
Large Italian Internet Outage

Recent news reports (for example, Reuters) state that Telecom Italia had a major outage on Sunday, February 5, 2023.

We see evidence for this outage in our Internet outage detection system.

It looks like there were two relatively brief outages, one at 2023-02-05t10:49Z (11:49 local time in Italy) and a smaller one at 11:33Z (12:33 local time). Our monitoring rounds time to about 11 minutes, so the actual events may have been at slightly different times.

These outages were nation-wide, apparently affecting most of Italy. However, it looks like they “only” affected 20-30% of networks, and not all Italian ISPs. We’re happy they were able to recover so quickly.

An outage at Telecom Italia on 2022-02-05 at 10:49 UTC in our outage detection system.

This event shows the importance of global network monitoring.