This web page documents our datasets for anycast enumeration. Our
datasets are available upon request.
(See also our datasets about DNS,
DNS backscatter
DNS privacy.)
We have several anycast-related datasets.
Anycast Enumeration
The methods and analysis of the datasets can be found at the following papers:
Xun Fan, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan 2013. Evaluating Anycast in the Domain Name System. Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom (Turin, Italy, Apr. 2013), 1681–1689.
Xun Fan, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan 2012. Characterizing Anycast in the Domain Name System. Technical Report ISI-TR-2011-681. USC/Information Sciences Institute.
Xun Fan, John Heidemann and Ramesh Govindan 2011. Identifying and Characterizing Anycast in the Domain Name System. Technical Report ISI-TR-2011-671. USC/Information Sciences Institute.
We have a web page documenting our view of Root Anycast servers as of
May 2014.
The datasets we generated are:
Another dataset we used is generated by the ICSI
Netalyzr. Because we did not
generate this dataset, we cannot redistribute it, without permission
from ICSI.
- Anycast Enumeration from Netalyzr to Roots-20120401
For the detail formats of each dataset, please refer to the
corresponding README file at our dataset list page.
Evaluation of the 2016-11-30 Events on Root DNS Anycast
Datasets related to our analysis of the events of Nov. 30 on the Root DNS system
in the following papers:
(missing reference)
These are the datasets:
- Root_DNS_Event-20151130; this data is also available from Simple Web
- CHAOS-to-site Root mapping: This CHAOS mapping data will be provided around October 2016; please contact Lan Wei or John Heidemann for details.
This data is derived from RIPE Atlas, with incorrect Vantage Point data removed
and additional data added (for example, mapping CHAOS strings to service and airport code).
Anycast Latency
Datasets related to our analysis of anycast latency were presented in
the following papers, talks, and technical reports:
Ricardo de O. Schmidt, John Heidemann and Jan Harm Kuipers 2017. Anycast Latency: How Many Sites Are Enough? Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (Sydney, Australia, Mar. 2017), to appear.
John Heidemann, Ricardo de O. Schmidt and Jan Harm Kuipers 2016. Anycast Latency: How Many Sites are Enough? Presentation at DNS-OARC Meeting.
Ricardo de O. Schmidt, John Heidemann and Jan Harm Kuipers 2016. Anycast Latency: How Many Sites Are Enough? Technical Report ISI-TR-2016-708. USC/Information Sciences Institute.
These are the datasets:
Latency data is derived from RIPE Atlas.
CHAOS mapping data for this paper was generated by hand.
Anycast Stability
Datasets related to our analysis of anycast stability presented in
the following papers, talks, and technical reports:
Lan Wei and John Heidemann 2017. Does Anycast Hang up on You? IEEE.
Lan Wei and John Heidemann 2017. Does Anycast Hang up on You? (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-716. USC/Information Sciences Institute.
These are the datasets:
Stability data is derived from RIPE Atlas.
CHAOS mapping data for this paper was generated by hand.
Each record map a hostname.bind reply to a field named site.
The site represents one of the anycast site from a DNS root service.
Anycast Mapping
Datasets related to our analysis of anycast stability presented in
the following papers, talks, and technical reports:
Wouter B. de Vries, Ricardo de O. Schmidt, Wes Hardaker, John Heidemann, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer and Aiko Pras 2017. Verfploeter: Broad and Load-Aware Anycast Mapping. Technical Report ISI-TR-719. USC/Information Sciences Institute.
Datasets are listed in Tables 1 and 2 of the paper, and include:
- SBA-4-20, SBA-4-21, SBA-5-15: RIPE Atlas measurements of B-Root. , measurement
IDs 10310, 8310594, 8312460, 8312974, 8313009,
8313262, 2017.
- SBV-4-21, SBV-5-15: Verfploeter measurements of
B-Root. USC-LANDER dataset
B-Root Verfploeter-20170421 and
B-Root Verfploeter-20170515, , 2017.
- STA-2-01: RIPE Atlas measurements of
Tangled. Tangled Atlas-20170201 and RIPE Atlas
measurement IDs 7794356-7794364, 2017.
- STV-2-01, STV-3-23: Verfploeter measurements of
Tangled. dataset Tangled Verfploeter-20170201
and Tangled Verfploeter-20170323, , 2017.
- LB-4-12: DITL 2017 for B-Root. dataset
DITL B Root-20170407 at , 2017. also available
through .
- LB-5-15: DITL 2017 for B-Root. dataset
DITL B Root-20170407 at , 2017. also available
through .
- LN-4-12: this dataset is not available