseries-20020629 2002-06-29 2003-11-30 784.00M The dataset has one millisecond granularity timeseries of 80 denial of service attacks captured at Los Nettos in 2002. README
DoS_DDiDD_Experiments-20230111 2015-11-30 2021-05-28 1.77G Experiments measuring DDiDD performance on a series of B_Root_Anomaly events representing flash-crowd DDoS attacks README
DoS_DNS_amplification-20130617 2013-06-17 2013-06-17 1.22G This dataset contains one DNS amplification/reflection attack, staged by researchers between two sites (USC/ISI, Marina del Rey, California to CSU, Fort Collins, Colorado). It lasts for about 10 minutes. Packet headers are fully anonymized. README
DoS_traces-20020629 2002-06-29 2002-08-14 4.13G This dataset contains three attacks. The first attack is a reflector attack that sends echo reply packets targeted to a victim within Los Nettos. The attacks lasts for 244 seconds. The second attack is a TCP no-flags attack that originates within Los Nettos and lasts for 721 seconds. The third attack is a ip-proto 255 attack that send 60B packets and originates with Los Nettos. It lasts for 930 seconds. README
FRGPContinuousFlowData_sample-20130923 2013-09-23 2013-09-28 104.96G Daily Argus files (see ) with flows on a 10Gb/s link between and a content ISP. Has traffic from several academic institutions. This is a sample of the continuous dataset under a similar name. This sample is fully anonymized. README
FRGP_NTP_Flow_Data_anon-20131201 2013-12-01 2014-02-28 727.01G 3 months of daily Network Time Protocol (NTP) traffic in the form of Argus flows. The IP addresses are fully anonymized using a prefix-preserving algorithm. The flows are on a 10Gb/s link between a regional and a content ISP. The traffic involves several academic and research institutions. The dataset also includes NTP traffic collected at a University. The dataset contains NTP DDoS reflection attack traffic. These attacks are triggered by the attackers via sending monlist queries with spoofed source IP addresses to vulnerable hosts running NTP. These vulnerable hosts respond with a list of last clients (up to 600), typically producing large replies compared to the small queries. README
FRGP_SSDP_Reflection_DDoS_Attack_Traffic_anon-20140930 2014-09-30 2014-09-30 4.99G About 3 hours of DDoS attack traffic to a victim in the form of Argus flows. Most of the attack traffic is UDP Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) traffic. The traffic also includes ICMP and other UDP protocols traffic. The IP addresses are fully anonymized using a prefix-preserving algorithm. The flows are on a 10Gb/s link between a regional and a content ISP. These attacks are triggered by the attackers via UPnP/SSDP discovery requests with spoofed source IP addresses to vulnerable hosts running SSDP. README
Insider_Threat_Data_Corpus-20160601 2016-06-01 2016-06-30 5.13T The Insider Threat Data Corpus consists of twelve (12) scenarios. Six (6) of this scenarios include specific activities to support an enterprise insider goals. The other six(6) are "false positives" scenarios, where the activities are similar to an insider, but the actors' goals are not that of an insider. Each scenario can be characterized by the primary threat type posed in the scenario, its temporal distribution, the trigger for threat, and the party carrying out the attack. README
IoT_Bootup_Traces-20161207 2016-12-07 2016-12-08 123.00M First-time boot-up traffic of multiple IoT devices located in a LAN network. Traces are captured at both LAN and WAN port of the LAN router. README
IoT_Bootup_Traces-20181107 2018-11-07 2018-11-09 457.00M First-time boot-up traffic of multiple IoT devices located in a LAN network. Traces are captured at LAN port of the LAN router. README
IoT_Detections-20130528 2013-05-28 2018-04-10 17.00M This dataset contains two sets of Internet-wide IoT detection results: DNS-based and certificate-based results. DNS-based results show deployment of 23 types of IoT devices at AS level (ASN and DNS-recursive IP where IoT devices get detected) from 2013 to 2018. Certificate-based result shows detection of 254k IP cameras and network video recorders from 199 countries around the world on 2017-07-26. README
IoT_Operation_Traces-20200127 2020-01-27 2020-02-06 268.00M 10-day operational traffic from 14 IoT devices. All IoT devices are initially off and get boot up right after measurement starts. We interact with these devices daily during measurement. README
Metadata-Submission-2 2024-09-05 2024-09-20 UNKN This is an edited long description README
Mirai-B-scanning-20160601 2016-06-01 2017-03-30 1.07G The dataset represents scanning traffic from Mirai observed at B-Root. It includes only Mirai-identified TCP SYNs sent to ports 23 and 2323; other traffic is removed. Through 2016-11-20, we observe only traffic to one IP address ( From 2016-11-20 onward it adds traffic to README
Mirai-FRGP-scanning-20160908 2016-09-08 2016-10-31 566.87G The dataset represents flows that match the Mirai scanning signature. It includes CSV files showing information extracted from only Mirai-identified Argus TCP flows with destination ports 23 and 2323. The dataset is collected at a regional ISP during the months of September and October of 2016. README
NCCDC_logs-20110408 2011-04-08 2011-04-10 365.20G These log files are packet captures from the 2011 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition ( CCDC is a multi-day competition that specifically focuses on the operational aspects of managing and protecting an existing "commercial" network infrastructure. Teams of undergraduate/graduate students are provided with a fully functional (but insecure) small business network they must secure, maintain, and defend against a live Red Team. Teams must also respond to business tasks called "injects" throughout the competition. README
NCCDC_logs-20120420 2012-04-20 2012-04-22 376.04G These log files are packet captures from the 2012 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (nccdc,org). CCDC is a multi-day competition that specifically focuses on the operational aspects of managing and protecting an existing "commercial" network infrastructure. Teams of undergraduate/graduate students are provided with a fully functional (but insecure) small business network they must secure, maintain, and defend against a live Red Team. Teams must also respond to business tasks called "injects" throughout the competition. README
NCCDC_logs-20130419 2013-04-19 2013-04-21 639.54G These log files are packet captures from the 2013 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition ( CCDC is a multi-day competition that specifically focuses on the operational aspects of managing and protecting an existing "commercial" network infrastructure. Teams of undergraduate/graduate students are provided with a fully functional (but insecure) small business network they must secure, maintain, and defend against a live Red Team. Teams must also respond to business tasks called "injects" throughout the competition. README
NCCDC_logs-20150424 2015-04-24 2015-04-26 1008.23G These log files are packet captures from the 2015 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition ( CCDC is a multi-day competition that specifically focuses on the operational aspects of managing and protecting an existing "commercial" network infrastructure. Teams of undergraduate/graduate students are provided with a fully functional (but insecure) small business network they must secure, maintain, and defend against a live Red Team. Teams must also respond to business tasks called "injects" throughout the competition. README
NCCDC_logs-20160422 2016-04-22 2016-04-24 1.81T These log files are packet captures from the 2016 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition ( CCDC is a multi-day competition that specifically focuses on the operational aspects of managing and protecting an existing commercial" network infrastructure. Teams of undergraduate/graduate students are provided with a fully functional (but insecure) small business network they must secure; maintain; and defend against a live Red Team.Teams must also respond to business tasks called "injects" throughout the competition. README
NCCDC_logs-20170413 2017-04-13 2017-04-15 747.50G These log files are packet captures from the 2017 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition ( CCDC is a multi-day competition that specifically focuses on the operational aspects of managing and protecting an existing commercial" network infrastructure. Teams of undergraduate/graduate students are provided with a fully functional (but insecure) small business network they must secure; maintain; and defend against a live Red Team.Teams must also respond to business tasks called "injects" throughout the competition. README
NCCDC_logs_zeek-20170413 2017-04-13 2017-04-15 39.40G This dataset is Zeek output from packet captures from the 2017 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition ( CCDC is a multi-day competition that specifically focuses on the operational aspects of managing and protecting an existing commercial" network infrastructure. Teams of undergraduate/graduate students are provided with a fully functional (but insecure) small business network they must secure; maintain; and defend against a live Red Team. Teams must also respond to business tasks called "injects" throughout the competition. Zeek is a popular network monitoring tool. README
Root_DNS_Event-20151130 2015-11-30 2015-12-02 1.27G This dataset is the DNS CHAOS measurements towards all DNS Root Letters from Nov 30th to Dec 1th, 2015. The Internet's Root Domain Name Service sustained traffic at 100 times normal load on these two days. Raw data is originally from RIPE Atlas but converted from JSON to CSV and filtered out hijacked probes. README
Service_Enumeration_Google-20130818 2012-10-17 2013-08-18 5.72G This dataset enumerates all known google front-end IP addresses, and clusters them into datacenters and sites. It does so using both the EDNS client-subnet extension and open DNS resovlers. README
Skaion_2006_IARPA_Dataset-20050903 2005-09-03 2006-10-18 103.54G These datasets are generated by capturing information from a synthetic environment, where benign user activity and malicious attacks are emulated by computer programs. In these environments, we can capture and distribute full network packets, firewall logs, application logs, and malicious attacks, without any risk of compromising the privacy of real people. Additionally, in these synthetic datasets, we know and document complete "ground truth": which traffic is benign and which traffic is malicious. README
T-DNS-experiments-20140324 2013-11-01 2014-01-01 19.00M Experiments measuring performance of using DNS over TCP and TLS README
TESLA-Home-Network-two-weeks-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-01-15 UNKN This dataset contains PCAP files collected from: - a 2022 Tesla model Y - a Tesla Wall Charger This data was collected over two weeks from a Tesla model Y and Wall Charger when they were in range of a home wifi network. PCAPs were collected by using `tcpdump` filtered by the ethernet MAC address for the Tesla and the wall charger. Collection was rotated every two hours by tcpdump. README
TESLA-battery-mileage-estimation-20221015 2022-10-15 2023-08-19 UNKN This dataset contains data manually collected while trying to study a 2022 Tesla Model Y's range prediction vs actual recorded odometer readings, and how its estimation might be affected by temperature. Note: this is an example dataset and much better data collection would be subject to future work. Specifically, humans transcribing data could have made mistakes while recording numbers in the spreadsheet. README
Test-Metadata-Submission-1 2024-09-30 2024-10-04 UNKN Test long description README
UniformAttack_Traces_Generated20070821-20041202 2004-12-02 2004-12-03 2.69G This trace set contains 16 trace pairs created in August 2007 using background trace data recorded in December 2004. Each trace pair has the same uniform attack, and different background traffic. The background traffic bitrates are 196 Mbps and 320 Mbps, from the D12_02T01_56 and D12_02T15_56 traces, respectively. The uniform attack increases exponentially from 1 Mbps to 250 Mbps. The two streams were merged with the uniform attacks using the stream_merger application. The scripts and instructions are available in as DAG trace generator. This dataset supersedes and corrects UniformAttack_traces-20070115 README
anycast_catchment_distribution-20200224 2020-02-24 2021-04-23 67.58G This dataset contains catchment distribution at different routing configurations in Peering testbed. It includes captured traces after making announcements with path prepending, community strings, and path poisoning from different anycast sites. With each routing configuration, this directory contains pcap traces for each individual site, and parsed data files that contain synthesized outputs from the pcap traces. README
anycast_catchment_stability-20210701 2021-07-01 2021-07-31 13.53G In this dataset, we provide B-root catchment distribution for a month. We provide a list of /24 prefixes, and their corresponding catchment in B-root from July 2021. README
as_to_org_mapping-20101019 2010-10-19 2010-10-19 10.00M This dataset provides a mapping from ASes to organizations,v.e., identifies which ASes belong to which organizations. We determined the mapping by automatic clustering methods. The general idea of the methods is to cluster ASes by their attributes found in WHOIS databases obtained from five Regional Internet Registries (RIR). README
as_to_org_mapping_inferred_truth-20100507 2010-05-07 2010-05-07 1024.00K This dataset identified the ASes beloging to 9 large Internet organizations. We determined these ASes by manual inspection of RIR whois information, using AS names and external information (company web pages, wikipedia, etc.) to infer a feasible ground truth. README
as_to_org_mapping_inferred_truth-20110901 2011-09-01 2011-09-01 1024.00K This dataset provides a mapping from ASes to organizations, i.e., identifies which ASes belong to which organizations. We determined the mapping by manual inspection of RIR whois information, using AS names and external information (company web pages, wikipedia, etc.) to infer a feasible ground truth. This dataset comprises 109 organizations and their 4019 ASes in total. README
as_to_org_mapping_subsidiary_linkage-20101019 2010-10-19 2010-12-31 2.52G This dataset provides a linking between ASes and company subsidiaries. It is derived from WHOIS database and Form 10-K filings. The linking is useful to associate ASes that belong to different subsidiaries of the same organization. We determined the links by automatic record linkage algorithms and followed by manual verification and pruning. The general idea is to compare how similar the name of an AS is to the name of a subsidiary. Due to the inaccuracy of automatic linkage, we then manually verify and prune the links for selected most important organizations. README
attack-tcpsyn-20061106 2006-11-06 2006-11-06 98.00M This tcp syn attack was captured by a large hosting service. The attack lasted 22 sec and the attack packet rate was about twice the background traffic, 80Kpps, vs. 40Kpps. The trace contains all packets during the attack. README
attack-udp22-20061106 2006-11-06 2006-11-06 90.00M This short (8sec) attack was captured by a large hosting service. The attack consists of very short packets (15 bytes) sent to UDP port 22 at a rate of about 180kpps, when background traffic is about 53Kpps. The trace contains all traffic, a few seconds before and after the attack. README
classify_internet_address_blocks-20080912 2008-09-12 2008-09-12 428.00M This derived dataset is derived from 2 survey datasets and 1 ISC dataset. It contains survey information and ISC information for IP addresses. Survey is done by pinging (ICMP ECHO_REQUEST) each IP address every 11 minutes for around 1 week. We analyzed the ping responses and provide survey information including sum uptime, uptime count, mean uptime, median uptime, max_uptime and ping-observable category. We joined the ISC dataset with a survey dataset and analyzed them for training and validation. We provide ISC information including keywords and hostname-inferred usage category. README
classify_internet_address_blocks-20100521 2010-05-21 2010-05-21 287.00M This derived dataset is derived from 2 survey datasets. It contains survey information for IP addresses. Survey is done by pinging (ICMP ECHO_REQUEST) each IP address every 11 minutes for around 2 weeks. We analyzed the ping responses and provide survey information including sum uptime, uptime count, median uptime and ping-observable category. README
ddos_hackathon-20200511 2020-05-11 2020-09-22 111.00G This is anonymized NetFlow data, collected at FrontRange GigaPOP for select days during May, Aug and Sep of 2020. The data contains sampled benign flows (sampling rate is per packet and it is 1 in 100 or 1 in 4096) and sampled DDoS flows, as well as Arbor Peakflow (Netscout) detections of DDoS attacks. README
geoloc_128_187_195-20120101 2012-01-01 2012-01-31 18.99G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 9 /8s (128 187 195) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_166_167_168_169_172_179_210_212_213_220_221_222_223-20130201 2013-02-01 2013-03-01 57.86G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 13 /8s (166 167 168 169 172 179 210 212 213 220 221 222 223) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_177_182_183_184_185_190_191_211_214_215-20130301 2013-03-01 2013-04-01 37.19G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 10 /8s (177 182 183 184 185 190 191 211 214 215) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_178_186_188_189_202_203-20120201 2012-02-01 2012-02-28 59.10G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 6 /8s (178 186 188 189 202 203) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_193_194_216_217_218_219-20120201 2012-02-01 2012-02-28 57.04G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 6 /8s (193 194 216 217 218 219) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_196_197_198_199_200_201_204_205_206_207_208_209-20130201 2013-02-01 2013-03-01 51.95G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 12 /8s (196 197 198 199 200 201 204 205 206 207 208 209) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_1_2_12_14_24_31_121_192_196-20120201 2012-02-01 2012-02-28 64.15G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 9 /8s (1 2 12 14 24 31 121 192 196) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_210_212_213_220_221_222_223-20130301 2013-03-01 2013-04-01 51.53G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 7 /8s (210 212 213 220 221 222 223) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_23_27_36_37_38_39_41_42_170_171_173_174_175_180_181-20130201 2013-02-01 2013-03-01 50.04G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 15 /8s (23 27 36 37 38 39 41 42 170 171 173 174 175 180 181) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_49_60_61_73_74_95_176-20121001 2012-10-01 2012-11-01 45.53G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 7 /8s (49 60 61 73 74 95 176) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_5_46_50_58_59_62_108-20120801 2012-08-01 2012-09-01 39.94G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 7 /8s (5 46 50 58 59 62 108) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_63_64_83_85_101_106-20120201 2012-02-01 2012-02-28 41.43G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 6 /8s (63 64 83 85 101 106) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_65_67_77_78_120_123-20120301 2012-03-01 2012-03-30 48.93G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 6 /8s (65 67 77 78 120 123) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_66_76_81_82_116_119-20120401 2012-04-01 2012-04-30 68.56G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 6 /8s (66 76 81 82 116 119) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_68_72_86_87_124_125-20120401 2012-04-01 2012-04-30 65.87G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 6 /8s (68 72 86 87 124 125) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_69_70_91_92_110_111_128-20130201 2013-02-01 2013-03-01 54.73G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 7 /8s (69 70 91 92 110 111 128) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_71_88_112-20120101 2012-01-01 2012-01-30 33.53G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 3 /8s (71 88 112) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_75_93_94_99_114_115-20120601 2012-06-01 2012-06-30 51.87G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 6 /8s (75 93 94 99 114 115) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_79_80_117_122_129_131-20120301 2012-03-01 2012-03-30 44.96G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 6 /8s (79 80 117 122 129 131) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_84_98_118-20120101 2012-01-01 2012-01-30 32.83G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 3 /8s (84 98 118) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_89_90_96_97_113_126-20120701 2012-07-01 2012-07-30 44.88G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 6 /8s (89 90 96 97 113 126) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_sparse_prefixes-20130301 2013-03-01 2013-04-01 61.27G IP Geolocation dataset contains the location information of IP addresses of 80 /8s (3 4 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 40 43 44 45 47 48 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 100 102 103 104 105 107 109 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165) and also the raw probing data. README
geoloc_university_ground_truth-20151001 2015-10-01 2015-10-02 2.00M This dataset contains latency measurements and location information for 85 /24 blocks that belong to universities around the world. The IP addresses of each block are believed to be closely co-located. The measurements are leveraged from the IP Geolocation datasets: InternetTopologyData/IP_Address_Geolocation_Data provided by the USC/LANDER project ( ). The location information is obtained from Google Geocode API and MaxMind GeoLite City database. The dataset also provides artificial dual-location blocks made by merging IP addresses from two different single location /24 blocks. The two merged blocks are VP-compatible (probed by the same set of of VPs). The distance between the combined blocks varies across the artificial blocks. This dataset can be useful for geolocation and IP blocks co-locality research. README
