Dainotti, Alberto and Heidemann, John and King, Alistair and Padmanabhan, Ramakrishna and Pradkin, Yuri
USC/Information Sciences Institute
Alberto Dainotti, John Heidemann, Alistair King, Ramakrishna Padmanabhan and Yuri Pradkin 2018. Common Outage Data Format, version 1.0. Technical Report ISI-TR-729. USC/Information Sciences Institute. [PDF]
This document defines a data format for exchanging information about Internet outages. It specifies the semantics data about network outages, and two syntaxes that can be used to represent this information. This format is designed to support reports from Internet outage detection systems such as Trinocular, Thunderping, and IODA.
@techreport{Dainotti18a, author = {Dainotti, Alberto and Heidemann, John and King, Alistair and Padmanabhan, Ramakrishna and Pradkin, Yuri}, title = {Common Outage Data Format, version 1.0}, institution = {USC/Information Sciences Institute}, year = {2018}, sortdate = {2018-10-29}, project = {ant, divoice}, jsubject = {routing}, number = {ISI-TR-729}, month = oct, jlocation = {johnh: pafile}, keywords = {internet outage, NIDE, file format}, url = {https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Dainotti18a.html}, pdfurl = {https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Dainotti18a.pdf}, myorganization = {USC/Information Sciences Institute}, copyrightholder = {authors} }