Towards Characterizing International Routing Detours

Shah, Anant and Fontugne, Romain and Papadopoulos, Christos


Anant Shah, Romain Fontugne and Christos Papadopoulos 2016. Towards Characterizing International Routing Detours. Proceedings of the 12th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) (Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 2016), to appear.


  author = {Shah, Anant and Fontugne, Romain and Papadopoulos, Christos},
  title = {Towards Characterizing International Routing Detours},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC)},
  year = {2016},
  month = nov,
  sortdate = {2016-11-30},
  project = {ant, lacrend, retrofuture},
  pages = {to appear},
  address = {Bangkok, Thailand},
  publisher = {ACM},
  jlocation = {johnh: pafile},
  keywords = {routing detours, bgp, bgpmon}