internet_address_census_it29c-20091102 2009-11-02 2009-12-06 13.89G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it29w-20091102 2009-11-02 2009-12-02 13.81G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it30c-20091223 2009-12-23 2010-01-21 13.73G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it30w-20091223 2009-12-23 2010-01-21 13.70G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it31c-20100208 2010-02-08 2010-03-10 13.97G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it31w-20100208 2010-02-08 2010-03-10 13.99G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it32c-20100329 2010-03-29 2010-04-28 14.26G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it32w-20100329 2010-03-29 2010-04-28 14.26G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it33c-20100514 2010-05-14 2010-06-14 14.72G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it33w-20100514 2010-05-14 2010-06-14 14.72G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it34c-20100707 2010-07-07 2010-08-09 14.81G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it34w-20100707 2010-07-07 2010-08-10 14.88G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it35c-20100818 2010-08-18 2010-10-18 15.17G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it35w-20100818 2010-08-18 2010-09-19 15.20G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it36c-20101005 2010-10-05 2010-11-06 15.13G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it36w-20101005 2010-10-05 2010-11-06 18.51G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it37c-20101124 2010-11-24 2010-12-26 15.40G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it37w-20101124 2010-11-24 2010-12-26 16.17G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it38c-20110112 2011-01-12 2011-02-14 15.77G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it38w-20110112 2011-01-12 2011-02-18 15.87G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it39c-20110220 2011-02-20 2011-03-26 16.21G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it39w-20110220 2011-02-20 2011-03-26 16.20G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it40c-20110406 2011-04-06 2011-05-10 16.18G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it40w-20110406 2011-04-06 2011-05-13 16.28G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it41c-20110520 2011-05-20 2011-06-24 16.27G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it41w-20110520 2011-05-20 2011-06-26 16.28G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it42c-20110712 2011-07-12 2011-08-15 16.25G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it42w-20110726 2011-07-26 2011-09-02 15.08G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it43c-20110913 2011-09-13 2011-10-17 16.43G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it43j-20110913 2011-09-13 2011-10-17 15.79G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it43w-20110913 2011-09-13 2011-10-17 16.05G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it44c-20111102 2011-11-02 2011-12-30 19.62G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it44j-20111102 2011-11-02 2011-12-08 16.13G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it44w-20111102 2011-11-02 2011-12-05 16.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it45c-20120102 2012-01-02 2012-02-04 15.95G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it45j-20120102 2012-01-02 2012-02-04 20.53G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it45w-20120102 2012-01-02 2012-02-14 16.20G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it46c-20120309 2012-03-09 2012-04-11 16.04G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it46j-20120309 2012-03-09 2012-04-16 15.78G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it46w-20120309 2012-03-09 2012-04-11 17.62G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it47c-20120427 2012-04-27 2012-05-30 16.18G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it47j-20120427 2012-04-27 2012-05-30 15.90G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it47w-20120427 2012-04-27 2012-05-30 16.19G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it48j-20120615 2012-06-15 2012-07-18 16.31G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it48w-20120615 2012-06-15 2012-07-21 15.99G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it48c-20120618 2012-06-18 2012-07-21 16.12G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it49c-20120731 2012-07-31 2012-09-02 16.39G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it49j-20120731 2012-07-31 2012-09-10 16.68G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it49w-20120731 2012-07-31 2012-09-02 16.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it50c-20120926 2012-09-26 2012-10-29 16.38G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it50j-20120926 2012-09-26 2012-10-30 16.49G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it50w-20120926 2012-09-26 2012-10-29 16.59G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it51c-20121116 2012-11-16 2012-12-19 16.84G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it51j-20121116 2012-11-16 2012-12-22 16.50G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it51w-20121116 2012-11-16 2012-12-19 16.52G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it52c-20130102 2013-01-02 2013-02-04 16.49G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it52j-20130102 2013-01-02 2013-02-04 16.38G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it52w-20130102 2013-01-02 2013-02-05 16.44G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it53c-20130222 2013-02-22 2013-03-28 16.37G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it53j-20130222 2013-02-22 2013-03-27 16.63G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it53w-20130222 2013-02-22 2013-03-27 16.51G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it54c-20130430 2013-04-30 2013-06-09 17.23G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it54j-20130430 2013-04-30 2013-06-02 16.94G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it54w-20130430 2013-04-30 2013-06-02 17.20G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it55c-20130723 2013-07-23 2013-08-25 16.72G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it55j-20130723 2013-07-23 2013-08-25 16.97G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it55w-20130723 2013-07-23 2013-08-25 16.91G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it56c-20130917 2013-09-17 2013-10-20 16.83G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it56j-20130917 2013-09-17 2013-10-20 16.79G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it56w-20130917 2013-09-17 2013-10-20 16.63G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it57c-20131127 2013-11-27 2013-12-30 17.18G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it57j-20131127 2013-11-27 2013-12-30 19.07G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it57w-20131127 2013-11-27 2013-12-30 16.88G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it58c-20140122 2014-01-22 2014-02-24 17.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it58j-20140122 2014-01-22 2014-02-21 18.22G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it58w-20140122 2014-01-22 2014-02-24 17.00G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it59c-20140410 2014-04-10 2014-05-13 16.68G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it59j-20140410 2014-04-10 2014-05-10 17.85G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it59w-20140410 2014-04-10 2014-05-13 16.72G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it60c-20140619 2014-06-19 2014-07-21 16.68G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it60j-20140619 2014-06-19 2014-07-13 14.44G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it60w-20140619 2014-06-19 2014-07-21 16.70G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it61c-20140829 2014-08-29 2014-10-01 16.54G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it61j-20140829 2014-08-29 2014-09-22 14.44G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it61w-20140829 2014-08-29 2014-10-01 16.59G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it61g-20140830 2014-08-30 2014-10-01 16.62G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it62c-20141105 2014-11-05 2014-12-07 16.45G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it62g-20141105 2014-11-05 2014-12-07 16.52G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it62j-20141105 2014-11-05 2014-11-29 14.43G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it62w-20141105 2014-11-05 2014-12-07 19.83G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it63c-20150117 2015-01-17 2015-02-18 16.50G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it63g-20150117 2015-01-17 2015-03-23 16.57G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it63j-20150117 2015-01-17 2015-03-27 14.50G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it63w-20150117 2015-01-17 2015-02-18 19.92G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it64c-20150413 2015-04-13 2015-05-15 17.18G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it64g-20150413 2015-04-13 2015-05-15 17.19G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it64w-20150413 2015-04-13 2015-05-15 20.17G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it64j-20150414 2015-04-14 2015-05-07 16.15G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it65c-20150622 2015-06-22 2015-07-24 16.24G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it65g-20150622 2015-06-22 2015-07-24 16.50G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it65j-20150622 2015-06-22 2015-07-17 13.79G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it65w-20150622 2015-06-22 2015-07-24 20.04G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it66c-20150911 2015-09-11 2015-10-13 16.41G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it66g-20150911 2015-09-11 2015-10-14 16.45G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it66j-20150911 2015-09-11 2015-10-06 14.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it66w-20150911 2015-09-11 2015-10-13 19.85G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it67c-20151202 2015-12-02 2016-01-03 16.49G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it67g-20151202 2015-12-02 2016-01-03 16.62G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it67j-20151202 2015-12-02 2015-12-26 14.15G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it67w-20151202 2015-12-02 2016-01-03 20.02G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it68c-20160121 2016-01-21 2016-02-22 16.46G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it68g-20160121 2016-01-21 2016-02-22 16.54G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it68j-20160121 2016-01-21 2016-02-14 14.10G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it68w-20160121 2016-01-21 2016-02-22 20.26G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it69c-20160411 2016-04-11 2016-05-13 16.51G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it69g-20160411 2016-04-11 2016-05-13 16.49G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it69j-20160411 2016-04-11 2016-05-06 14.32G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it69w-20160411 2016-04-11 2016-05-13 19.82G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it70g-20160602 2016-06-02 2016-07-04 16.51G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it70j-20160602 2016-06-02 2016-06-27 14.34G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it70w-20160602 2016-06-02 2016-07-04 19.75G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it70c-20160603 2016-06-03 2016-07-06 14.92G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it71c-20160803 2016-08-03 2016-09-04 16.39G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it71g-20160803 2016-08-03 2016-09-04 16.47G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it71j-20160803 2016-08-03 2016-08-28 14.30G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it71w-20160803 2016-08-03 2016-09-04 19.67G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it72c-20161003 2016-10-03 2016-11-04 16.19G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it72g-20161003 2016-10-03 2016-11-04 16.29G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it72j-20161003 2016-10-03 2016-11-03 13.93G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it72w-20161003 2016-10-03 2016-11-04 19.89G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it73c-20161216 2016-12-16 2017-01-18 16.13G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it73g-20161216 2016-12-16 2017-01-18 16.15G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it73j-20161216 2016-12-16 2017-01-21 14.02G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it73w-20161216 2016-12-16 2017-01-17 16.30G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it74c-20170222 2017-02-22 2017-03-26 16.25G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it74e-20170222 2017-02-22 2017-03-26 16.31G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it74g-20170222 2017-02-22 2017-03-26 16.14G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it74j-20170222 2017-02-22 2017-03-20 14.31G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it74n-20170222 2017-02-22 2017-03-26 16.15G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it74w-20170222 2017-02-22 2017-03-26 16.34G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it75c-20170427 2017-04-27 2017-05-29 16.24G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it75e-20170427 2017-04-27 2017-05-29 16.37G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it75g-20170427 2017-04-27 2017-05-29 16.21G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it75j-20170427 2017-04-27 2017-05-23 14.26G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it75n-20170427 2017-04-27 2017-05-29 16.15G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it75w-20170427 2017-04-27 2017-05-29 16.33G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it76c-20170628 2017-06-28 2017-07-30 16.33G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it76e-20170628 2017-06-28 2017-08-03 16.51G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it76g-20170628 2017-06-28 2017-08-02 16.31G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it76j-20170628 2017-06-28 2017-07-24 14.42G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it76n-20170628 2017-06-28 2017-07-30 16.11G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it76w-20170628 2017-06-28 2017-07-30 16.50G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it77c-20170830 2017-08-30 2017-10-01 16.27G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it77e-20170830 2017-08-30 2017-10-03 16.46G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it77g-20170830 2017-08-30 2017-10-02 16.27G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it77j-20170830 2017-08-30 2017-09-25 14.33G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it77n-20170830 2017-08-30 2017-10-01 16.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it77w-20170830 2017-08-30 2017-10-01 16.36G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it78c-20171113 2017-11-13 2017-12-16 16.14G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it78e-20171113 2017-11-13 2017-12-15 16.37G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it78g-20171113 2017-11-13 2017-12-15 16.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it78j-20171113 2017-11-13 2017-12-17 16.22G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it78n-20171113 2017-11-13 2017-12-15 16.04G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it78w-20171113 2017-11-13 2017-12-15 16.26G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it79c-20180213 2018-02-13 2018-03-17 15.98G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it79e-20180213 2018-02-13 2018-03-17 16.37G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it79g-20180213 2018-02-13 2018-03-18 16.18G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it79n-20180213 2018-02-13 2018-03-17 16.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it79w-20180213 2018-02-13 2018-03-17 16.36G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it80c-20180413 2018-04-13 2018-05-15 15.95G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it80e-20180413 2018-04-13 2018-05-15 16.30G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it80g-20180413 2018-04-13 2018-05-15 16.09G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it80j-20180413 2018-04-13 2018-05-15 16.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it80n-20180413 2018-04-13 2018-05-15 16.03G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it80w-20180413 2018-04-13 2018-05-15 16.26G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it81c-20180625 2018-06-25 2018-07-27 15.92G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it81e-20180625 2018-06-25 2018-07-27 16.21G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it81g-20180625 2018-06-25 2018-07-28 15.96G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it81j-20180625 2018-06-25 2018-07-28 15.99G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it81n-20180625 2018-06-25 2018-07-27 16.00G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it81w-20180625 2018-06-25 2018-07-27 16.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it82c-20180904 2018-09-04 2018-10-06 15.93G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it82e-20180904 2018-09-04 2018-10-09 16.13G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it82g-20180904 2018-09-04 2018-10-07 15.93G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it82j-20180904 2018-09-04 2018-10-07 16.00G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it82n-20180904 2018-09-04 2018-10-06 16.01G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it82w-20180904 2018-09-04 2018-10-06 16.12G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it83c-20181031 2018-10-31 2018-12-02 15.91G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it83e-20181031 2018-10-31 2018-12-16 16.08G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it83g-20181031 2018-10-31 2018-12-02 15.93G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it83j-20181031 2018-10-31 2018-12-02 16.00G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it83n-20181031 2018-10-31 2018-12-02 16.01G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it83w-20181031 2018-10-31 2018-12-02 16.08G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it84c-20190130 2019-01-30 2019-03-03 15.88G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it84e-20190130 2019-01-30 2019-03-03 16.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it84g-20190130 2019-01-30 2019-03-03 15.89G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it84j-20190130 2019-01-30 2019-03-03 15.91G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it84n-20190130 2019-01-30 2019-03-03 15.95G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it84w-20190130 2019-01-30 2019-03-03 16.00G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it85c-20190417 2019-04-17 2019-05-19 15.89G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it85e-20190417 2019-04-17 2019-05-19 16.08G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it85g-20190417 2019-04-17 2019-05-20 15.90G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it85j-20190417 2019-04-17 2019-05-20 15.92G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it85n-20190417 2019-04-17 2019-05-19 15.98G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it85w-20190417 2019-04-17 2019-05-19 16.00G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it86c-20190624 2019-06-24 2019-07-26 15.87G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it86e-20190624 2019-06-24 2019-07-26 16.08G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it86g-20190624 2019-06-24 2019-08-01 15.88G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it86j-20190624 2019-06-24 2019-07-26 15.90G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it86n-20190624 2019-06-24 2019-07-26 15.96G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it86w-20190624 2019-06-24 2019-07-26 16.03G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it87c-20190911 2019-09-11 2019-10-13 15.85G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it87e-20190911 2019-09-11 2019-10-13 15.96G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it87g-20190911 2019-09-11 2019-10-13 15.87G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it87j-20190911 2019-09-11 2019-10-13 15.87G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it87n-20190911 2019-09-11 2019-10-13 15.98G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it87w-20190911 2019-09-11 2019-10-13 16.07G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it88c-20191127 2019-11-27 2019-12-29 15.83G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it88e-20191127 2019-11-27 2019-12-29 16.05G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it88g-20191127 2019-11-27 2019-12-29 15.85G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it88j-20191127 2019-11-27 2019-12-29 15.91G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it88n-20191127 2019-11-27 2019-12-29 15.93G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it88w-20191127 2019-11-27 2019-12-29 16.01G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it89c-20200219 2020-02-19 2020-03-24 15.84G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it89e-20200219 2020-02-19 2020-03-22 16.02G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it89g-20200219 2020-02-19 2020-03-22 15.89G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it89j-20200219 2020-02-19 2020-03-22 15.90G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it89n-20200219 2020-02-19 2020-03-22 15.90G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it89w-20200219 2020-02-19 2020-03-22 15.97G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it90c-20200428 2020-04-28 2020-05-30 15.72G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it90e-20200428 2020-04-28 2020-05-30 15.99G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it90j-20200428 2020-04-28 2020-05-30 15.86G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it90n-20200428 2020-04-28 2020-05-30 15.90G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it90w-20200428 2020-04-28 2020-05-30 15.94G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it91c-20200710 2020-07-10 2020-08-11 15.75G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it91e-20200710 2020-07-10 2020-08-12 15.98G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it91g-20200710 2020-07-10 2020-08-11 15.79G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it91j-20200710 2020-07-10 2020-08-11 15.91G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it91n-20200710 2020-07-10 2020-08-11 15.89G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it91w-20200710 2020-07-10 2020-08-11 15.94G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it92c-20201010 2020-10-10 2020-11-11 15.78G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it92e-20201010 2020-10-10 2020-11-10 15.98G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it92g-20201010 2020-10-10 2020-11-12 15.86G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it92n-20201010 2020-10-10 2020-11-10 15.93G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it92w-20201010 2020-10-10 2020-11-10 15.95G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it93c-20210202 2021-02-02 2021-03-06 15.80G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it93e-20210202 2021-02-02 2021-03-06 16.92G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it93g-20210202 2021-02-02 2021-03-06 15.88G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it93n-20210202 2021-02-02 2021-03-06 16.65G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it93w-20210202 2021-02-02 2021-03-06 17.07G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it94c-20210519 2021-05-19 2021-06-20 15.88G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it94e-20210519 2021-05-19 2021-06-19 17.05G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it94g-20210519 2021-05-19 2021-06-20 15.99G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it94n-20210519 2021-05-19 2021-06-19 16.69G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it94w-20210519 2021-05-19 2021-06-19 16.71G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it95e-20210727 2021-07-27 2021-08-27 16.72G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it95g-20210727 2021-07-27 2021-08-27 15.96G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it95n-20210727 2021-07-27 2021-08-27 17.08G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it95w-20210727 2021-07-27 2021-08-27 16.67G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it96c-20211112 2021-11-12 2021-12-14 17.82G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it96w-20211112 2021-11-12 2021-12-14 16.66G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it97c-20211227 2021-12-27 2022-01-30 16.08G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it97e-20211227 2021-12-27 2022-01-28 16.52G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it97g-20211227 2021-12-27 2022-01-28 15.95G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it97n-20211227 2021-12-27 2022-01-28 16.03G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it97w-20211227 2021-12-27 2022-01-28 16.10G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it98c-20220319 2022-03-19 2022-04-19 16.08G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it98e-20220319 2022-03-19 2022-04-19 16.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it98g-20220319 2022-03-19 2022-04-19 15.96G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it98n-20220319 2022-03-19 2022-04-19 16.11G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it98w-20220319 2022-03-19 2022-04-19 16.15G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it99c-20220528 2022-05-28 2022-06-29 16.01G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it99e-20220528 2022-05-28 2022-06-29 16.12G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it99g-20220528 2022-05-28 2022-06-29 15.98G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it99n-20220528 2022-05-28 2022-06-29 16.04G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it99w-20220528 2022-05-28 2022-06-29 16.11G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it100c-20220808 2022-08-08 2022-09-09 15.89G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it100e-20220808 2022-08-08 2022-09-09 16.31G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it100g-20220808 2022-08-08 2022-09-09 15.97G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it100n-20220808 2022-08-08 2022-09-09 16.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it100w-20220808 2022-08-08 2022-09-09 17.31G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it101c-20221101 2022-11-01 2022-12-03 15.93G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it101e-20221101 2022-11-01 2022-12-03 16.11G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it101g-20221101 2022-11-01 2022-12-03 16.00G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it101n-20221101 2022-11-01 2022-12-03 16.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it101w-20221101 2022-11-01 2022-12-03 19.87G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it102c-20230125 2023-01-25 2023-02-25 16.00G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it102e-20230125 2023-01-25 2023-03-17 25.01G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it102g-20230125 2023-01-25 2023-03-05 16.03G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it102n-20230125 2023-01-25 2023-02-25 16.05G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it102w-20230125 2023-01-25 2023-02-25 24.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it103c-20230420 2023-04-20 2023-05-22 16.04G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it103e-20230420 2023-04-20 2023-05-22 16.21G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it103g-20230420 2023-04-20 2023-05-22 16.07G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it103n-20230420 2023-04-20 2023-05-22 16.13G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it103w-20230420 2023-04-20 2023-05-22 21.68G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it104c-20230622 2023-06-22 2023-07-24 17.27G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it104e-20230622 2023-06-22 2023-07-24 16.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it104g-20230622 2023-06-22 2023-07-24 16.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it104j-20230622 2023-06-22 2023-07-24 16.18G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it104n-20230622 2023-06-22 2023-07-24 16.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it104w-20230622 2023-06-22 2023-07-24 18.12G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it105c-20230926 2023-09-26 2023-10-28 16.86G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it105e-20230926 2023-09-26 2023-10-28 16.13G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it105g-20230926 2023-09-26 2023-10-28 16.03G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it105j-20230926 2023-09-26 2023-10-28 16.15G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it105n-20230926 2023-09-26 2023-10-28 16.06G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it105w-20230926 2023-09-26 2023-10-28 17.83G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it106c-20231222 2023-12-22 2024-01-23 17.45G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it106e-20231222 2023-12-22 2024-02-02 16.03G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it106g-20231222 2023-12-22 2024-01-23 15.99G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it106j-20231222 2023-12-22 2024-01-23 16.05G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it106n-20231222 2023-12-22 2024-01-23 15.95G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it106w-20231222 2023-12-22 2024-01-23 18.99G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it107c-20240314 2024-03-14 2024-04-15 17.75G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it107e-20240314 2024-03-14 2024-04-16 26.51G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it107g-20240314 2024-03-14 2024-04-15 15.97G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it107n-20240314 2024-03-14 2024-04-15 15.96G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it107w-20240314 2024-03-14 2024-04-15 19.34G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it108c-20240711 2024-07-11 2024-08-11 17.87G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it108e-20240711 2024-07-11 2024-08-11 15.89G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it108g-20240711 2024-07-11 2024-08-15 15.86G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it108j-20240711 2024-07-11 2024-08-12 15.85G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it108n-20240711 2024-07-11 2024-08-11 15.85G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it108w-20240711 2024-07-11 2024-08-11 19.29G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it109c-20240926 2024-09-26 2024-10-28 18.35G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it109e-20240926 2024-09-26 2024-10-28 16.65G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it109g-20240926 2024-09-26 2024-10-28 16.33G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it109j-20240926 2024-09-26 2024-10-28 16.33G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it109n-20240926 2024-09-26 2024-10-28 16.29G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it109w-20240926 2024-09-26 2024-10-28 19.39G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it110c-20241211 2024-12-11 2025-01-12 20.05G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it110e-20241211 2024-12-11 2025-01-12 17.66G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it110g-20241211 2024-12-11 2025-01-12 18.07G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it110j-20241211 2024-12-11 2025-01-12 17.52G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it110n-20241211 2024-12-11 2025-01-12 17.59G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_it110w-20241211 2024-12-11 2025-01-12 20.27G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_census_standing_c-20091102 2009-11-02 2020-01-01 UNKN Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 census datasets as they become available. This subscription will last for one year, since it's approved. This standing request applies only to censuses conducted from, in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Please see e.g. dataset internet_address_census_it79c-20180213 for an example of a dataset covered by this standing request. README
internet_address_census_standing_e-20170222 2017-02-22 2020-01-01 UNKN Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 census datasets as they become available. This subscription will last for one year, since it's approved. This standing request applies only to censuses conducted from ISI East, Arlington, Washington DC.. Please see e.g. dataset internet_address_census_it79e-20180213 for an example of a dataset covered by this standing request. README
internet_address_census_standing_g-20140830 2014-08-30 2020-01-01 UNKN Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 census datasets as they become available. This subscription will last for one year, since it's approved. This standing request applies only to censuses conducted from AUEB, located in Athens, Greece. Please see e.g. dataset internet_address_census_it79g-20180213 for an example of a dataset covered by this standing request. README
internet_address_census_standing_j-20091102 2009-11-02 2020-01-01 UNKN Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 census datasets as they become available. This subscription will last for one year, since it's approved. This standing request applies only to censuses conducted from WIDE in Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa, Japan. Please see e.g. dataset internet_address_census_it79j-20180213 for an example of a dataset covered by this standing request. README
internet_address_census_standing_n-20170222 2017-02-22 2020-01-01 UNKN Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 census datasets as they become available. This subscription will last for one year, since it's approved. This standing request applies only to censuses conducted from SURFnet, located in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Please see e.g. dataset internet_address_census_it79n-20180213 for an example of a dataset covered by this standing request. README
internet_address_census_standing_w-20091102 2009-11-02 2020-01-01 UNKN Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 census datasets as they become available. This subscription will last for one year, since it's approved. This standing request applies only to censuses conducted from in Marina del Rey, California. Please see e.g. dataset internet_address_census_it79w-20180213 for an example of a dataset covered by this standing request. README
internet_address_history_it43w-20110913 2009-09-13 2011-10-17 4.47G This dataset, generated on 2011-11-16, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it28w to it43w. README
internet_address_history_it44w-20111102 2009-11-02 2011-12-05 4.60G This dataset, generated on 2011-12-07, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it29w to it44w. README
internet_address_history_it45w-20120102 2009-12-23 2012-02-14 4.74G This dataset, generated on 2012-02-17, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it30w to it45w. README
internet_address_history_it46w-20120309 2010-02-08 2012-04-11 4.88G This dataset, generated on 2012-04-28, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it31w to it46w. README
internet_address_history_it47w-20120427 2010-03-29 2012-05-30 5.01G This dataset, generated on 2012-06-19, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it32w to it47w. README
internet_address_history_it48w-20120615 2010-05-14 2012-07-21 5.14G This dataset, generated on 2012-08-07, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it33w to it48w. README
internet_address_history_it49w-20120731 2010-07-07 2012-09-02 5.27G This dataset, generated on 2012-09-14, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it34w to it49w. README
internet_address_history_it50w-20120926 2010-08-18 2012-10-29 5.41G This dataset, generated on 2012-11-06, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it35w to it50w. README
internet_address_history_it51w-20121116 2010-10-05 2012-12-19 5.56G This dataset, generated on 2013-01-09, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it36w to it51w. README
internet_address_history_it52w-20130102 2010-11-24 2013-02-05 5.70G This dataset, generated on 2013-02-12, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it37w to it52w. README
internet_address_history_it53w-20130222 2011-01-12 2013-03-27 5.83G This dataset, generated on 2013-04-30, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it38w to it53w. README
internet_address_history_it54w-20130430 2011-02-20 2013-06-02 5.98G This dataset, generated on 2013-07-17, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it39w to it54w. README
internet_address_history_it55w-20130723 2011-04-06 2013-08-25 6.14G This dataset, generated on 2013-08-30, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it40w to it55w. README
internet_address_history_it56w-20130917 2011-05-20 2013-10-20 6.28G This dataset, generated on 2013-11-14, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it41w to it56w. README
internet_address_history_it57w-20131127 2011-07-26 2013-12-30 6.44G This dataset, generated on 2014-01-23, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it42w to it57w. README
internet_address_history_it58w-20140122 2011-09-13 2014-02-24 6.57G This dataset, generated on 2014-04-02, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it43w to it58w. README
internet_address_history_it59w-20140410 2011-11-02 2014-05-13 6.72G This dataset, generated on 2014-06-14, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it44w to it59w. README
internet_address_history_it60w-20140619 2012-01-02 2014-07-21 6.86G This dataset, generated on 2014-08-29, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it45w to it60w. README
internet_address_history_it61w-20140829 2012-03-09 2014-10-01 7.00G This dataset, generated on 2014-11-01, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it46w to it61w. README
internet_address_history_it62w-20141105 2012-04-27 2014-12-07 7.13G This dataset, generated on 2015-01-08, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it47w to it62w. README
internet_address_history_it63w-20150117 2012-06-15 2015-02-18 7.27G This dataset, generated on 2015-03-25, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it48w to it63w. README
internet_address_history_it64w-20150413 2012-07-31 2015-05-15 7.41G This dataset, generated on 2015-06-10, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it49w to it64w. README
internet_address_history_it65w-20150622 2012-09-26 2015-07-24 7.53G This dataset, generated on 2015-08-27, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it50w to it65w. README
internet_address_history_it66w-20150911 2012-11-16 2015-10-13 7.66G This dataset, generated on 2015-11-10, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it51w to it66w. README
internet_address_history_it67w-20151202 2013-01-02 2016-01-03 7.80G This dataset, generated on 2016-01-23, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it52w to it67w. README
internet_address_history_it68w-20160121 2013-02-22 2016-02-22 7.90G This dataset, generated on 2016-03-22, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it53w to it68w. README
internet_address_history_it69w-20160411 2013-04-30 2016-05-13 8.03G This dataset, generated on 2016-06-01, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it54w to it69w. README
internet_address_history_it70w-20160602 2013-07-23 2016-07-04 8.13G This dataset, generated on 2016-07-21, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it55w to it70w. README
internet_address_history_it71w-20160803 2013-09-17 2016-09-04 8.25G This dataset, generated on 2016-09-20, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it56w to it71w. README
internet_address_history_it72w-20161003 2013-11-27 2016-11-04 8.36G This dataset, generated on 2016-11-18, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it57w to it72w. README
internet_address_history_it73w-20161216 2014-01-22 2017-01-17 8.47G This dataset, generated on 2017-02-13, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it58w to it73w. README
internet_address_history_it74w-20170222 2014-04-10 2017-03-26 8.57G This dataset, generated on 2017-03-29, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it59w to it74w. README
internet_address_history_it75w-20170427 2014-06-19 2017-05-29 8.68G This dataset, generated on 2017-06-06, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it60w to it75w. README
internet_address_history_it76w-20170628 2014-08-29 2017-07-30 8.78G This dataset, generated on 2017-08-29, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it61w to it76w. README
internet_address_history_it77w-20170830 2014-11-05 2017-10-01 8.88G This dataset, generated on 2017-10-06, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it62w to it77w. README
internet_address_history_it78w-20171113 2015-01-17 2017-12-15 8.98G This dataset, generated on 2017-12-18, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it63w to it78w. README
internet_address_history_it79w-20180213 2015-04-13 2018-03-17 9.09G This dataset, generated on 2018-03-22, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it64w to it79w. README
internet_address_history_it80w-20180413 2015-06-22 2018-05-15 9.19G This dataset, generated on 2018-05-21, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it65w to it80w. README
internet_address_history_it81w-20180625 2015-09-11 2018-07-27 9.28G This dataset, generated on 2018-08-07, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it66w to it81w. README
internet_address_history_it82w-20180904 2015-12-02 2018-10-06 9.38G This dataset, generated on 2018-10-18, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it67w to it82w. README
internet_address_history_it83w-20181031 2016-01-21 2018-12-02 9.47G This dataset, generated on 2018-12-13, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it68w to it83w. README
internet_address_history_it84w-20190130 2016-04-11 2019-03-03 9.57G This dataset, generated on 2019-03-07, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it69w to it84w. README
internet_address_history_it85w-20190417 2016-06-02 2019-05-19 9.67G This dataset, generated on 2019-05-29, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it70w to it85w. README
internet_address_history_it86w-20190624 2016-08-03 2019-07-26 9.76G This dataset, generated on 2019-08-14, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it71w to it86w. README
internet_address_history_it87w-20190911 2016-10-03 2019-10-13 9.86G This dataset, generated on 2019-10-28, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it72w to it87w. README
internet_address_history_it88w-20191127 2016-12-16 2019-12-29 9.96G This dataset, generated on 2019-12-29, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it73w to it88w. README
internet_address_history_it89w-20200219 2017-02-22 2020-03-22 10.05G This dataset, generated on 2020-03-23, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it74w to it89w. README
internet_address_history_it90w-20200428 2017-04-27 2020-05-30 10.16G This dataset, generated on 2020-06-14, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it75w to it90w. README
internet_address_history_it91w-20200710 2017-06-28 2020-08-11 10.25G This dataset, generated on 2020-09-29, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it76w to it91w. README
internet_address_history_it92w-20201010 2017-08-30 2020-11-10 10.32G This dataset, generated on 2020-12-11, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it77w to it92w. README
internet_address_history_it93w-20210202 2017-11-13 2021-03-06 10.42G This dataset, generated on 2021-03-19, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it78w to it93w. README
internet_address_history_it94w-20210519 2018-02-13 2021-06-19 10.54G This dataset, generated on 2021-07-01, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it79w to it94w. README
internet_address_history_it95w-20210727 2018-04-13 2021-08-27 10.63G This dataset, generated on 2021-09-19, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it80w to it95w. README
internet_address_history_it97w-20211227 2018-09-04 2022-01-28 10.79G This dataset, generated on 2022-02-15, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it82w to it97w. README
internet_address_history_it98w-20220319 2018-10-31 2022-04-19 10.87G This dataset, generated on 2022-06-22, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it83w to it98w. README
internet_address_history_it99w-20220528 2019-01-30 2022-06-29 10.96G This dataset, generated on 2022-09-14, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it84w to it99w. README
internet_address_history_it100w-20220808 2019-04-17 2022-09-09 11.04G This dataset, generated on 2022-09-15, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it85w to it100w. README
internet_address_history_it101w-20221101 2019-06-24 2022-12-03 11.12G This dataset, generated on 2022-12-15, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it86w to it101w. README
internet_address_history_it102w-20230125 2019-09-11 2023-02-25 11.20G This dataset, generated on 2023-03-06, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it87w to it102w. README
