DSci599 SP2025 Student Info

This form will complete the registration for John Heidemann's section of DSci599 in SP2025. After completing this form you will be given the key needed to register at the class moodle site to browse class materials.

Required information:
Preferred pronouns:
Student id:
Preferred e-mail address:
USC e-mail address (or "none"):
Remote location (DEN students only, else leave blank):
Your Department:

Admitted degree (current):
Desired degree (maybe different):
Year towards degree:
What timezone are you residing in (this semester):

One additional piece of required information is below just before the ``submit'' button.

Optional information:
Home phone: Work phone:
Expected degree completion date:
Research interests:
Current advisor:
What experience do you have with computer networks, what are your reasons for wanting to take this class, and what would you like to see covered?

Statement about Academic Integrity:

USC has a code of academic honesty. Parts of this policy are summarized below. Violations of this code include the following:

  1. Giving or receiving information during an exam from other students.
  2. Unauthorized or malicious use of computing facilities,
  3. Deception or misrepresentation in a student's dealing with the instructors, teaching assistant, or grader.
  4. Inappropriate collaboration on or copying of homework assignments. Students are encouraged to discuss the readings with one another, even when the discussion relates to assignments. As long as the purpose of the discussion is to help the students' understanding of the material, and not to reduce or share the work, such discussion is not deemed inappropriate.
  5. Plagiarism is the submission of material authored by another person but represented as the students own work. It does not matter whether the original author gave permission. Plagiarism includes both verbatim copying and paraphrasing. When material or ideas are taken verbatim, paraphrased, or otherwise included in your writing, citations must be given. The form of the citation must clearly indicate the extent of the material that was taken from other works. For example, the material should appear in quotes or be indented to make it stand out from the original material in the submitted paper or report.
  6. Any violation of academic integrity standards described in the student conduct code as printed in SCampus. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards, which may be found in SCampus.

The instructors, teaching assistant, and grader will make every attempt to detect cases of academic dishonesty. We plan to run all programs submitted through the UC Berkeley automated checker to identify duplicated code.

When in doubt, it is the student's responsibility to find out if a certain action constitutes academic dishonesty. Additional information on academic integrity policies may be found in SCampus. Verified instances of academic dishonesty will result in a letter in the student's departmental file and referral to the Dean's office for disciplinary action. Students found guilty of academic dishonesty will be assigned a grade of ``F'' in the course. Your instructors do not believe that being forced to drop the course or being assigned zero credit for a particular assignment is adequate punishment for academic dishonesty.

I have read USC's academic integrity policy and understand what is expected of me: