Using CUPS to enable AirPrint on a non-AirPrint printer connected to an AirPort


To enable AirPrint on a printer already connected to an AirPort Express, install and setup cups (to serve the printer) and avahi (to theoretically discover the printer and advertise the printer as AirPrint-capable).

In CUPS, add a printer using “AppSocket/HP JetDirect” with the address socket://[name-or-IP-of-your-airport-express]:9100.


The AirPort Express (MC414LL/A, A1392) has a USB port that can be used to share a printer on the network.

The AirPort will take care of providing and advertising the printer on the network (via Bonjour), but the network printer won’t support AirPrint.


In the ideal setup, avahi-daemon will detect the printer’s Bonjour broadcasts, and you can use cups to seamlessly add the printer for sharing: cups on Debian already supports AirPrint (thanks to their hard work!).

To detect the printer, we can use lpinfo:

$ sudo /usr/sbin/lpinfo --include-schemes dnssd -v

network dnssd://[printer-name]._pdl-datastream._tcp.local/

In CUPS, you will be able to add the printer as usual, with this address (dnssd://...), along with drivers and so on, but you won’t be able to print anything to it.

The advertised printer address is self-assigned (, which might be why CUPS can’t send jobs to the printer?

$ avahi-browse _pdl-datastream._tcp -t --resolve --no-db-lookup

= eth0 IPv4 [printer-name] _pdl-datastream._tcp local
hostname = [AirPort-Express.local]
address = []
port = [9100]
txt = [...]

A reboot of the AirPort will provide the correct address temporarily, but the advertised service eventually reverts to a self-assigned address.


The fix, which I found documented here, is to add the IP address or name of the AirPort in CUPS:

  1. browse to https://[name-or-IP-of-CUPS-server]:631
  2. Administration -> Add Printer
  3. Other Network Printers -> AppSocket/HP JetDirect
  4. Connection: socket://[name-or-IP-of-your-airport-express]:9100
  5. finish installation as usual

On an iOS device, try printing something via AirPrint. The printer should automatically show up.