internet_address_history_it103w-20230420 2019-11-27 2023-05-22 2.27G This dataset, generated on 2023-06-15, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it88w to it103w. README
internet_address_history_it104w-20230622 2020-02-19 2023-07-24 2.56G This dataset, generated on 2023-07-31, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it89w to it104w. README
internet_address_history_it105w-20230926 2020-04-28 2023-10-28 2.79G This dataset, generated on 2023-10-31, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it90w to it105w. README
internet_address_history_it106w-20231222 2020-07-10 2024-01-23 2.97G This dataset, generated on 2024-02-05, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it91w to it106w. README
internet_address_history_it107w-20240314 2020-10-10 2024-04-15 3.12G This dataset, generated on 2024-06-13, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it92w to it107w. README
internet_address_history_it108w-20240711 2021-02-02 2024-08-11 3.29G This dataset, generated on 2024-08-18, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it93w to it108w. README
internet_address_history_it109w-20240926 2021-05-19 2024-10-28 3.42G This dataset, generated on 2024-11-08, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it94w to it109w. README
internet_address_history_it110w-20241211 2021-07-27 2025-01-12 3.55G This dataset, generated on 2025-01-21, contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 1's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 0's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will repond in the future. The scores are based on census data from it95w to it110w. README
internet_address_history_standing_w-20110913 2011-09-13 2030-01-01 UNKN This is a standing dataset, which means that applying for it, researchers effectively apply for the most recent IPv4 census response history dataset, and for all subsequent ones within 1 year. The researchers will be distributed newer datasets of the same category, as they become available. Please note, that this standing request applies only to histories obtained from one particular location. This standing dataset only covers censuses from in Marina del Rey, California. For an example of a dataset distributed via this standing request, please see: internet_address_history_it52w-20130102 README
internet_address_hitlist_it28w-beta-20090914 2006-06-16 2009-10-14 30.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2010-02-17, based on census data from it13w to it28w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it13w - it28w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it29w-20091102 2006-09-14 2009-12-02 56.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2010-04-08, based on census data from it14w to it29w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it14w - it29w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it30w-20091223 2006-11-08 2010-01-21 57.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2010-04-08, based on census data from it15w to it30w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it15w - it30w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it32w-20100329 2007-05-29 2010-04-28 58.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2010-06-03, based on census data from it17w to it32w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it17w - it32w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it33w-20100514 2007-09-14 2010-06-14 71.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2010-08-30, based on census data from it18w to it33w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it18w - it33w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it31w-20100602 2007-02-14 2010-03-10 58.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2010-06-02, based on census data from it16w to it31w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it16w - it31w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it34w-20100707 2007-12-18 2010-08-10 63.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2010-10-29, based on census data from it19w to it34w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it19w - it34w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it35w-20100818 2008-02-29 2010-09-19 64.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2010-11-29, based on census data from it20w to it35w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it20w - it35w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it36w-20101005 2008-06-17 2010-11-06 64.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2010-11-30, based on census data from it21w to it36w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it21w - it36w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it37w-20101124 2008-09-11 2010-12-26 65.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2011-01-19, based on census data from it22w to it37w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it22w - it37w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it38w-20110112 2008-11-25 2011-02-18 66.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2011-03-15, based on census data from it23w to it38w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it23w - it38w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it39w-20110220 2009-02-03 2011-03-26 68.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2011-03-29, based on census data from it24w to it39w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it24w - it39w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it40w-20110406 2009-03-19 2011-05-13 68.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2011-05-21, based on census data from it25w to it40w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it25w - it40w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it41w-20110520 2009-05-27 2011-06-26 65.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2011-07-01, based on census data from it26w to it41w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it26w - it41w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it42w-20110726 2009-07-27 2011-09-02 70.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2011-09-26, based on census data from it27w to it42w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it27w - it42w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it43w-20110913 2009-09-14 2011-10-17 66.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2011-10-28, based on census data from it28w to it43w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it28w - it43w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it44w-20111102 2009-11-02 2011-12-05 67.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2011-12-07, based on census data from it29w to it44w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it29w - it44w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it45w-20120102 2009-12-23 2012-02-14 67.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2012-02-18, based on census data from it30w to it45w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it30w - it45w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it46w-20120309 2010-02-08 2012-04-11 68.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2012-04-30, based on census data from it31w to it46w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it31w - it46w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it47w-20120427 2010-03-29 2012-05-30 68.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2012-06-19, based on census data from it32w to it47w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it32w - it47w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it48w-20120615 2010-05-14 2012-07-21 69.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2012-08-07, based on census data from it33w to it48w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it33w - it48w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it49w-20120731 2010-07-07 2012-09-02 69.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2012-09-14, based on census data from it34w to it49w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it34w - it49w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it50w-20120926 2010-08-18 2012-10-29 69.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2012-11-06, based on census data from it35w to it50w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it35w - it50w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it51w-20121116 2010-10-05 2012-12-19 70.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2013-01-09, based on census data from it36w to it51w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it36w - it51w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it52w-20130102 2010-11-24 2013-02-05 70.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2013-02-12, based on census data from it37w to it52w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it37w - it52w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it53w-20130222 2011-01-12 2013-03-27 71.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2013-05-01, based on census data from it38w to it53w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it38w - it53w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it54w-20130430 2011-02-20 2013-06-02 71.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2013-07-17, based on census data from it39w to it54w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it39w - it54w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it55w-20130723 2011-04-06 2013-08-25 72.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2013-08-30, based on census data from it40w to it55w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it40w - it55w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it56w-20130917 2011-05-20 2013-10-20 72.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2013-11-14, based on census data from it41w to it56w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it41w - it56w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it57w-20131127 2011-07-26 2013-12-30 72.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2014-01-23, based on census data from it42w to it57w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it42w - it57w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it58w-20140122 2011-09-13 2014-02-24 73.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2014-04-02, based on census data from it43w to it58w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it43w - it58w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it59w-20140410 2011-11-02 2014-05-13 73.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2014-06-16, based on census data from it44w to it59w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it44w - it59w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it60w-20140619 2012-01-02 2014-07-21 88.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2014-08-29, based on census data from it45w to it60w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it45w - it60w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it61w-20140829 2012-03-09 2014-10-01 75.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2014-11-01, based on census data from it46w to it61w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it46w - it61w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it62w-20141105 2012-04-27 2014-12-07 76.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2014-12-17, based on census data from it47w to it62w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it47w - it62w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it63w-20150117 2012-06-15 2015-02-18 76.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2015-03-25, based on census data from it48w to it63w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it48w - it63w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it64w-20150413 2012-07-31 2015-05-15 76.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2015-06-10, based on census data from it49w to it64w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it49w - it64w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it65w-20150622 2012-09-26 2015-07-24 76.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2015-08-27, based on census data from it50w to it65w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it50w - it65w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it66w-20150911 2012-11-16 2015-10-13 77.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2015-11-10, based on census data from it51w to it66w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it51w - it66w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it67w-20151202 2013-01-02 2016-01-03 77.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2016-01-23, based on census data from it52w to it67w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it52w - it67w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it68w-20160121 2013-02-22 2016-02-22 77.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2016-03-22, based on census data from it53w to it68w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it53w - it68w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it69w-20160411 2013-04-30 2016-05-13 78.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2016-05-27, based on census data from it54w to it69w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it54w - it69w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it70w-20160602 2013-07-23 2016-07-04 78.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2016-07-21, based on census data from it55w to it70w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it55w - it70w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it71w-20160803 2013-09-17 2016-09-04 78.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2016-09-20, based on census data from it56w to it71w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it56w - it71w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it72w-20161003 2013-11-27 2016-11-04 78.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2016-11-21, based on census data from it57w to it72w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it57w - it72w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it73w-20161216 2014-01-22 2017-01-17 79.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2017-02-13, based on census data from it58w to it73w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it58w - it73w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it74w-20170222 2014-04-10 2017-03-26 167.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2017-03-29, based on census data from it59w to it74w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it59w - it74w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it75w-20170427 2014-06-19 2017-05-29 170.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2017-06-06, based on census data from it60w to it75w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it60w - it75w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it76w-20170628 2014-08-29 2017-07-30 167.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2017-08-29, based on census data from it61w to it76w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it61w - it76w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it77w-20170830 2014-11-05 2017-10-01 78.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2017-10-06, based on census data from it62w to it77w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it62w - it77w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it78w-20171113 2015-01-17 2017-12-15 78.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2017-12-18, based on census data from it63w to it78w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it63w - it78w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it79w-20180213 2015-04-13 2018-03-17 78.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2018-03-22, based on census data from it64w to it79w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it64w - it79w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it80w-20180413 2015-06-22 2018-05-15 79.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2018-05-21, based on census data from it65w to it80w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it65w - it80w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it81w-20180625 2015-09-11 2018-07-27 79.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2018-08-07, based on census data from it66w to it81w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it66w - it81w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it82w-20180904 2015-12-02 2018-10-06 79.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2018-10-18, based on census data from it67w to it82w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it67w - it82w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it83w-20181031 2016-01-21 2018-12-02 79.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2018-12-13, based on census data from it68w to it83w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it68w - it83w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it84w-20190130 2016-04-11 2019-03-03 79.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2019-03-07, based on census data from it69w to it84w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it69w - it84w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it85w-20190417 2016-06-02 2019-05-19 79.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2019-05-29, based on census data from it70w to it85w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it70w - it85w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it86w-20190624 2016-08-03 2019-07-26 80.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2019-08-14, based on census data from it71w to it86w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it71w - it86w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it87w-20190911 2016-10-03 2019-10-13 80.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2019-10-28, based on census data from it72w to it87w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it72w - it87w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it88w-20191127 2016-12-16 2019-12-29 80.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2019-12-29, based on census data from it73w to it88w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it73w - it88w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it89w-20200219 2017-02-22 2020-03-22 114.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2020-03-23, based on census data from it74w to it89w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it74w - it89w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it90w-20200428 2017-04-27 2020-05-30 114.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2020-06-14, based on census data from it75w to it90w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it75w - it90w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it91w-20200710 2017-06-28 2020-08-11 114.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2020-09-29, based on census data from it76w to it91w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it76w - it91w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it92w-20201010 2017-08-30 2020-11-10 115.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2020-12-11, based on census data from it77w to it92w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it77w - it92w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it93w-20210202 2017-11-13 2021-03-06 115.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2021-03-19, based on census data from it78w to it93w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it78w - it93w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it94w-20210519 2018-02-13 2021-06-19 116.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2021-07-02, based on census data from it79w to it94w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it79w - it94w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it95w-20210727 2018-04-13 2021-08-27 116.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2021-09-20, based on census data from it80w to it95w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it80w - it95w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it97w-20211227 2018-09-04 2022-01-28 116.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2022-02-15, based on census data from it82w to it97w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it82w - it97w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it98w-20220319 2018-10-31 2022-04-19 116.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2022-06-23, based on census data from it83w to it98w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it83w - it98w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it99w-20220528 2019-01-30 2022-06-29 116.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2022-09-14, based on census data from it84w to it99w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it84w - it99w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it100w-20220808 2019-04-17 2022-09-09 116.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2022-09-15, based on census data from it85w to it100w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it85w - it100w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it101w-20221101 2019-06-24 2022-12-03 116.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2022-12-15, based on census data from it86w to it101w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it86w - it101w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it102w-20230125 2019-09-11 2023-02-25 116.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2023-03-07, based on census data from it87w to it102w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it87w - it102w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it103w-20230420 2019-11-27 2023-05-22 109.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2023-06-15, based on census data from it88w to it103w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it88w - it103w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it104w-20230622 2020-02-19 2023-07-24 110.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2023-08-01, based on census data from it89w to it104w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it89w - it104w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it105w-20230926 2020-04-28 2023-10-28 110.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2023-10-31, based on census data from it90w to it105w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it90w - it105w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it106w-20231222 2020-07-10 2024-01-23 111.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2024-02-06, based on census data from it91w to it106w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it91w - it106w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it107w-20240314 2020-10-10 2024-04-15 112.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2024-06-13, based on census data from it92w to it107w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it92w - it107w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it108w-20240711 2021-02-02 2024-08-11 113.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2024-08-18, based on census data from it93w to it108w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it93w - it108w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it109w-20240926 2021-05-19 2024-10-28 114.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2024-11-08, based on census data from it94w to it109w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it94w - it109w. README
