DNS, Identity, and Internet Naming for Experimentation and Research (DIINER)

Project Description

DNS, Identity, and Internet Naming for Experimentation and Research (DIINER) is a project designed to support new new research in Internet naming and trust. Our goal is to support research and ease transition from research to operational deployment, while preserving stability.

To meet this goal, we seek to unite researchers in Internet naming and identification around a new, shared research infrastructure providing:

  • Parallel DNS Resolution Evaluation to support safe testing of experiments within live, real-world deployed DNS,

  • A live instrumentation and measurement framework to share real-world DNS query and performance data with responsibility supported by technical and legal methods.

We hope to foster a collaborative research community with feedback between academia and real-world operations.

DIINER will leverage USC’s B-Root root DNS server and our background in privacy-aware sharing of network data.

We plan to release our tools as open source and support “research-infrastructure-as-service”


DIINER is supported by NSF/CISE as a CISE Community Research Infrastructure award award CNS-1925737, and it leverages B-Root with support from USC.

DIINER participates as part of the NSF CC* program and the CCRI-VO.


DIINER supports testbed access to live data streams and replay of prior events or synthetic traffic. Please see our testbed documentation and contact us for account access.

DIINER also distributes anonymized DNS datasets of B-Root traffic, including DITL (48-hour captures), a 2019 and 2021 week-long capture, and curated datasets of specific DDoS events.

Please contact us via e-mail to diiner-ops at ant.isi.edu or visit our DIINER web page.

DIINER Recommendations about DNS

As part of DIINER we are exploring DNS-over-TCP, DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS, and cloud-hosted DNS. We will report these results here as they come up.


  • Wes Hardaker, co-PI on this project, researcher (USC/ISI)
  • John Heidemann, PI on this project, project leader and professor (USC/ISI)
  • Yuri Pradkin, researcher (USC/ISI)
  • Robert Story, Computer Analyst (USC/ISI)


  • Aleksandra Korolova Basileal Imana and John Heidemann 2024. Auditing for Racial Discrimination in the Delivery of Education Ads. "Proceedings of the " # "acm-facct" (Jun. 2024), 2348–2361. [DOI] [PDF] [Dataset] Details
  • Aleksandra Korolova Basileal Imana and John Heidemann 2024. Auditing for Racial Discrimination in the Delivery of Education Ads. Technical Report 2406.00591v1. arXiv. [PDF] [Dataset] Details
  • ASM Rizvi, Tingshan Huang, Rasit Esrefoglu and John Heidemann 2024. Anycast Polarization in The Wild. Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop (Virtual Location, Mar. 2024). [PDF] [Dataset] Details
  • G. Moura, W. Hardaker, J. Heidemann and M. Davids 2022. Considerations for Large Authoritative DNS Server Operators. Technical Report 9199. Internet Request For Comments. [DOI] [PDF] Details
  • John Heidemann, Giovane C. M. Moura and Wes Hardaker 2021. Do You Really Like Me? Anycast Latency and Root DNS Popularity. Presentation at DINR, Workshop on DNS and Internet Naming Research Directions. [PDF] Details
  • Thomas Koch, Ke Li, Calvin Ardi, Ethan Katz-Bassett, Matt Calder and John Heidemann 2021. Anycast in Context: A Tale of Two Systems. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference (Virtual, Aug. 2021). [DOI] [PDF] Details
  • Basileal Imana, Aleksandra Korolova and John Heidemann 2021. Institutional Privacy Risks in Sharing DNS Data. Proceedings of the Applied Networking Research Workshop (Virtual, Jul. 2021). [DOI] [PDF] Details
  • Robert Story, Wes Hardaker, John Heidemann, Michael Elkins and Yuri Pradkin 2020. DNS, Identity, and Internet Naming for Experimentation and Research (DIINER). Presentation at RIPE 81. Details
  • Giovane C. M. Moura, John Heidemann, Wes Hardaker, Jeroen Bulten, Joao Ceron and Christian Hesselman 2020. Old but Gold: Prospecting TCP to Engineer DNS Anycast (extended). Technical Report ISI-TR-739b. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF] Details
  • Wes Hardaker 2020. DNS, Identity, and Internet Naming for Experimentation and Research (DIINER). Talk at DNS-OARC. Details
  • John Heidemann, Wes Hardaker, Jelena Mirkovic, ASM Rizvi and Robert Story 2019. DDoS Defense in Depth for DNS (DDIDD). Invited talk at the Trusted CI Webinar. [PDF] Details

For related publications, please see the ANT publications web page.


We have hosted DINR, the DNS and Internet Naming Research Directions workshop:


See also the see the ANT distribution web page.


We make all datasets available through our dataset page.

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