
New Video About Address Utilization and Allocations on Map Browser

The ANT project released a video describing Internet address allocation and how we study address utilization with IPv4 censuses. Aniruddh Rao prepared this video, working with John Heidemann and Xue Cai.

a scene from the ANT video describing address allocation and census taking

We have also updated our web-based IPv4 address browser to provide information about to what organizations each address block is allocated. The map now visualizes the whois allocation data; we thank the five regional internet registries for sharing this data with us and authorizing this visualization.

organizations in our Internet map

Finally, our web-based IPv4 address browser now has better time travel, with nearly 30 different census from Dec. 2005 to Nov. 2010, and we continue to update the map regularly.

Data collection for this work is through the LANDER project, and the map browser improvements are due to AMITE, both supported by DHS. Video preparation was supported by these projects and NSF through the MADCAT project.