internet_address_hitlist_it110w-20241211 2021-07-27 2025-01-12 114.00M This IP hitlist was generated on 2025-01-21, based on census data from it95w to it110w. Hitlist contains one representative IP address for each /24 block which has appeared to have responsive addresses during it95w - it110w. README
internet_address_hitlist_standing_w-20091102 2009-11-02 2030-01-01 UNKN This is a standing dataset, which means that applying for it, researchers effectively apply for the most recent histlist dataset, and for all subsequent ones within 1 year. The researchers will be distributed newer datasets of the same category, as they become available. Please note, that this standing request applies only to a surveys obtained from one particular location. This standing dataset only covers hitlists derived from censuses from in Marina del Rey, California. For an example of a dataset distributed via this standing request, please see: internet_address_hitlist_it52w-20130102 README
internet_address_survey_it1-20040621 2004-06-21 2004-08-29 733.00M To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it2-20040830 2004-08-30 2004-11-07 873.00M To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it3-20041108 2004-11-08 2005-01-04 494.00M To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it4-20050105 2005-01-05 2005-02-15 1.31G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it5-20050225 2005-02-25 2005-04-07 1.37G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it6-20050701 2005-07-01 2005-08-16 1.45G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it7-20050902 2005-09-02 2005-11-07 13.40G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it9-20051214 2005-12-14 2006-01-13 13.03G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it11e-20060307 2006-03-07 2006-04-07 10.31G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307 2006-03-07 2006-03-30 12.15G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it12e-20060413 2006-04-13 2006-05-02 6.40G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it12w-20060413 2006-04-13 2006-05-06 12.13G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it13w-20060616 2006-06-16 2006-07-17 10.42G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it13e-20060711 2006-07-11 2006-08-11 10.38G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it14e-20060914 2006-09-14 2006-10-15 10.52G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it14w-20060914 2006-09-14 2006-10-15 10.47G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it15e-20061108 2006-11-08 2006-12-25 10.58G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it15w-20061108 2006-11-08 2007-01-08 10.83G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it16e-20070214 2007-02-14 2007-04-02 11.15G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it16w-20070214 2007-02-14 2007-04-05 11.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it17e-20070529 2007-05-29 2007-07-25 11.26G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it17w-20070529 2007-05-29 2007-07-20 11.20G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it18w-20070914 2007-09-14 2007-10-31 11.11G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it19e-20071218 2007-12-18 2008-02-01 11.75G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it19w-20071218 2007-12-18 2008-02-04 11.62G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it20w-20080229 2008-02-29 2008-05-25 17.41G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it20e-20080317 2008-03-17 2008-05-19 12.62G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it21w-20080617 2008-06-17 2008-08-05 13.03G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it21e-20080717 2008-07-17 2008-08-29 12.80G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it22c-20080911 2008-09-11 2008-10-09 12.63G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it22e-20080911 2008-09-11 2008-10-13 12.82G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it22w-20080911 2008-09-11 2008-10-16 12.80G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it23c-20081125 2008-11-25 2009-01-04 12.77G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it23e-20081125 2008-11-25 2008-12-28 12.86G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it23w-20081125 2008-11-25 2008-12-24 12.81G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it24c-20090203 2009-02-03 2009-03-06 13.10G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it24w-20090203 2009-02-03 2009-03-04 13.11G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it25c-20090319 2009-03-19 2009-04-17 13.10G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it25w-20090319 2009-03-19 2009-04-18 13.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it26c-20090527 2009-05-27 2009-07-04 13.16G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it26w-20090527 2009-05-27 2009-06-27 13.46G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it27c-20090727 2009-07-27 2009-08-25 13.40G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it27w-20090727 2009-07-27 2009-08-21 11.72G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it28c-20090914 2009-09-14 2009-10-14 13.13G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_it28w-20090914 2009-09-14 2009-10-14 13.56G To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged once by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. If the response (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, over 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_icmp1-20030601 2003-06-01 2003-09-25 462.00M To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged at most 5 times by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet, before giving up. If the response (ICMP ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, approximately 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_icmp2-20031008 2003-10-08 2004-04-15 465.00M To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged at most 5 times by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet, before giving up. If the response (ICMP ECHO_REPLY) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, approximately 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it12w-20060425 2006-04-25 2006-05-04 25.27G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 23482 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it16w-20070216 2007-02-16 2007-02-24 33.68G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22365 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it17w-20070601 2007-06-01 2007-06-14 58.88G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22365 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it18w-20070914 2007-09-14 2007-09-28 37.98G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22365 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it19w-20080208 2008-02-08 2008-02-22 21.31G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 10365 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it20w-20080327 2008-03-27 2008-04-10 28.41G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 12000 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it20w-20080411 2008-04-11 2008-04-25 45.43G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22869 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it21w-20080617 2008-06-17 2008-06-25 22.54G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22868 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it22w-20080912 2008-09-12 2008-09-26 64.67G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22625 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it23w-20081125 2008-11-25 2008-12-09 63.88G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22373 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it24w-20090203 2009-02-03 2009-02-17 65.17G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22373 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it25w-20090319 2009-03-19 2009-04-02 62.51G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22370 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it26w-20090527 2009-05-27 2009-06-10 63.17G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22371 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it27w-20090727 2009-07-27 2009-08-03 28.98G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22371 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it28w-20090914 2009-09-14 2009-09-28 62.90G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22370 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it29w-20091103 2009-11-03 2009-11-17 68.43G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22371 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it29c-20091117 2009-11-17 2009-12-01 65.93G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22371 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it30w-20091223 2009-12-23 2010-01-06 69.19G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22381 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it30c-20100106 2010-01-06 2010-01-20 74.10G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22381 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it31w-20100208 2010-02-08 2010-02-22 68.96G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22376 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it31c-20100226 2010-02-26 2010-03-12 69.32G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22376 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it32w-20100329 2010-03-29 2010-04-12 69.94G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22377 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it32c-20100413 2010-04-13 2010-04-27 70.46G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22377 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it33w-20100514 2010-05-14 2010-05-28 73.38G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22377 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it33c-20100601 2010-06-01 2010-06-15 75.96G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22377 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it34w-20100707 2010-07-07 2010-07-21 69.32G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22376 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it34c-20100728 2010-07-28 2010-08-11 68.37G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22376 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it35w-20100818 2010-08-18 2010-09-01 73.10G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22376 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it35c-20100902 2010-09-02 2010-09-16 70.27G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22375 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it36w-20101005 2010-10-05 2010-10-19 70.98G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22375 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it36c-20101019 2010-10-19 2010-11-02 70.43G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22375 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it37w-20101124 2010-11-24 2010-12-08 70.76G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22374 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it37c-20101209 2010-12-09 2010-12-23 70.52G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22373 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it38w-20110112 2011-01-12 2011-01-26 72.12G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22375 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it38c-20110127 2011-01-27 2011-02-10 70.60G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22373 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it39w-20110220 2011-02-20 2011-03-08 79.30G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22375 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it39c-20110308 2011-03-08 2011-03-22 69.69G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22375 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it39w-20110322 2011-03-22 2011-04-05 70.20G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22374 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it40w-20110406 2011-04-06 2011-04-20 83.95G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22374 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it40c-20110420 2011-04-20 2011-05-04 87.19G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 22374 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it41w-20110520 2011-05-20 2011-06-03 134.18G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40033 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it41c-20110606 2011-06-06 2011-06-20 132.31G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40031 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it42w-20110726 2011-07-26 2011-08-08 119.17G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40024 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it42c-20110809 2011-08-09 2011-08-23 132.14G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40024 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it43w-20110913 2011-09-13 2011-09-27 141.08G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40283 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it43c-20110927 2011-09-27 2011-10-12 140.21G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40282 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it43j-20111012 2011-10-12 2011-10-26 147.93G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40281 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it44w-20111102 2011-11-02 2011-11-16 136.37G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40280 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it44c-20111116 2011-11-16 2011-11-30 134.42G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40279 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it44j-20111205 2011-12-05 2011-12-20 134.60G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40277 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it45c-20120114 2012-01-14 2012-01-28 140.58G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40281 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it45j-20120201 2012-02-01 2012-02-15 139.07G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40281 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it45w-20120215 2012-02-15 2012-02-29 142.96G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40280 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it46w-20120309 2012-03-09 2012-03-23 141.40G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40283 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it46c-20120329 2012-03-29 2012-04-12 137.31G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40283 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it46c_dot1special-20120330 2012-03-30 2012-04-13 3.04G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40283 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it46j-20120413 2012-04-13 2012-04-27 137.81G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40282 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it47w-20120427 2012-04-27 2012-05-11 138.88G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40282 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it47c-20120513 2012-05-13 2012-05-27 136.97G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40281 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it47j-20120529 2012-05-29 2012-06-12 137.56G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40280 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it48w-20120615 2012-06-15 2012-06-29 137.60G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40282 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it48c-20120629 2012-06-29 2012-07-13 131.19G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40282 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it48j-20120717 2012-07-17 2012-07-31 135.26G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40281 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it49w-20120802 2012-08-02 2012-08-14 112.60G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40281 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it49c-20120817 2012-08-17 2012-08-31 133.42G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40281 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it49j-20120902 2012-09-02 2012-09-16 135.83G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40280 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it50w-20120926 2012-09-26 2012-10-10 139.63G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40795 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it50c-20121011 2012-10-11 2012-10-25 136.46G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40793 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it50j-20121027 2012-10-27 2012-11-10 165.21G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40791 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it51w-20121116 2012-11-16 2012-11-30 137.79G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40270 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it51c-20121201 2012-12-01 2012-12-15 135.48G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40270 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it51j-20121217 2012-12-17 2012-12-31 135.08G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40270 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it52w-20130102 2013-01-02 2013-01-16 135.26G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40272 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it52c-20130116 2013-01-16 2013-01-30 132.56G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40271 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it52j-20130201 2013-02-01 2013-02-15 135.67G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40270 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it53w-20130222 2013-02-22 2013-03-08 138.04G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40274 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it53c-20130311 2013-03-11 2013-03-25 132.78G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40273 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it53j-20130326 2013-03-26 2013-04-09 135.88G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40271 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it54w-20130430 2013-04-30 2013-05-14 132.96G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40515 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it54c-20130524 2013-05-24 2013-06-07 121.61G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40514 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it54j-20130618 2013-06-18 2013-07-02 127.82G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40513 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it55w-20130723 2013-07-23 2013-08-06 135.32G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40512 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it55c-20130806 2013-08-06 2013-08-20 135.52G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40496 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it55j-20130820 2013-08-20 2013-09-03 139.98G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40510 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it56w-20130917 2013-09-17 2013-10-01 139.14G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it56c-20131002 2013-10-02 2013-10-16 145.85G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40491 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it56j-20131017 2013-10-17 2013-10-31 137.99G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40491 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it57w-20131127 2013-11-27 2013-12-11 138.20G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40488 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it57c-20131212 2013-12-12 2013-12-26 140.40G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40488 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it57j-20131227 2013-12-27 2014-01-10 134.46G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40488 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it58w-20140122 2014-01-22 2014-02-05 136.17G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40488 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it58c-20140213 2014-02-13 2014-02-27 136.64G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40488 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it58j-20140301 2014-03-01 2014-03-15 131.69G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40488 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it59w-20140410 2014-04-10 2014-04-24 134.69G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it59c-20140425 2014-04-25 2014-05-09 135.33G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it59j-20140515 2014-05-15 2014-06-04 78.81G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it60w-20140619 2014-06-19 2014-07-03 136.78G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40501 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it60c-20140708 2014-07-08 2014-07-22 137.44G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40501 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it60j-20140723 2014-07-23 2014-08-10 69.91G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40501 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it61w-20140829 2014-08-29 2014-09-12 137.29G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40500 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it61c-20140918 2014-09-18 2014-10-02 136.76G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40500 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it61j-20141002 2014-10-02 2014-10-20 67.59G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40499 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it62w-20141105 2014-11-05 2014-11-19 135.39G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40500 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it62c-20141121 2014-11-21 2014-12-05 133.47G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40500 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it62g-20141210 