Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systems Perspective
John Heidemann and Wei Ye
USC/Information Sciences Institute
John Heidemann and Wei Ye. Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systems Perspective. Artech House, Inc. 75–86.
This chapter surveys network-level approaches to conserve energy in sensor networks. We consider protocols for transmission power control, media access control, topology control, and energy-aware routing, surveying relevant literature and describing approaches that have been considered.Bibtex Citation
@inbook{Heidemann05a, author = {Heidemann, John and Ye, Wei}, chapter = {Energy Conservation in Sensor Networks at the Link and Network Layers}, title = {Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systems Perspective}, publisher = {Artech House, Inc.}, year = {2005}, sortdate = {2005-01-01}, project = {ilense, macss, surese}, jsubject = {sensornet_subnetwork}, pages = {75--86}, note = {Chapter 6, Nirupama Bulusu and Sanjay Jha, editors}, jlocation = {johnh: pafile}, keywords = {sensor network overview, energy conservation overview}, url = {https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Heidemann05a.html}, myorganization = {USC/Information Sciences Institute}, copyrightholder = {Artech House, Inc.}, availability = { This paper is available only as a chapter in the book \emph{Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systems Perspective}, Nirupama Bulusu and Sanjay Jha editors. A similar but different version is available electronically. } }