DNS Query Mutator


Change DNS queries in a network trace file and generate binary input for dns-replay-{controller,client}.


% dns-query-mutator(1) % Liang Zhu liangzhu@isi.edu % October 5, 2018


dns-query-mutator - change DNS queries in a network trace file


dns-query-mutator [-i FORMAT:FILE] [-o FORMAT:FILE] [--dns-opcode PERCENT:NUMBER]… [-l] [-h] [-v] [-V]


dns-query-mutator converts DNS query stream for trace replay with optional mutation.

It deals with three different types of input format:

  • network trace: any format accepted by libtrace, such as pcap and erf file

  • plain text: a Fsdb file where each line contains data elements delimited by spaces. Each line of the input text file should be (time, source ip, query name, query class, query type, protocol).

  • customized raw binary: a DNS message with prepeded message size. The DNS message is defined in dns_msg.proto, and is converted to binary by Google’s protocol buffer library.

dns-query-mutator supports two kinds of conversion:

  • encoding: convert trace or text to raw
  • decoding: convert raw to text

For trace input, it supports to modify some fields in DNS header and EDNS:

  • opcode
  • DNS flags (AA, TC, RD, RA, Z, AD, CD)
  • edns: DO, udp_size, extended_rcode, version, Z


-i/--input FORMAT:FILE
input file, format and file separated by colon like FORMAT:FILE. Accepted format: trace (network trace), text (plain text Fsdb), raw (customized binary), such as trace:test.pcap, text:test.fsdb, raw:test.raw. use - as FILE to read from stdin or output to stdout.
-o/--output FORMAT:FILE
output file, format and file separated by colon like FORMAT:FILE. Accepted format: text, raw. Use input type trace or text with output type raw for encoding. Use input type raw with output type text for decoding. All the other combinations will be ignored.
--dns-opcode PERCENT:NUMBER
set OPCODE to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
set AA bit to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
set TC bit to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
set RD bit to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
set RA bit to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
set Z bit to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
set AD bit to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
set CD bit to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
set DO bit of EDNS to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries. Unsetting DO bit will delete EDNS part from the original packet
--edns-udp-size PERCENT:NUMBER
set EDNS size to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
--edns-extended-rcode PERCENT:NUMBER
set EDNS Rcode to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
--edns-version PERCENT:NUMBER
set EDNS Version to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
set EDNS Z bit to NUMBER in PERCENT% of the queries
load all the input data into memory and loop input stream to get infinite output
print this message
verbose log; default is none
show the program version


  1. convert pcap to raw

     ./dns-query-mutator -i trace:t.pcap -o raw:t.raw
  2. convert text to raw

     ./dns-query-mutator -i text:t.text -o raw:t.raw
  3. convert raw to text

     ./dns-query-mutator -i raw:t.raw -o text:t.text
  4. read and write via pipe

     cat t.pcap | ./dns-query-mutator -i trace:- -o raw:- | xz > t.raw.xz
     cat t.fsdb | dbcol time srcip qname qclass qtype protocol | dbfilestripcomments | ./dns-query-mutator -i text:- -o raw:- | xz > t.raw.xz
  5. set DO bit in 50% of the input queries

     ./dns-query-mutator -i trace:t.pcap --edns-do 50:1 -o raw:- | xz > t.raw.xz
  6. serve as a traffic generator

     ./dns-query-mutator -l -i trace:t.pcap -o raw:- | ./dns-replay-client -s -f -i raw:-


To build, type make.

It requires the following packages on Fedora: ldns-devel libtrace-devel protobuf-devel


dns-replay-controller(1), dns-replay-client(1), Fsdb(3)


  • 1.0, 2018-10-05: Beta release