2014-12-10 2014-12-19 65.87G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40500 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it63w-20150117 2015-01-17 2015-01-31 134.39G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40495 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it63c-20150206 2015-02-06 2015-02-20 133.10G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40494 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it64w-20150413 2015-04-13 2015-04-27 135.39G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40495 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it64c-20150428 2015-04-28 2015-05-12 134.49G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40495 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it65w-20150622 2015-06-22 2015-07-06 134.77G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40502 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it65c-20150706 2015-07-06 2015-07-20 127.55G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40502 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it66w-20150911 2015-09-11 2015-09-26 134.52G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40500 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it66c-20150930 2015-09-30 2015-10-14 132.52G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40500 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it67w-20151202 2015-12-02 2015-12-16 134.35G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it67c-20151219 2015-12-19 2016-01-02 131.70G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it68w-20160121 2016-01-21 2016-02-04 135.60G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it68c-20160208 2016-02-08 2016-02-22 132.18G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it69w-20160412 2016-04-12 2016-04-26 136.31G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it69c-20160427 2016-04-27 2016-05-12 133.04G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it70w-20160602 2016-06-02 2016-06-16 136.37G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it70c-20160617 2016-06-17 2016-07-01 118.80G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it71w-20160803 2016-08-03 2016-08-17 134.24G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it71c-20160817 2016-08-17 2016-08-31 132.02G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it72w-20161003 2016-10-03 2016-10-17 137.99G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it72c-20161104 2016-11-04 2016-11-18 130.72G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it73w-20161217 2016-12-17 2016-12-31 131.71G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it73c-20170120 2017-01-20 2017-02-03 126.76G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it74w-20170222 2017-02-22 2017-03-08 131.72G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it74c-20170310 2017-03-10 2017-03-24 129.71G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it75w-20170427 2017-04-27 2017-05-11 131.36G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it75c-20170524 2017-05-24 2017-06-07 129.95G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it76w-20170628 2017-06-28 2017-07-13 133.81G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it76c-20170723 2017-07-23 2017-08-06 131.42G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it77w-20170830 2017-08-30 2017-09-14 132.22G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it77c-20170914 2017-09-14 2017-09-29 130.68G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it78w-20171113 2017-11-13 2017-11-27 129.23G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it78c-20171130 2017-11-30 2017-12-14 127.88G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it79w-20180213 2018-02-13 2018-02-27 129.01G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it79c-20180306 2018-03-06 2018-03-20 127.09G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it80w-20180413 2018-04-13 2018-04-27 129.52G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it80c-20180428 2018-04-28 2018-05-12 126.78G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40493 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it81w-20180625 2018-06-25 2018-07-09 128.83G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40492 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it81c-20180710 2018-07-10 2018-07-24 125.75G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40491 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it82w-20180904 2018-09-04 2018-09-18 127.95G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40491 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it82c-20180919 2018-09-19 2018-10-03 124.17G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40491 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it83w-20181031 2018-10-31 2018-11-14 127.46G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it83c-20181120 2018-11-20 2018-12-04 81.14G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it84w-20190130 2019-01-30 2019-02-13 126.88G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it84c-20190213 2019-02-13 2019-02-27 81.11G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it85w-20190417 2019-04-17 2019-05-01 127.32G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it85c-20190507 2019-05-07 2019-05-21 81.40G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it86w-20190624 2019-06-24 2019-07-08 129.50G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it86c-20190709 2019-07-09 2019-07-23 81.19G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it87w-20190911 2019-09-11 2019-09-25 128.55G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it87c-20191014 2019-10-14 2019-10-28 81.25G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it88w-20191127 2019-11-27 2019-12-11 127.66G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it88c-20191213 2019-12-13 2019-12-27 81.25G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it89w-20200219 2020-02-19 2020-03-04 128.06G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it89c-20200306 2020-03-06 2020-03-20 81.23G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it90w-20200428 2020-04-28 2020-05-12 127.52G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it90c-20200520 2020-05-20 2020-06-03 81.28G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it91w-20200710 2020-07-10 2020-07-24 127.79G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it91c-20200730 2020-07-30 2020-08-13 81.29G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it92w-20201010 2020-10-10 2020-10-24 128.69G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it92c-20201109 2020-11-09 2020-11-23 81.29G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it93w-20210202 2021-02-02 2021-02-16 128.31G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it93c-20210217 2021-02-17 2021-03-03 81.33G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it94w-20210519 2021-05-19 2021-06-02 137.63G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it94c-20210607 2021-06-07 2021-06-21 81.35G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it95w-20210727 2021-07-27 2021-08-10 128.88G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it95c-20210810 2021-08-10 2021-08-24 67.57G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it97w-20211227 2021-12-27 2022-01-10 129.29G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it97c-20220115 2022-01-15 2022-01-25 95.24G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 0 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it98w-20220319 2022-03-19 2022-04-02 129.42G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it98c-20220404 2022-04-04 2022-04-19 127.15G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it99w-20220528 2022-05-28 2022-06-11 128.76G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it99c-20220612 2022-06-12 2022-06-26 126.45G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it100w-20220808 2022-08-08 2022-08-23 128.42G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it100c-20220823 2022-08-23 2022-09-06 126.29G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it101w-20221101 2022-11-01 2022-11-15 128.35G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it101c-20221122 2022-11-22 2022-12-06 126.08G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it102w-20230125 2023-01-25 2023-02-08 127.18G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it102c-20230213 2023-02-13 2023-02-27 125.10G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it103w-20230420 2023-04-20 2023-05-04 127.66G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it103c-20230504 2023-05-04 2023-05-18 125.53G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it104w-20230622 2023-06-22 2023-07-06 129.69G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it104c-20230711 2023-07-11 2023-07-25 126.40G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it104j-20230804 2023-08-04 2023-08-18 127.92G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it105w-20230926 2023-09-26 2023-10-10 129.61G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it105c-20231011 2023-10-11 2023-10-25 126.44G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it106w-20231222 2023-12-22 2024-01-06 128.81G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 60980 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it106c-20240106 2024-01-06 2024-01-20 126.54G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 60980 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it107w-20240314 2024-03-14 2024-03-28 128.96G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it107c-20240404 2024-04-04 2024-04-18 126.67G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it108w-20240711 2024-07-11 2024-07-25 126.38G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 101960 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it108c-20240801 2024-08-01 2024-08-15 125.47G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 101960 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it109w-20240926 2024-09-26 2024-10-10 127.75G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it109c-20241024 2024-10-24 2024-11-07 125.87G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it110w-20241212 2024-12-12 2024-12-26 127.94G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_reprobing_it110c-20250101 2025-01-01 2025-01-15 125.86G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP addresses was pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, 40490 netblocks (/24 subnets) were periodically reprobed. README
internet_address_survey_standing_c-20060425 2006-04-25 2020-01-01 UNKN Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 survey datasets as they become available. This subscription will last for one year, since it's approved. This standing request applies only to surveys conducted from, in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Please see e.g. dataset internet_address_survey_it52c-20130116 for an example of a dataset covered by this standing request. README
internet_address_survey_standing_w-20060425 2006-04-25 2020-01-01 UNKN Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest IPv4 survey datasets as they become available. This subscription will last for one year, since it's approved. This standing request applies only to surveys conducted from in Marina del Rey, California. Please see e.g. dataset internet_address_survey_it52w-20130102 for an example of a dataset covered by this standing request. README
internet_address_survey_tcp1-20031120 2003-11-20 2004-03-19 473.00M To collect this data, an Internet-wide IP address sweep was conducted. Every IP address in the ranges allocated by IANA was pinged at least 5 times by sending TCP SYN (other flags were experimeted with) packets to it, before giving up. High unused destination port was used. If the response (typically TCP RST) came, its IP address was recorded in this data-set. In all, approximately 2.5 billion distinct IP addresses were probed during this experiment. README
internet_diurnalness_a42-20201001 2020-10-01 2021-01-01 262.00M The diurnalness and top FFT coefficients of blocks, prefies and ASes, created by post-processing address accmulation data from datasets internet outage adaptive a42all-20201001 ip_accumulation_as_a42-20201001 ip_accumulation_prefix_a42-20201001 README
internet_outage_it1w-20110928 2011-09-28 2011-09-29 55.81G To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, approximately 2.5 million /24 subnets were periodically reprobed. Outages are analyzed and reported on the responses. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a7all-20130212 2013-02-12 2013-02-15 2.31G Combined reachability information for approximately 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a7c-20130212 internet_outage_adaptive_a7j-20130212 internet_outage_adaptive_a7w-20130212 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a7c-20130212 2013-02-12 2013-02-15 87.71G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a7j-20130212 2013-02-12 2013-02-15 76.24G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a7w-20130212 2013-02-12 2013-02-15 81.64G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a12_diurnal-20130424 2013-04-24 2013-04-24 911.00M This dataset provides diurnal analysis of our outage dataset A12. It provides per-/24 analysis corresponding to LANDER:internet_outage_adaptive_a12w-20130424, LANDER:internet_outage_adaptive_a12c-20130424, and LANDER:internet_outage_adaptive_a12j-20130424. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a12all-20130424 2013-04-24 2013-05-30 4.98G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a12c-20130424 internet_outage_adaptive_a12j-20130424 internet_outage_adaptive_a12w-20130424 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a12c-20130424 2013-04-24 2013-05-30 337.37G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a12j-20130424 2013-04-24 2013-05-30 255.20G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a12w-20130424 2013-04-24 2013-05-29 244.03G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a12_supplement-20130831 2013-08-31 2013-08-31 48.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a15all-20131126 2013-11-26 2014-04-07 4.96G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a15c-20131126 internet_outage_adaptive_a15j-20131126 internet_outage_adaptive_a15w-20131126 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a15c-20131126 2013-11-26 2014-04-07 481.52G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a15j-20131126 2013-11-26 2014-04-07 498.68G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a15w-20131126 2013-11-26 2014-04-07 506.75G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a16_supplement-20140407 2014-04-07 2014-04-07 11.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a16all-20140407 2014-04-07 2014-07-01 4.24G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a16c-20140407 internet_outage_adaptive_a16j-20140408 internet_outage_adaptive_a16w-20140407 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a16c-20140407 2014-04-07 2014-07-01 322.25G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a16w-20140407 2014-04-07 2014-07-01 330.23G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a16j-20140408 2014-04-08 2014-07-01 272.54G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a17_supplement-20140701 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 11.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a17all-20140701 2014-07-01 2014-10-01 19.56G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a17c-20140701 internet_outage_adaptive_a17j-20140701 internet_outage_adaptive_a17w-20140701 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a17c-20140701 2014-07-01 2014-10-01 361.45G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a17j-20140701 2014-07-01 2014-10-01 306.30G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a17w-20140701 2014-07-01 2014-10-01 361.33G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a18_supplement-20141001 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 11.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a18all-20141001 2014-10-01 2015-01-01 7.37G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a18c-20141001 internet_outage_adaptive_a18g-20141001 internet_outage_adaptive_a18j-20141001 internet_outage_adaptive_a18w-20141001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a18c-20141001 2014-10-01 2014-12-31 529.35G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a18g-20141001 2014-10-01 2014-12-31 497.32G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a18j-20141001 2014-10-01 2014-12-31 563.57G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a18w-20141001 2014-10-01 2014-12-31 538.54G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a19all-20150101 2015-01-01 2015-04-01 7.15G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a19c-20150101 internet_outage_adaptive_a19g-20150101 internet_outage_adaptive_a19j-20150101 internet_outage_adaptive_a19w-20150101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a19c-20150101 2015-01-01 2015-04-01 503.20G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a19g-20150101 2015-01-01 2015-04-01 478.19G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a19j-20150101 2015-01-01 2015-04-01 499.78G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a19w-20150101 2015-01-01 2015-04-01 523.14G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a20_supplement-20150401 2015-04-01 2015-04-01 56.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a20all-20150401 2015-04-01 2015-07-02 4.74G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a20c-20150401 internet_outage_adaptive_a20g-20150401 internet_outage_adaptive_a20j-20150401 internet_outage_adaptive_a20w-20150401 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a20c-20150401 2015-04-01 2015-07-02 544.16G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a20g-20150401 2015-04-01 2015-07-02 541.70G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a20j-20150401 2015-04-01 2015-07-02 546.82G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a20w-20150401 2015-04-01 2015-07-02 540.13G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a19_supplement-20150518 2015-05-18 2015-05-18 11.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a21_supplement-20150702 2015-07-02 2015-07-02 57.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a21all-20150702 2015-07-02 2015-10-01 3.79G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a21c-20150702 internet_outage_adaptive_a21g-20150702 internet_outage_adaptive_a21j-20150702 internet_outage_adaptive_a21w-20150702 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a21c-20150702 2015-07-02 2015-10-01 545.15G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a21g-20150702 2015-07-02 2015-10-01 541.02G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a21j-20150702 2015-07-02 2015-10-01 543.88G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a21w-20150702 2015-07-02 2015-10-01 541.65G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a22_supplement-20151001 2015-10-01 2015-10-01 11.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a22all-20151001 2015-10-01 2016-01-01 4.24G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a22c-20151001 internet_outage_adaptive_a22g-20151001 internet_outage_adaptive_a22j-20151001 internet_outage_adaptive_a22w-20151001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a22c-20151001 2015-10-01 2016-01-01 553.74G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a22g-20151001 2015-10-01 2016-01-01 551.14G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a22j-20151001 2015-10-01 2016-01-01 533.27G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a22w-20151001 2015-10-01 2016-01-01 547.90G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a23_supplement-20160101 2016-01-01 2016-01-01 11.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a23all-20160101 2016-01-01 2016-04-01 3.49G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a23c-20160101 internet_outage_adaptive_a23g-20160101 internet_outage_adaptive_a23j-20160101 internet_outage_adaptive_a23w-20160101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a23c-20160101 2016-01-01 2016-04-01 551.25G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a23g-20160101 2016-01-01 2016-04-01 548.71G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a23j-20160101 2016-01-01 2016-04-01 547.33G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a23w-20160101 2016-01-01 2016-04-01 547.34G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a24_supplement-20160401 2016-04-01 2016-04-01 11.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a24all-20160401 2016-04-01 2016-07-01 3.05G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a24c-20160401 internet_outage_adaptive_a24g-20160401 internet_outage_adaptive_a24j-20160401 internet_outage_adaptive_a24w-20160401 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a24c-20160401 2016-04-01 2016-07-01 540.21G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a24g-20160401 2016-04-01 2016-07-01 540.14G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a24j-20160401 2016-04-01 2016-07-01 538.73G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a24w-20160401 2016-04-01 2016-07-01 538.52G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a25_supplement-20160701 2016-07-01 2016-07-01 11.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a25all-20160701 2016-07-01 2016-10-01 2.90G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a25c-20160701 internet_outage_adaptive_a25g-20160701 internet_outage_adaptive_a25j-20160701 internet_outage_adaptive_a25w-20160701 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a25c-20160701 2016-07-01 2016-10-01 550.21G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a25g-20160701 2016-07-01 2016-10-01 526.61G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a25j-20160701 2016-07-01 2016-10-01 546.88G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a25w-20160701 2016-07-01 2016-10-01 432.01G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a26_supplement-20161001 2016-10-01 2016-10-01 11.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a26all-20161001 2016-10-01 2017-01-01 2.70G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a26c-20161001 internet_outage_adaptive_a26g-20161001 internet_outage_adaptive_a26j-20161001 internet_outage_adaptive_a26w-20161001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a26c-20161001 2016-10-01 2017-01-01 632.83G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a26g-20161001 2016-10-01 2017-01-01 595.94G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a26j-20161001 2016-10-01 2017-01-01 532.91G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a26w-20161001 2016-10-01 2017-01-01 627.97G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a27_supplement-20170101 2017-01-01 2017-01-01 10.