DNS Trace Replay Proxy


dns-replay-proxy manipulates packet addresses to emulate DNS hierarchy in LDplayer. Specifically, dns-replay-proxy reads packets from the given tunnel interface, rewrites the source and destination addresses, recomputes the check-sum and sends out the modified packets.


% dns-replay-proxy(1) % Liang Zhu liangzhu@isi.edu % October 5, 2018


dns-replay-proxy - a proxy to emulate DNS hierarchy


dns-replay-proxy [--auth_addr IP] [--rec_addr IP] [--num_threads NUMBER] [--proxy_type TYPE] [--tun_name NAME] [--dry_run]


dns-replay-proxy manipulates packet addresses to emulate DNS hierarchy in LDplayer. Specifically, dns-replay-proxy reads packets from the given tunnel interface, rewrites the source and destination addresses, recomputes the check-sum and sends out the modified packets.

dns-replay-proxy has two different modes, recursive (default) or authoritative, specified by --proxy_type. It should run at the same machine of either a recursive server (--proxy_type recursive) or a authoritative server (--proxy_type authoritative). The authoritative server should run with split-horizon DNS, selecting zone by matching query source IP addresses.

It is recommended to use multiple threads (--num_threads) for fast packet processing.

There are a few steps before running dns-replay-proxy.

(You might want to use scripts in LDplayer/dns-route-setup for the following setup.)

First, you need to create two network tunnel interfaces at the recursive and the authoritative servers respectively, for example:

sudo ip tuntap add dev $TUN mode tun
sudo ifconfig $TUN up

Second, you need to setup port-based routing. All DNS queries out of the recursive server and all responses out of the authoritative server must be routed to the network tunnel interfaces, for example:

at recursive server:
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p udp -s $SERVER_IP --dport 53 -j MARK --set-mark $MARK
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp -s $SERVER_IP --dport 53 -j MARK --set-mark $MARK

at authoritative server:
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p udp -s $SERVER_IP --sport 53 -j MARK --set-mark $MARK
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp -s $SERVER_IP --sport 53 -j MARK --set-mark $MARK

at both servers:
sudo ip route add default via dev $TUN table $TABLE
sudo ip rule add from $SERVER_IP fwmark $MARK table $TABLE

The message flow would look like the following:

                   +-----------+                     +---------------+
                   | Recursive |-------------------->| Authoritative |
                   |   Proxy   |  From: com_server   |     Server    |
                   +-----------+    To: Auth_server  +---------------+
                         ^                                   | all responses
        From: Rec_server |                                   | (sport: 53)
          To: com_server |                                   V
                   +-----------+                     +---------------+
                   | Recursive |                     | Authoritative |
                   |    TUN    |                     |      TUN      |
                   +-----------+                     +---------------+
                         ^                                   | From: Auth_server 
             all queries |                                   |   To: com_server
              (dport:53) |                                   V
+---------+        +-----------+  From: com_server   +---------------+
|  Stub   |------> | Recursive |    To: Rec_server   | Authoritative |
|(clients)|<------ |  Server   |<--------------------|     Proxy     |
+---------+        +-----------+                     +---------------+


--auth_addr IP
IP address of the authoritative server, IPv4 only
--rec_addr IP
IP address of the recursive server, IPv4 only
--tun_name NAME
name of the TUN interface; default is dnstun
--num_threads NUMBER
number of threads, default is 1
--proxy_type TYPE
type of the proxy, recursive (default) or authoritative
output debug message without running the proxy, default is false


For example, with network tunnel name dnstun, recursive server address, authoritative server address

at recursive server:

sudo ./dns-replay-proxy --proxy_type=recursive --tun_name=dnstun --auth_addr= --rec_addr= --num_threads=3

at authoritative server:

sudo ./dns-replay-proxy --proxy_type=authoritative --tun_name=dnstun --auth_addr= --rec_addr= --num_threads=3


To build, type make.

It requires the following packages on Fedora: glog-devel gflags-devel


dns-replay-controller(1), dns-replay-client(1), dns-query-mutator(1)


  • 1.0, 2018-10-05: Beta release