
congratulations to Sandeep Muthu for his summer undergraduate research internship

Sandeep Muthu completed his summer undergraduate research internship at ISI this summer, working with John Heidemann and Yuri Pradkin on his project “Determining the Risks of Tunnels Over the Internet”.

In his project, Sandeep examined how unauthenticated tunneling protocols can be infiltrated, and how often they are used in the Internet. He demonstrated that tunnels can be exploited in the DETER testbed, and showed that there are many tunnels in general use based on analysis of anonymized IXP data.

Sandeep Muthu sharing his poster at the ISI undergraduate research poster session in July 2023.

Sandeep’s work was part of the ISI Research Experiences for Undergraduates program at USC/ISI. We thank Jelena Mirkovic (PI) for coordinating another year of this great program, and NSF for support through award #2051101. We also thank the University of Memphis (Christos Papadopoulos) and FIU