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a27all-20170101 2017-01-01 2017-04-03 2.45G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a27c-20170101 internet_outage_adaptive_a27g-20170101 internet_outage_adaptive_a27j-20170101 internet_outage_adaptive_a27w-20170101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a27c-20170101 2017-01-01 2017-04-03 672.64G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a27g-20170101 2017-01-01 2017-04-03 676.63G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a27j-20170101 2017-01-01 2017-04-03 670.96G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a27w-20170101 2017-01-01 2017-04-03 672.26G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a28_supplement-20170403 2017-04-03 2017-04-03 55.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a28all-20170403 2017-04-03 2017-07-02 6.67G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a28c-20170403 internet_outage_adaptive_a28e-20170403 internet_outage_adaptive_a28g-20170403 internet_outage_adaptive_a28j-20170403 internet_outage_adaptive_a28n-20170403 internet_outage_adaptive_a28w-20170403 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a28c-20170403 2017-04-03 2017-07-02 661.43G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a28e-20170403 2017-04-03 2017-07-02 637.03G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a28g-20170403 2017-04-03 2017-07-02 671.03G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a28j-20170403 2017-04-03 2017-07-02 583.78G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a28n-20170403 2017-04-03 2017-07-02 665.99G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a28w-20170403 2017-04-03 2017-07-02 671.98G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a29_supplement-20170702 2017-07-02 2017-07-02 12.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a29all-20170702 2017-07-02 2017-10-06 10.41G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a29c-20170702 internet_outage_adaptive_a29e-20170702 internet_outage_adaptive_a29g-20170702 internet_outage_adaptive_a29j-20170702 internet_outage_adaptive_a29n-20170702 internet_outage_adaptive_a29w-20170702 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a29c-20170702 2017-07-02 2017-10-06 708.00G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a29e-20170702 2017-07-02 2017-10-06 667.21G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a29g-20170702 2017-07-02 2017-10-06 690.66G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a29j-20170702 2017-07-02 2017-10-06 694.44G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a29n-20170702 2017-07-02 2017-10-06 704.19G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a29w-20170702 2017-07-02 2017-10-06 706.13G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a30_supplement-20171006 2017-10-06 2017-10-06 12.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a30all-20171006 2017-10-06 2018-01-01 2.51G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a30c-20171006 internet_outage_adaptive_a30e-20171006 internet_outage_adaptive_a30g-20171006 internet_outage_adaptive_a30j-20171006 internet_outage_adaptive_a30n-20171006 internet_outage_adaptive_a30w-20171006 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a30c-20171006 2017-10-06 2017-11-28 376.44G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a30e-20171006 2017-10-06 2018-01-01 618.90G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a30g-20171006 2017-10-06 2018-01-01 623.43G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a30j-20171006 2017-10-06 2018-01-01 608.32G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a30n-20171006 2017-10-06 2018-01-01 608.71G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a30w-20171006 2017-10-06 2018-01-01 620.46G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a31_supplement-20180101 2018-01-01 2018-01-01 12.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a31all-20180101 2018-01-01 2018-04-01 4.16G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a31c-20180101 internet_outage_adaptive_a31e-20180101 internet_outage_adaptive_a31g-20180101 internet_outage_adaptive_a31j-20180101 internet_outage_adaptive_a31n-20180101 internet_outage_adaptive_a31w-20180101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a31c-20180101 2018-01-01 2018-04-01 652.22G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a31e-20180101 2018-01-01 2018-04-01 651.06G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a31g-20180101 2018-01-01 2018-04-01 652.27G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a31j-20180101 2018-01-01 2018-04-01 649.95G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a31n-20180101 2018-01-01 2018-04-01 649.93G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a31w-20180101 2018-01-01 2018-04-01 654.97G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a32_supplement-20180401 2018-04-01 2018-04-01 12.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a32all-20180401 2018-04-01 2018-07-01 2.86G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a32c-20180401 internet_outage_adaptive_a32e-20180401 internet_outage_adaptive_a32g-20180401 internet_outage_adaptive_a32j-20180401 internet_outage_adaptive_a32n-20180401 internet_outage_adaptive_a32w-20180401 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a32c-20180401 2018-04-01 2018-07-01 654.06G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a32e-20180401 2018-04-01 2018-07-01 653.36G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a32g-20180401 2018-04-01 2018-07-01 659.79G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a32j-20180401 2018-04-01 2018-07-01 655.22G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a32n-20180401 2018-04-01 2018-07-01 657.96G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a32w-20180401 2018-04-01 2018-07-01 654.42G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a33_supplement-20180701 2018-07-01 2018-07-01 36.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a33all-20180701 2018-07-01 2018-10-01 2.39G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a33c-20180701 internet_outage_adaptive_a33e-20180701 internet_outage_adaptive_a33g-20180701 internet_outage_adaptive_a33j-20180701 internet_outage_adaptive_a33n-20180701 internet_outage_adaptive_a33w-20180701 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a33c-20180701 2018-07-01 2018-10-01 663.23G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a33e-20180701 2018-07-01 2018-10-01 641.59G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a33g-20180701 2018-07-01 2018-10-01 667.62G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a33j-20180701 2018-07-01 2018-10-01 665.30G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a33n-20180701 2018-07-01 2018-10-01 660.42G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a33w-20180701 2018-07-01 2018-10-01 664.11G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a34_supplement-20181001 2018-10-01 2018-10-01 20.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a34all-20181001 2018-10-01 2019-01-01 2.80G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a34c-20181001 internet_outage_adaptive_a34e-20181001 internet_outage_adaptive_a34g-20181001 internet_outage_adaptive_a34j-20181001 internet_outage_adaptive_a34n-20181001 internet_outage_adaptive_a34w-20181001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a34c-20181001 2018-10-01 2019-01-01 615.50G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a34e-20181001 2018-10-01 2019-01-01 534.03G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a34g-20181001 2018-10-01 2019-01-01 638.41G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a34j-20181001 2018-10-01 2019-01-01 661.01G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a34n-20181001 2018-10-01 2019-01-01 656.99G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a34w-20181001 2018-10-01 2019-01-01 659.24G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a35_supplement-20190101 2019-01-01 2019-01-01 36.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a35all-20190101 2019-01-01 2019-04-01 4.54G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a35c-20190101 internet_outage_adaptive_a35e-20190101 internet_outage_adaptive_a35g-20190101 internet_outage_adaptive_a35j-20190101 internet_outage_adaptive_a35n-20190101 internet_outage_adaptive_a35w-20190101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a35c-20190101 2019-01-01 2019-04-01 642.35G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a35e-20190101 2019-01-01 2019-04-01 638.49G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a35g-20190101 2019-01-01 2019-04-01 621.91G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a35j-20190101 2019-01-01 2019-04-01 642.17G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a35n-20190101 2019-01-01 2019-04-01 638.08G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a35w-20190101 2019-01-01 2019-04-01 639.10G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a36_supplement-20190401 2019-04-01 2019-04-01 36.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a36all-20190401 2019-04-01 2019-07-01 1.72G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a36c-20190401 internet_outage_adaptive_a36e-20190401 internet_outage_adaptive_a36g-20190401 internet_outage_adaptive_a36j-20190401 internet_outage_adaptive_a36n-20190401 internet_outage_adaptive_a36w-20190401 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a36c-20190401 2019-04-01 2019-07-01 651.89G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a36e-20190401 2019-04-01 2019-07-01 646.61G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a36g-20190401 2019-04-01 2019-07-01 616.91G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a36j-20190401 2019-04-01 2019-07-01 650.50G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a36n-20190401 2019-04-01 2019-07-01 645.67G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a36w-20190401 2019-04-01 2019-07-01 622.76G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a37_supplement-20190701 2019-07-01 2019-07-01 36.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a37all-20190701 2019-07-01 2019-10-01 1.15G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a37c-20190701 internet_outage_adaptive_a37e-20190701 internet_outage_adaptive_a37g-20190701 internet_outage_adaptive_a37j-20190701 internet_outage_adaptive_a37n-20190701 internet_outage_adaptive_a37w-20190701 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a37c-20190701 2019-07-01 2019-10-01 659.05G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a37e-20190701 2019-07-01 2019-09-05 452.12G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a37g-20190701 2019-07-01 2019-10-01 693.30G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a37j-20190701 2019-07-01 2019-10-01 661.49G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a37n-20190701 2019-07-01 2019-10-01 654.16G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a37w-20190701 2019-07-01 2019-10-01 655.42G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a38_supplement-20191001 2019-10-01 2019-10-01 36.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a38all-20191001 2019-10-01 2020-01-01 998.00M Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a38c-20191001 internet_outage_adaptive_a38e-20191001 internet_outage_adaptive_a38g-20191001 internet_outage_adaptive_a38j-20191001 internet_outage_adaptive_a38n-20191001 internet_outage_adaptive_a38w-20191001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a38c-20191001 2019-10-01 2020-01-01 665.75G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a38e-20191001 2019-10-01 2020-01-01 653.64G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a38g-20191001 2019-10-01 2020-01-01 743.70G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a38j-20191001 2019-10-01 2020-01-01 664.46G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a38n-20191001 2019-10-01 2020-01-01 659.84G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a38w-20191001 2019-10-01 2020-01-01 661.26G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a39_supplement-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 165.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a39all-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-04-01 2.13G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a39c-20200101 internet_outage_adaptive_a39e-20200101 internet_outage_adaptive_a39g-20200101 internet_outage_adaptive_a39j-20200101 internet_outage_adaptive_a39n-20200101 internet_outage_adaptive_a39w-20200101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a39c-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-04-01 693.80G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a39e-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-04-01 924.18G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a39g-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-04-01 931.97G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a39j-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-04-01 929.83G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a39n-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-04-01 928.31G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a39w-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-04-01 928.53G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a40_supplement-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-04-01 45.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a40all-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-07-01 3.00G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a40c-20200401 internet_outage_adaptive_a40e-20200401 internet_outage_adaptive_a40g-20200401 internet_outage_adaptive_a40j-20200401 internet_outage_adaptive_a40n-20200401 internet_outage_adaptive_a40w-20200401 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a40c-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-07-01 630.67G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a40e-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-07-01 937.40G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a40g-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-06-30 157.22G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a40j-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-07-01 940.68G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a40n-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-07-01 941.07G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a40w-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-07-01 940.92G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a41_supplement-20200701 2020-07-01 2020-07-01 45.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a41all-20200701 2020-07-01 2020-10-01 1.72G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a41c-20200701 internet_outage_adaptive_a41e-20200701 internet_outage_adaptive_a41g-20200701 internet_outage_adaptive_a41j-20200701 internet_outage_adaptive_a41n-20200701 internet_outage_adaptive_a41w-20200701 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a41c-20200701 2020-07-01 2020-10-01 939.55G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a41e-20200701 2020-07-01 2020-10-01 931.75G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a41g-20200701 2020-07-01 2020-10-01 527.93G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a41j-20200701 2020-07-01 2020-10-01 943.35G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a41n-20200701 2020-07-01 2020-10-01 943.29G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a41w-20200701 2020-07-01 2020-10-01 940.18G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a42_supplement-20201001 2020-10-01 2020-10-01 45.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a42all-20201001 2020-10-01 2021-01-01 1.48G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a42c-20201001 internet_outage_adaptive_a42e-20201001 internet_outage_adaptive_a42g-20201001 internet_outage_adaptive_a42j-20201001 internet_outage_adaptive_a42n-20201001 internet_outage_adaptive_a42w-20201001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a42c-20201001 2020-10-01 2021-01-01 934.59G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a42e-20201001 2020-10-01 2021-01-01 934.57G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a42g-20201001 2020-10-01 2020-12-19 643.16G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a42j-20201001 2020-10-01 2020-12-03 645.06G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a42n-20201001 2020-10-01 2021-01-01 937.58G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a42w-20201001 2020-10-01 2021-01-01 938.08G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a43_supplement-20210101 2021-01-01 2021-01-01 46.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a43all-20210101 2021-01-01 2021-04-01 1.41G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a43c-20210101 internet_outage_adaptive_a43e-20210101 internet_outage_adaptive_a43g-20210101 internet_outage_adaptive_a43n-20210101 internet_outage_adaptive_a43w-20210101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a43c-20210101 2021-01-01 2021-04-01 771.29G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a43e-20210101 2021-01-01 2021-04-01 926.75G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a43g-20210101 2021-01-01 2021-04-01 934.85G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a43n-20210101 2021-01-01 2021-04-01 825.15G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a43w-20210101 2021-01-01 2021-04-01 930.28G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a44_supplement-20210401 2021-04-01 2021-04-01 46.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a44all-20210401 2021-04-01 2021-07-01 1.11G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a44c-20210401 internet_outage_adaptive_a44e-20210401 internet_outage_adaptive_a44g-20210401 internet_outage_adaptive_a44n-20210401 internet_outage_adaptive_a44w-20210401 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a44c-20210401 2021-04-01 2021-07-02 783.48G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a44e-20210401 2021-04-01 2021-07-02 948.88G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a44g-20210401 2021-04-01 2021-07-02 950.67G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a44n-20210401 2021-04-01 2021-07-02 946.78G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a44w-20210401 2021-04-01 2021-07-02 944.48G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a45_supplement-20210702 2021-07-02 2021-07-02 47.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a45all-20210702 2021-07-02 2021-10-01 1.25G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a45c-20210702 internet_outage_adaptive_a45e-20210702 internet_outage_adaptive_a45g-20210702 internet_outage_adaptive_a45n-20210702 internet_outage_adaptive_a45w-20210702 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a45c-20210702 2021-07-02 2021-09-28 635.34G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a45e-20210702 2021-07-02 2021-10-01 948.48G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a45g-20210702 2021-07-02 2021-10-01 963.57G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a45n-20210702 2021-07-02 2021-10-01 959.12G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a45w-20210702 2021-07-02 2021-10-01 957.86G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a46_supplement-20211001 2021-10-01 2021-10-01 47.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a46all-20211001 2021-10-01 2022-01-01 1.08G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a46c-20211001 internet_outage_adaptive_a46e-20211001 internet_outage_adaptive_a46g-20211001 internet_outage_adaptive_a46n-20211001 internet_outage_adaptive_a46w-20211001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a46c-20211001 2021-10-01 2022-01-01 846.52G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a46e-20211001 2021-10-01 2022-01-01 948.82G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a46g-20211001 2021-10-01 2022-01-01 905.25G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a46n-20211001 2021-10-01 2022-01-01 952.77G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a46w-20211001 2021-10-01 2022-01-01 951.81G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a47_supplement-20220101 2022-01-01 2022-01-01 46.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a47all-20220101 2022-01-01 2022-04-01 947.00M Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a47c-20220101 internet_outage_adaptive_a47e-20220101 internet_outage_adaptive_a47g-20220101 internet_outage_adaptive_a47n-20220101 internet_outage_adaptive_a47w-20220101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a47c-20220101 2022-01-01 2022-04-01 934.15G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a47e-20220101 2022-01-01 2022-04-01 934.27G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a47g-20220101 2022-01-01 2022-04-01 941.81G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a47n-20220101 2022-01-01 2022-04-01 937.91G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a47w-20220101 2022-01-01 2022-04-01 936.21G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a48_supplement-20220401 2022-04-01 2022-04-01 15.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a48all-20220401 2022-04-01 2022-07-01 1000.00M Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a48c-20220401 internet_outage_adaptive_a48e-20220401 internet_outage_adaptive_a48g-20220401 internet_outage_adaptive_a48n-20220401 internet_outage_adaptive_a48w-20220401 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a48c-20220401 2022-04-01 2022-07-01 944.34G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a48e-20220401 2022-04-01 2022-06-29 925.05G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a48g-20220401 2022-04-01 2022-07-01 951.22G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a48n-20220401 2022-04-01 2022-07-01 946.89G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a48w-20220401 2022-04-01 2022-07-01 945.73G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a49_supplement-20220701 2022-07-01 2022-07-01 15.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a49all-20220701 2022-07-01 2022-10-01 981.00M Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a49c-20220701 internet_outage_adaptive_a49e-20220701 internet_outage_adaptive_a49g-20220701 internet_outage_adaptive_a49n-20220701 internet_outage_adaptive_a49w-20220701 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a49c-20220701 2022-07-01 2022-10-01 947.53G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a49e-20220701 2022-07-01 2022-10-01 928.22G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a49g-20220701 2022-07-01 2022-10-01 953.43G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a49n-20220701 2022-07-01 2022-10-01 949.34G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a49w-20220701 2022-07-01 2022-10-01 947.77G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a50_supplement-20221001 2022-10-01 2022-10-01 15.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a50all-20221001 2022-10-01 2023-01-01 862.00M Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a50c-20221001 internet_outage_adaptive_a50e-20221001 internet_outage_adaptive_a50g-20221001 internet_outage_adaptive_a50n-20221001 internet_outage_adaptive_a50w-20221001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a50c-20221001 2022-10-01 2023-01-01 954.38G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a50e-20221001 2022-10-01 2023-01-01 953.30G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a50g-20221001 2022-10-01 2023-01-01 960.40G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a50n-20221001 2022-10-01 2023-01-01 956.66G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a50w-20221001 2022-10-01 2023-01-01 954.75G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a51_supplement-20230101 2023-01-01 2023-01-01 15.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a51all-20230101 2023-01-01 2023-04-01 1.16G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a51c-20230101 internet_outage_adaptive_a51e-20230101 internet_outage_adaptive_a51g-20230101 internet_outage_adaptive_a51n-20230101 internet_outage_adaptive_a51w-20230101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a51c-20230101 2023-01-01 2023-04-01 982.27G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a51e-20230101 2023-01-01 2023-04-01 947.10G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a51g-20230101 2023-01-01 2023-04-01 908.59G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a51n-20230101 2023-01-01 2023-04-01 984.86G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a51w-20230101 2023-01-01 2023-04-01 983.32G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a52_supplement-20230401 2023-04-01 2023-04-01 15.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a52all-20230401 2023-04-01 2023-07-01 980.00M Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a52c-20230401 internet_outage_adaptive_a52e-20230401 internet_outage_adaptive_a52g-20230401 internet_outage_adaptive_a52n-20230401 internet_outage_adaptive_a52w-20230401 internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a52c-20230401 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a52c-20230401 2023-04-01 2023-07-01 990.78G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a52e-20230401 2023-04-01 2023-07-01 984.71G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a52g-20230401 2023-04-01 2023-07-01 994.36G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a52n-20230401 2023-04-01 2023-07-01 990.77G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a52w-20230401 2023-04-01 2023-07-01 990.92G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a53_supplement-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-07-01 14.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a53all-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-10-01 1.26G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a53c-20230701 internet_outage_adaptive_a53e-20230701 internet_outage_adaptive_a53g-20230701 internet_outage_adaptive_a53j-20230701 internet_outage_adaptive_a53n-20230701 internet_outage_adaptive_a53w-20230701 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a53c-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-09-19 827.68G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a53e-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-09-19 795.86G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a53g-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-10-01 831.56G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a53j-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-09-19 832.24G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a53n-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-09-19 825.97G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a53w-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-09-19 814.81G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a54all-20231001 2023-10-01 2024-01-01 1.33G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a54c-20231001 internet_outage_adaptive_a54e-20231001 internet_outage_adaptive_a54g-20231001 internet_outage_adaptive_a54j-20231001 internet_outage_adaptive_a54n-20231001 internet_outage_adaptive_a54w-20231001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a54c-20231001 2023-10-01 2024-01-01 859.08G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a54e-20231001 2023-10-01 2024-01-01 811.23G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a54g-20231001 2023-10-01 2024-01-01 732.92G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a54j-20231001 2023-10-01 2024-01-01 862.23G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a54n-20231001 2023-10-01 2024-01-01 857.34G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a54w-20231001 2023-10-01 2024-01-01 857.16G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a55_supplement-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-01-01 14.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a55all-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 1.17G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a55c-20240101 internet_outage_adaptive_a55e-20240101 internet_outage_adaptive_a55g-20240101 internet_outage_adaptive_a55j-20240101 internet_outage_adaptive_a55n-20240101 internet_outage_adaptive_a55w-20240101 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a55c-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 793.80G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a55e-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 840.68G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a55g-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 891.48G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a55j-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 890.17G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a55n-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 883.21G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a55w-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 880.65G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a56_supplement-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 15.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a56all-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 1.37G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a56c-20240401 internet_outage_adaptive_a56e-20240401 internet_outage_adaptive_a56g-20240401 internet_outage_adaptive_a56j-20240401 internet_outage_adaptive_a56n-20240401 internet_outage_adaptive_a56w-20240401 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a56c-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 816.30G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a56e-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 887.76G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a56g-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 913.01G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a56j-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 910.32G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a56n-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 901.97G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a56w-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 899.68G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a57_supplement-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 15.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a57all-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 1.24G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a57c-20240701 internet_outage_adaptive_a57e-20240701 internet_outage_adaptive_a57g-20240701 internet_outage_adaptive_a57j-20240701 internet_outage_adaptive_a57n-20240701 internet_outage_adaptive_a57w-20240701 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a57c-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 932.82G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a57e-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 927.56G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a57g-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 900.76G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a57j-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 934.85G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a57n-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 929.65G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a57w-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 934.21G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a58_supplement-20241001 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 15.00M supplement data of IP mappings AS numbers, DNS names, Organization and linktypes for datasets README
internet_outage_adaptive_a58all-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 1.01G Combined reachability information for over 3.5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet_outage_adaptive_a58c-20241001 internet_outage_adaptive_a58e-20241001 internet_outage_adaptive_a58g-20241001 internet_outage_adaptive_a58j-20241001 internet_outage_adaptive_a58n-20241001 internet_outage_adaptive_a58w-20241001 README
internet_outage_adaptive_a58c-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 946.06G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a58e-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 937.82G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a58g-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 951.23G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a58j-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 947.36G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a58n-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 940.19G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_a58w-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 938.80G To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a49w-20220701 2022-07-01 2022-09-30 319.56G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a49w-20220701, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a50w-20221001 2022-10-01 2023-01-01 430.39G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a50w-20221001, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a51w-20230101 2023-01-01 2023-04-01 980.21G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a51w-20230101, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a52w-20230401 2023-04-01 2023-07-01 762.71G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a52w-20230401, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a52c-20230609 2023-06-09 2023-07-01 184.22G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a52c-20230609, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a53c-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-10-02 333.57G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a53c-20230701, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a53w-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-10-02 326.00G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a53w-20230701, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a54c-20231001 2023-10-02 2024-01-01 493.38G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a54c-20231001, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a54w-20231001 2023-10-02 2024-01-01 493.62G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a54w-20231001, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a55c-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 630.37G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a55c-20240101, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a55w-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 628.81G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a55w-20240101, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a56c-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 615.47G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a56c-20240401, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a56w-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 666.74G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a56w-20240401, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a57c-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 701.58G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a57c-20240701, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a57w-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 700.42G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a57w-20240701, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a58c-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 709.84G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a58c-20241001, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_additional_a58w-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 710.48G This dataset is similar to internet_outage_adaptive_a58w-20241001, the difference being the additional probes sent to highly responsive blocks to ensure that the whole block is pinged within 32 probing rounds or just under 6 hours time. To collect this data, all allocated and responsive Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The block status was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes, and more quickly when uncertain about block status. In all, approximately 3.5M /24 subnets were periodically probed. README
internet_outage_adaptive_standing_all-20130424 2013-04-24 2020-01-01 UNKN Applying to this standing dataset, will allow researchers to get the latest combined reachability (outage) datasets as they become available. This subscription will last for one year, since it's approved. This standing request applies only to merged (post-processed data) from several locations. If you're interested in raw data from a particular location, consider one of the datasets here: Category:LANDER:Datasets:AddressSpace:Adaptive_Probing . README
internet_outage_maintenance_a42all-20201001 2020-10-01 2021-01-01 2.60G Maintenance events for over 5M /24 subnets; this dataset is created by post-processing data from datasets internet outage adaptive a42all-20201001 ip_accumulation_as_a42-20201001 README
internet_outage_survey_it30w-20091223 2009-12-23 2010-01-06 3.00M To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, approximately 20k /24 subnets were periodically reprobed. Outages are analyzed and reported on the responses. README
internet_outage_survey_it42w-20110726 2011-07-26 2011-08-08 4.00M To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, approximately 20k /24 subnets were periodically reprobed. Outages are analyzed and reported on the responses. README
internet_outage_survey_it50j-20121027 2012-10-27 2012-11-10 17.00M To collect this data, a subset of Internet IP address blocks were pinged by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST (PING) packet. The response (if it ever came within 11 minutes time interval) was recorded in this data set. Probe was repeated every 11 minutes. In all, approximately 20k /24 subnets were periodically reprobed. Outages are analyzed and reported on the responses. README
ip_accumulation_a28all-20170403 2017-04-03 2017-07-03 84.10G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a30all-20171006 2017-10-06 2018-01-06 67.41G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a36all-20190401 2019-04-01 2019-07-01 1024.00K This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a37all-20190701 2019-07-01 2019-10-01 66.73G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a38all-20191001 2019-10-01 2020-01-01 68.83G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a39all-20200101 2020-01-01 2020-04-01 49.29G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a40all-20200401 2020-04-01 2020-07-01 49.12G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a41all-20200701 2020-07-01 2020-10-01 75.27G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a42all-20201001 2020-10-01 2021-01-01 65.08G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a43all-20210101 2021-01-01 2021-04-01 114.71G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a44all-20210401 2021-04-01 2021-07-01 50.38G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a45all-20210702 2021-07-02 2021-10-02 46.73G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a46all-20211001 2021-10-01 2022-01-01 45.64G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a47all-20220101 2022-01-01 2022-04-01 43.98G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a48all-20220401 2022-04-01 2022-07-01 43.79G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a49all-20220701 2022-07-01 2022-10-01 48.63G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a50all-20221001 2022-10-01 2023-01-01 45.81G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a51all-20230101 2023-01-01 2023-04-01 55.11G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a52all-20230401 2023-04-01 2023-07-01 52.99G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a53all-20230701 2023-07-01 2023-10-01 54.17G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a54all-20231001 2023-10-01 2024-01-01 68.99G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a55all-20240101 2024-01-01 2024-04-01 67.74G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a56all-20240401 2024-04-01 2024-07-01 72.53G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a57all-20240701 2024-07-01 2024-10-01 56.63G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_a58all-20241001 2024-10-01 2025-01-01 69.48G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_as_a42-20201001 2020-10-01 2020-12-31 225.00M This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
ip_accumulation_prefix_a42-20201001 2020-10-01 2020-12-31 1.55G This dataset is created by analyzing internet_outage_adaptive datasets [1] to cumulatively count the number of active IP address in all responsive /24 blocks (or other groupings). README
iperf_emulated_attacks-20090621 2009-06-21 2009-08-04 41.46G These traces were created by monitoring an emulated DoS attack from a single known source to single known target, mixed with ongoing traffic into a large enterprise. The attack was generated with Iperf sending UDP packets at a known rate. Data was collected in the middle of the network, close to the target, at the network connection for USC. README
lander_sample-20080903 2008-09-03 2008-09-03 65.87G This is a one hour packet header trace taken at USC by the LANDER project. User data and non-packet headers are removed and IP addresses are fully anonymized. The data is in ERF format. README
linkedin-and-facebook-job-ad-delivery-20210208 2021-02-08 2021-02-26 14.00M Ad delivery results from running job advertisements on Facebook and LinkedIn. README
long_flows_D1_2_days-20090605 2009-06-05 2009-06-07 7.29G This dataset contains IP flow records spanning two days in a modified Argus format. The durations of flows are ranging from seconds to hours and days. Different durations of flows are organized into different directories, and the flow duration increases exponentially. All IP addresses in this dataset are host-only anonymized. README
long_flows_D1_2_days-anonymized-20090605 2009-06-05 2009-06-07 7.30G This dataset contains IP flow records spanning two days in a modified Argus format. The durations of flows are ranging from seconds to hours and days. Different durations of flows are organized into different directories, and the flow duration increases exponentially. All IP addresses in this dataset are fully anonymized. README
long_flows_D8_2_weeks-20100221 2010-02-21 2010-03-08 121.96G This dataset contains IP flow records spanning two weeks in a modified Argus format. The durations of flows are ranging from seconds to hours and weeks. Different durations of flows are organized into different directories, and the flow duration increases exponentially. All IP addresses in this dataset are host-only anonymized. README
long_flows_D8_2_weeks-anonymized-20100221 2010-02-21 2010-03-08 122.11G This dataset contains IP flow records spanning two weeks in a modified Argus format. The durations of flows are ranging from seconds to hours and weeks. Different durations of flows are organized into different directories, and the flow duration increases exponentially. All IP addresses in this dataset are fully anonymized. README
orion_telescope-20200801 2020-08-01 2030-01-01 UNKN Darknet data offered by Merit's ORION Network Telescope. Byte size quoted as of 2022-02-14. For further details, please visit: README
p2p_detection-20050830 2005-08-30 2005-08-30 69.80G This dataset consists of passively collected traffic from the LANDER project. Contents are TCP SYNs, FINs and RSTs and was used in 2007 to evaluate new methods to find P2P README
p2p_detection-20061003 2006-10-03 2006-10-03 4.28G This dataset consists of passively collected traffic from the LANDER project. Contains TCP SYNs, FINs and RSTs and was used in 2007 to evaluate new methods to find P2P README
passive_active-20060919 2006-09-19 2006-10-07 160.81G This dataset consists of passively collected traffic from the LANDER project and active nmap probe data collected at the USC campus. README
rdns_ipv4-20140201 2014-02-01 2014-02-28 17.59G Reverse-DNS mapping information for all of the IPv4 address space. README
rdns_ipv4-20151023 2015-10-23 2015-10-28 12.11G Reverse-DNS mapping information for all of the IPv4 address space. README
rdns_ipv4-20160312 2016-03-12 2016-03-20 51.10G Reverse-DNS mapping information for all of the allocated IPv4 address space. README
survey_validation_tcpvsicmp-20071009 2007-10-09 2007-10-14 540.00M During this experiment 1 million of random allocated IP addresses were probed using a single ICMP ECHO_REQUEST and a single TCP SYN on port 80. The order of probing was ICMP, then TCP for the first half of probed addresses and then TCP followed by ICMP for the second half. A slightly modifed version of NMAP was used. Output of NMAP as well as tcpdump of all sent/received packets are included in this dataset. README
survey_validation_usc-20070813 2007-08-13 2007-08-23 251.45G These traces are collected at the Los Nettos ISP and show the vast majority of all traffic to and from USC. README
tcp-reset-study-20071107 2007-11-07 2007-11-08 115.00G trace collected at a provider link in order to study the prevalence of tcp resets in the Internet. README
usc_lander_tcp_syns-20081010 2008-10-10 2008-12-03 31.75G This dataset consists of passively collected traffic from the LANDER project. Contains TCP SYNs and was used in 2008 to study low-rate periodicities in network traffic. README

For information about how to request datasets, see our requests page at